[Bonus chapter]Chapter 18: We are not allies

Chapter 18: We are not allies

Conrad didn't wince even when the nurse was treating him. His mind was occupied with something else altogether. How could he have missed Connie's pain? When did he stop paying attention? they were all each other had left, they were like two peas in a pod and he knew her like he knew the back of his hand and somehow, his sister stopped feeling any kind of emotion and he completely missed it.

He needed to put her back together since no one else will. Their father buried himself in the pack's business and family companies ever since Luna died. Barely has time for his children except the occasional young warriors training he supervised every other Friday and the Sunday dinner at the pack house but even then they were never alone. His beta or some other pack member was always present. It was like Alpha Zero couldn't bear to be alone with his children. Like being alone with them was some tedious work he couldn't bring himself to do.

Conrad's wandering mind was called back by the nurse's voice.

"Keep it dry and next time, I suggest you duck, Alpha Son" the beta blood nurse told him.

"I will keep that in mind. Thanks"

Conrad was in a hurry to leave and find his sister. And his mind was so lost in his head that he almost bumped into Defiance on the hallway.

She looked shaken and her face appeared sullen like she had been crying for quite some time now and for some reason, he didn't understand, he hated it but Conrad knew he had to set his priorities straight. Diddy Franklin effective immediately had to cease to be important to him.

There will be no more choosing mere omega over his own blood. He wasn't going to let it happen again.

Defiance saw his chest before he quickly started buttoning his shirt. She saw the extent of his injury and the fact that his white shirt was ruined too. Before she could say anything, Conrad walked to a locker in the hallway.

Conrad opened his locker and pulled out the school football jacket and wore it.

Defiance hated that he got hurt trying to defend her, and she was beginning to understand that she might have misjudged the Alpha's son.

Maybe he wasn't a dishonorable arrogant tyrant who overestimated his importance after all. Maybe he was something more and he was worthy to talk to her again.

Defiance moved closer to him to ask of his injury and to inform him that he could talk to her again but before she could form the word, Conrad spoke first.

"I don't know whether you know this but you are of Omega blood and my sister is a pure blood Alpha. If you have any plans of surviving the school year may I suggest you know your rank and stick to the status quo?"

Defiance was expecting a lot of things from him but chastising her wasn't one of them. Maybe he didn't change after all.

"Your ill-mannered sister attacked me and somehow, it was of my own doing?" Defiance asked him.

Conrad wanted to be anywhere else including in the pack's fighting cage than have this conversation he was having with Madeline Franklin.

Was she always this dog headed or was it the side effect of Coma?

He grabbed her and he exerted pressure just a little bit, not enough to draw blood but enough to leave a warning mark.

"I am going to say this once and I suggest you listen very carefully. Stay away from my family. Connie's been through hell, stay away from her, Madeline"

Defiance tilted her head to the left. She's about had enough of the first family that it was high time she said something back.

"Conrad, I am going to say this but once. If you have any future plans to use your fingers, May I suggest you take them away from my body?"

Conrad's eyes wandered to the part of her body he was holding before he took his hand away.

"Stay away because next time, I won't stop Connie"

He started walking away when he heard her talk to him.

"I do not want anything to do with you or your sister, Conrad but against my wish, you placed me in your debt when you saved my life. And where I am from, custom demands I repay the favor and I will, one day but make no mistake, we are not allies"

Conrad turned around to look at her but he didn't stop walking. He didn't immediately say something either. it was like he was going through the words Defiance said over in his head. He blinked before he spoke.

"No, you are right . We are not allies Diddy Franklin"