Chapter 120: sleeping beauty 

Chapter 120: sleeping beauty 

16th century 

"Ursla, what is your answer?"

"I will let you choose, Princess Jamie. Do I live or do I die today?"

"Well, you get to fight me today. Pick up the sword"

"No sword. I will take the fighting stick, milady"

Jamie flipped the stick and it landed in her hand. She dropped the sword she was holding and picked up a fighting stick too.

"Let's fight!"

Jamie ran towards her with the fighting stick but she deflected her attack easily and less than a brink of an eye, Jamie was on her back with Ursla's rod pressing against her throat. Her slave girl just defeated her in the shortest time possible.

Ursla offered her hand and Jamie took it and she was pulled up.

"A deal is a deal. You are a free girl, Ursla"

Ursla's eyes dimmed just a little bit. Her head tilted slightly to the right, she examined Jamie's countenance.