Unforseen Incidents


"Run! Run you damn idiot!! Run!!!" (The man in a panting voice) "Shut the fu*k up! I am running as fast as I can!"

Two men were running around the back alley's of Nira district. (The surface area of Tetris was so huge that it was divided into several districts which had their own domes, having several different domes made the construction easier, cheaper and more stable)

"Ahhh!! I think we lost them!! Thank god! If they had followed us any longer I would have died from running!!!"

(The first man's name was Robert, he was around 6 feet/1.82 meters tall, he had a black beard, his eyes where black, he had an average build and was wearing tacky black clothing, he also had a small briefcase on him. The second man's name was Danny and he was 5 foot 5 inches/1.65 meters tall, he had a brown french beared, he was stouter compared to the 1st guy, and wore a beret on his head)

"I hate this fu*king job" (Robert complaint) "On one side there's our boss who says that if we fail this time, he would skin us alive! And then there's the other gang trying to kill us!!"

"Don't forget the police! The rival gangs are a bigger threat than the police Danny!"

"Let us not waist any more time and get going, before they catch up to us again!!"

"Right!! Let us get out of 'Nira' and go to 'Kira District' as soon as possible!!"


"Cheer up Sam, you'll get wrinkles if you frown that much!! And whose fault will that be! Huhhh?!?"

"Is concerning about your friend a bad thing, Huhh!?! Sam!! You'll die of boredom if I leave you! Hahahaha!!!" (Rahul and others were in a good mood as always, but Sam wanted nothing to do with them)

"Why do we have to visit the Kira district off all places" (Sam exhaled) "There are so many beautiful places in Tetris but you guys have to come to one of the shadiest district's of them all!!! It's not shady!!"

"Sam! It's just a bit different than the rest of Tetris, and that makes it unique!!" (It's was not Rahul who was speaking, it was his inner gambler)

"Ohhh yeah!?! It's unique because of it is one of the 4 lawless district's of Tetris?!? It's unique because it is also known as the Casino of Tetris?!? It is unique because....."

"Ok ok Sam take it easy! I know this place is not very civil, but look around... Don't you see it's beauty, it's charm!! Doesn't it attracts you like a moth to fire!!! This district never ever sleeps, once you set foot in here you can't escape from its clutches! It is beautiful through out the day but visit it in the evening and you will be mesmerized by its beauty!! This is not just a district, this is the land of dreams and fortune!!! Miss fortune that is!!" (Sam murmured)

"Come! My brethren's!! Let us test our luck one more time! Do not listen to the foolish who stop you, come join me and we shall be rich!!!" (Rahul was standing on a dumpster and giving a speech as if he was standing on a podium, his eyes were sparking with passion)

"Hell yeah!!!"


"Well said Sir!!!"

"Absolutely fantastic!!!"

*You are an inspiration Sir!!!" (All the other crew members cried out loud with tears in their eyes, while Sam was so baffled that he just stood their and watched in disbelief the hopeless of his crew members)

"Finally!! We arrived at Kira without getting caught!! Yeah thank God! Let's hurry up now, the boss is waiting. By the way Robert what do you think is in the package" (Danny asked) "Who knows, but whatever it is! It's really valuable that's why the police and other gangs are after us."

"I really hate this job (Robert exclaimed) This is gonna be my last mission!! What do you mean by that Robert? Stop saying scary stuff like that! If the gang members hear you, you are dead!! I can't continue living like this, I miss my daughter and my wife Mariana!! Ohh yah, how old is Nina gonna be this year?!? Robert? She's gonna turn 7 next week! That's why I wanna quit this damn life and start a new one!!"

"What about your family Danny? How's your mother doing? She is fine! When was the last time you talked to her? I tried calling her a month ago, but it seems that she doesn't wanna talk to a criminal..." (Danny in a gloomy voice) "You miss your mother right? Yes every day! Let's run away together Danny, you, your mother, me and my family, let's all run off together somewhere!!"

"Hahaha..... you really wanna bring such a huge burden with you when you are planning on escaping with your family?!? Why not! You are my brother afterall!!!" (Danny's eyes got moist hearing Robert's words)

"Let's go Danny, this is gonna be our last mission!!"

(Robert and Danny hurried to reach their headquarters)

(Thudd!!!) "Hey watch it man! Ahh... Umm... Ahh..., never mind, are you all right?" (Rahul asked Robert who had banged into him while running out of an alley)

(Robert picked up his briefcase which had fallen on the ground and ran away)

"What was his deal!?! (Rahul exhaled) Who knows! he might be drunk or something!" (one crew member said)

"Whatever..... Let's go, the cassino is calling!!!"

(As they started to move Rahul saw something shine on the ground, so he bent and picked it up)

"Hey guy's check this out!! What is it (Sam asked) I don't know it might have been that drunk dude's! Maybe it was maybe it wasn't, (a crew member said) It looks like a locket, a man carrying a locket in a briefcase, and in Kira of all places?!? He didn't looked rich by his clothing! Maybe he stole it! It's possible!"

(Rahul and the crew were discussing about the locket)

"Just keep it in your pocket Rahul, we will hand if over to the police. Yeah you are right! Ok let's go to the police sta..... Not so soon Sam, we will hand it over to the police after we empty the casino's of Kira." (Rahul smirked and dragged Sam towards the nearby Casino)


"Where is the locket you sons of bitc*es!!!!" (A man wearing a suit with a party mask, interrogated)

"Aaa.... Iiiii..... It waaaa..... here I don'tttttt..." (Robert and Danny were completely speechless after seeing the empty briefcase)

(The masked man looked towards a man standing in his right, and bobbed his head, the man holding a shotgun fired at Robert's head spewing his blood and brain matter all over Danny)

"Hey you! Tell me where my locket is!!!" (The masked man shouted at Danny who had fallen to the ground and wet himself)

"Please don't kill meee... I.... I.... I..... don't know pleaseeee.... (The masked man got off his seat and walked towards Danny, he then picked Robert's corpse from the neck and pulled it closer towards Danny's face and pointed a gun at him)

"Hey!! Do you wanna end up like this motherfu*cker?!? If not then speak up! Where is that locket?!?"

"We.... We.... where being chased by the police and people from some other gang, we where exhausted..... Come straight to the point" (The masked man shot Danny's foot)

"Aaaahhhhh... Nooo... Goddd please nooo!!!"

"Where is the locket? I won't ask you again!"

"We bumped into a group while coming hear" Where? Near the entrance of Kira gate!! Who where they? I don't know!!! (The masked man shot Danny's other foot and put his gun inside Danny's mouth) Scream and I blow your head off!! Who where they? How did they look? What were they wearing??" (He pulled his gun out of Danny's mouth)

"They where wearing Cargo hauler jackets, there where 5 may be 6 of them, it looked like they had just disembarked off a ship....!!!"

"Tell me do you remember their faces? No! Not even one of them?? No!" (The masked man stood up and kicked Danny's in his face, and then he started stomping Danny's face with his boots)

"Fu*king idiots..."


"One job, you had one job and you messed it up.....!!!"

"Die motherfu*ker die....."

(Danny's face had completely caved in and his body was not responding at all, but the man was so enraged that he didn't stop even after that)

"Find me those cargo cockroaches and bring me my locket…. Nowww!!!" (The masked man was standing on a pool of blood, brain matter and two corpses)


"Today is our lucky day Sam, Hahaha!!! Look how much we are winning!!"

"I am having a bad feeling about this day, my intuition is shouting that something bad's gonna happen, or maybe It's just you, whenever I am with you I always have this feeling....!!! Ohh don't sweat it Sam, nothing's gonna happen.... Because I AM HERE!!!!! Hahahaha"

(Rahul is as careless as ever, Sam is as annoyed as ever, Sam has an intuition that something bad's gonna happen but Rahul brushes it off. Are they gonna be alright or was that day gonna get more bloodier????)