Potential Threat?


Hey! have you contacted them yet or what?

We are trying Captain but there seems to be some disturbance, Is it because of them (a very frustrated Captain) it is a possibility captain!

May be they are jamming the signals so that we can't contact our HQ and ask for help!

So they are a threat!!! (The Captain jumps out of his chair, it's very hard to tell if he was frightened or angry) Calm down Haruto anger is not the solution right now (the Vice Captain approached the Captain 'Haruto')

What are you talking about 'Richard' (the Vice Captain) we don't know what their intentions are! We have been cut off from the "ESTD" and you are asking me to calm the hell down!!!

(Haruto was a 57 year old Japanese American man, he had a wife and two daughters who lived in America,New Orleans. Haruto was a cranky guy who used to loose his temper over small stuff and unnecessarily yell at his crew, which was the sole reason for him getting transferred so many times)

It's true that we don't know what might their intentions be! But we should not panic in a situation this dire! We have to do whatever it take to contact the "ESTD" but first!! We have to try and get away from that thing, as far as possible!!!

(Richard had a calm composure while saying all these things, so that the crew does not losse their moral)

(Richard was a 43 year old British man who used to have a wife, who died in a car accident a few years prior. He also had a Son who was 9 at that time. Richard was a level headed person in every one's eye but their was more to his personality than he showed, no matter the situation! He used to act calm and cool headed and never panicked, or atleast not in front of others, he was a perfect role model for his crew)

Shuttt uppp!!! (yelled Haruto) Who do you think you are?!? This is my ship! My crew! I am the one incharge here!! You don't tell me what to do!!! (Haruto had completely lost it)

(Richard walked up to Haruto and whispered in his ears) Captain I know that you are scared of aliens but stop acting like a f**king lunatic or I am gonna eject you out in the cold open space!! (Richard had a terrifying look which Haruto had never seen before)

Wh_Wha_What is wrong with you Richard?!? (Haruto in a squeaky voice) Ohh! Nothing Haruto! It's just that from the day you transfered here you have been on my nerves! This situation can prove to be a perfect cover up if some how you get ijected into space!

And Do you know What!?! Even if I throw you out of this ship in front of everybody, no one will complain! Because no one here likes you Captain!! We all hate your fre*king guts!!! Don't you think so too Haruto!?!(Richard speaking in Haruto's ear)

Wha_No_I mean_No_It can't be_Wha_No...

(Richard in a loud voice) I think the Captain is exhausted! He needs rest, You should go and rest for a while in you chamber Captain, I'll take care of the situation here!!!

Yeah you are right Richard I think I am gonna sleep in my chamber! (Haruto quickly walked up to his chamber and locked himself up)


What's wrong Nisha!?! Why aren't we able to establish contact with the Destiny Voyager M7?

I don't know ma'am but there seems to be something disrupting our "Communication Lasers" (CMs)

(Lasers are a far better alternative to radio waves, and all the Space Vehicles had Laser communication system on-board)

Well keep trying all of you! We can't afford an accident in that vast empty space!!

Ma'ammmm!!! (an employee yelled)

What is it?

I think I have received some message from the Destiny Voyager M7!

(Jannet ran towards the guy and looked straight into the computer screen)

What the hell is this?!? (Jannet is really confused by the message)

(Jannet was a Nigerian women, she was 6 feet and 1 inches tall (1.85m) which was the average height for a women in today's day n age. Jannet was a pretty women, and was in her mind 30s but she had no boyfriend because she was always busy working as the supervisor of "Team E" of the Communication's Department)

They are real, Warn everyone, Aliens are real!!! (The computer screen)

Are they high or something? What do they mean by Aliens??

I think they might have come across some weird stuff floting in space and panicked, thinking it as an Alien. Check who send this message, was it the command deck or some random traveler!

I can't find the exact the origin of this message ma'am but I am a 100% sure it's from the Destiny Voyager M7.

Nishaa!! Come here n take a look!! (Jannet yelled across the room)

(Nisha chuckles) This must be a prank! I mean Aliens!! Like come on!!!

What?!? You don't believe in Aliens, Nisha?

No it's not that! It's like!! How can a Destiny Voyager come across Aliens before the Explorers or our Extraterrestrial Department! It does not add up.

Hmm!! I was thinking the same thing!! (Jannet in her mind- "Even if it sounds impossible! There's still is a possibility that it might be true!")

Everyone listen up!!! Re-establish communications with the Destiny Voyager M7 and get a detailed report about their current situation, even if it a prank we can't take it lightly, Understand!!! (Jannet yells)

Understood ma'am!!! (everyone paused whatever they where doing at that time and focused all of their attention on Re-establishing contact with the Voyager)


Rahul wake up! Rahull wake up!! Rahulll wake the hell up man!!!

Wha_Wha_ What's wrong are we under attack!! (Rahul's still half asleep)

Yes captain the Gintorian Empire's naval fleet is attacking us!! We need you Captain!! Only you can save us now!!

(After hearing all this Rahul had a grin so wide that he almost looked like a generic villan)

Don't worry my child! Your Captain will save you!!

(A mysterious right hook connected to Rahul face)

(5 minutes later)

Ahhh!!! Whatt!!! Why does the left side of my face hurts so much!!!

You awake now, Ooo our mighty Captain?!?

Sam?!? No no Captain! My name is not Sam, my name is Son!!! (An annoyed Sam spoke)

What are you talking about Captain?!?

Nothing! You just got your ass handed to you by the Gintorian Empire!

Ohh yeah I was in a battle and as I was about to get ready for battle, but I blacked out somehow!!

How many times do I have to tell you Rahul?!? No drinking while we are still on mission!

Ohh yeah! I think I remember something about an alcohol chugging contest!!

What type of a Vice-captain are you huh?!? Participating in an alcohol chugging contest with your crew!! (A very annoyed Sam)

A cool one I guess! (Rahul with a smirk)

Ugghh!!! I can't deal with you!!! (Sam has lost all hope)

By the way where are we? We will touch ground in 30 minutes!


(200 years in the future the technology of colonizing other planets have improved exponentially, all the colonies have an external Dom like structure which helps maintaining a survivable atmosphere with an artificial gravity, and it also keeps the harshness of the planet out of people's reach)

"Tetris was a beautiful colony, it was 80,000 sq km/30,888 sq miles in area. The height of it's Dom was at 50km or 31 miles, upto Titan's stratosphere. 'Tetris' has a very pretty night sky due to its thin atmosphere, it had lakes, rivers, mountains, farms, business sectors, residential sectors, schools, colleges, and it's night life was something that could exaust even the greatest party animals, etc..."

Rahul's Cargo Ship landed on Hanger bay 8 and was unloading and reloading cargo as usual. (200 years in the future all the heavy lifting jobs are done by robots, but they are not an integrated part of the society)

Vice-captain!! (cries a crew men)

Yes Niraj?!?

Where should we spent this week? (The loading and unloading of Cargo almost takes about a week's time to finish)

I don't know!! The last time I came here I lost quiet a bit of money on the Casinos!

So clubbing this time Vice-captain?

Clubbing it is!!

You go and gather everyone who's interested in club hoping with us and I'll go and reel Sam in!

Sam hey Samm!!

No I am not going anywhere! Why? Are you not feeling well or something?!?

No! It's just that I am not going anywhere with you!!

Whattt!!! But why???

Are you fu*king kidding me Rahul!!! (An annoyed Sam yelled) The last time we where here you took me to the Casinos with you, and not only did you blew your salary on those rigged games but mine too!!! That's why this time I'll be spending my time in a nice spa or somewhere else.

Like hell you would!!!

Phwwwhht.....(Rahul whistled)

4 crew men heared the whistle and grabbed Sam (Levitating him off the ground)

Now let us go and conquer Teris!!! (Rahul is full of energy and all set to spend a wonderful time in Tetris)

Noooo...Put me down or I'll fire you all.....(Sam is out of energy and is all set to have a nightmarish experience in Tetris, all because of Rahul)