Chapter 19: The dead can't talk

Chapter 19: The dead can't talk

Defiance watched the boy she fancies walk away and slowly every little bit of likeness she had for him started to disappear yet some part of her understood Conrad's need to protect family, afterall the house of Aradale wrote the book called family first. Whether by marriage or by blood, her father King-Emperor Alexander and his siblings, Sir Luther Judd and Rosemund always placed family above every other thing.

It was why her uncle Judd was in this century with her leaving behind his children and wife and the same reason commander Semeen was there for her too.

As she walked out of the hallway dreading about going back to class or going back to her tiny home in this century, Defiance was so lost in thoughts that she didn't see Judd and Semeen at first.

"Diddy, are you alright?" 

Judd's voice startled her but she recovered quickly. But something about seeing her favorite uncle took away the lid she had on her emotions.

Suddenly, her eyes were beginning to tear up and her body sort comfort from the only family around to give it.

"Uncle Judd" she went to him just like she had severally in the past especially in the absence of her father who adored pretty much the ground she walked on.

"I am here, princess. Are you hurt?" Judd asked her as she buried her face in his chest.

Semeen watched them. She needed to put a stop to the public display of affection but it was an affliction that plaques the imperial royal family. Always with the hugs and kisses and willingness to die for each other, it was the very stupid principle that caused her the life of her husband, Elliott. He was the Queen-Empress older brother and Defiance's maternal uncle, he had been loyal and loving just like their stupid pact dictated and he had pay with his life.

"Well, that's enough for both of you. Judd, let her go" Semeen told him.

"I will do no such thing, commander! Do you think if my daughter Eireth is in fits and in need of comforting that my brother the King-Emperor would do nothing short of hold her till she stops shaking?" Judd asked her.

"I have no doubt what the Alpha would do for his family but right now she's not the Princess and you are not her uncle. It's going to be hard to explain to anyone why the Alpha's Beta is hugging an omega, Luther!"

The last part made Defiance pull away to look at Semeen.

"Why would you put me in this body, Aunt Semeen? You didn't see someone with an Alpha blood and a royal wolf for me to inhabit? Instead I got stuck in this miserable weakling who let the likes of Connie Blackwood-Masters defeat her so easily!"

Semeen blinked and tried to keep her anger at bay. The child was once again throwing tantrums like a spoilt little girl in need of her dolls. One would expect more from the most powerful hybrid on the planet and Semeen has had quite enough of her tantrums too.

"I am so sorry that while you think it wise to do something as stupid as suppressing your powers and have everyone scrambling around trying to keep you alive, I should have also made sure you are strong and vain. When are you to realize that you are not the sun, Diddy and the world doesn't revolve around you?!"

Judd turned sharply to face Semeen.

"You should watch what you say next, Commander. You are family but you are also a subject!" 

Diddy was quiet after hearing Semeen talk. She knew exactly why she resented her.

"If you knew you were going to be miserable here, Aunt Semeen, then why volunteer for this mission?" Defiance pointed to the ground as she talked.

Semeen took a step back. Her lips trembled just a little bit. 

"Well, I came because Elliott would have wanted me to" Semeen murmured. Mentioning her dead husband has always been difficult.

Defiance looked at her. Flashes of blood on her hands and her dead uncle on her feet filled her mind.

"I guess you can't be sure what uncle Elliott would have wanted, given the fact that I killed him and all" 

Defiance blinked away tears and turned to leave.

"Diddy, where are you going?" Judd called after her.

"I have class, Uncle"

Judd waited for his niece to leave before he turned to Semeen to look at her.

When did the greatest werewolf commander the empire has ever seen decided it was alright to pick on a child?

"So, that is what this is all about? you blame our niece for your husband's death, yes?" Judd waited patiently for the answer.

"Maybe...or maybe, I am too busy blaming myself, Sir Judd"

Semeen entered the car and drove away leaving Luther Judd to find his way home.