Chapter 121: Julian's pant

Chapter 121: Julian's pant

Yesterday, Julian had gone to the forest to think.

 There was something about the sound of singing birds that always soothes Julian. Whether it was the sound or the fact that such tiny creatures can produce such beautiful sounds….whatever it was, he stood in the middle of the woods listening to the sound of their song.

He leaned back and exhaled. He looked around him and just as expected, the tall trees prevented sunlight from hitting his body directly.

A frown appeared on his face when he remembered the look on his father's face as his mother told him everything.

He wondered why everyone was treating him like he was somehow responsible for Mona's action, the girl wasn't a child for crying out loud and she chose to take alcohol and be wayward.

 She got herself into trouble. How was it any of his fault for crying out loud?!