Chapter 122: Julian's Cross

Chapter 122: Julian's Cross

"The day I believe I fell in love with you it was snowing. I was five years old and my Nana had just died the day before. And so, instead of staying home, I came to school with her necklace…her beautiful treasure and I lost it. I was sitting on a wooden seat just outside the school…crying so hard because I didn't just lose my Nana, I lost her necklace too. I thought for certain that all hope was lost when this boy with the brightest smile I had ever seen came up to me" tears flowed down Mindy's face while Julian stared at her.

"I remember thinking he was the most beautiful being I have ever seen, back then we were still segregated, so it was the first time I saw you" Mindy showed him the necklace on her neck.

"You found the necklace" Julian murmured.

"No. You did. You searched until you found it and you returned it to me. I swear to God, it was love at first sight" Mindy wiped her face.