The Night is Still Young


(Cha-ching-ching-kling) (Slot machine noises)


(Please please please please.....)


(Huhhh, nooooo)

(Hahaha you loser)

(The Casino was filled with people from all around the solar system, trying out their luck, a nice jazz music was playing in the background, but it was getting masked by the noises of the slot machines and people)

(Casino Elena was not the only Casino in the Kira district but it was the most popular among the common folk because it offered free and unlimited drinks to every player, the alcohol was cheap thought)

"Rahul are we done yet? (Sam asked) No man the night is still young chear up a bit!!"

"I would if you were not loosing so much! (Sam taunted) Don't worry my man I am very confident about this one (Rahul smirked) Come on Come on Come on baby, come to papa.....!!!"

(Earlier Rahul had won 250 Mudras but soon lost it all, 1 Mudra is equal to 2 US dollars)

(Mudra was the official currency of the UNE 'United Nations of Earth' Mudra word was inspired from the currency of ancient India)

"Noooooo!! God nooo!!! Please don't do this to me please don't leave me, God knows how much I have sacrificed for you please don't.....!!! (Rahul had lost every single Mudra he had on him, and he was throwing a tantrum)

"Shut uppp...., you are the Vice Captain of a Cargo ship have some dignity! What will your juniors think of you" (Sham turned to look towards his comrades)



"Boom babyyyyy"

"God God God God"

"Nooo man this machine sucks, I bet it's rigged"

"They are all hopeless" (Sam sighed)

"Fuck this Casino!! Let's go to a bar boys!!" (Rahul furiously)


"Shuttt uppp, no one is going anywhere! We are heading back" (Sam yelled)


"I curse the moment when you were assigned as my Vice Captain" (Sam had lost all hope of escaping that shit show and enjoy a relaxing layover)

"It was a mistake a big mistake, that district is like a mermaid beautiful from outside dangerous from inside!!! It's not your fault boss, no man in the universe can escape the temptation of a Casino, you are right Bruno"

(Disco music playing in the background)

"Aaahhh, I have always told you guys that those machines are rigged!! So they are only rigged if you lose huh!?! The machines had nothing to do with our bad luck, I told everyone that we should avoid the Casino's between 9-11 pm but no one listened...."

"Man fuck you astrology! It's all about the skills, the person next to me won 3000 Mudras, I told everyone not to enter the lion's den without acquiring the proper skills!!"

"I should have listened to you guys and not went there.... It was me who tried to stop you guys!!! But no one listened to me, all I wanted was a relaxing spa and some peace of mind but you guys had to gamble that away and now we are in a club drinking and dancing away your left over money, do you guys even have any money left huh?!?" (Rahul and the others were having a heart to heart conversation untill Sam exploded)

(Rahul and the others were stunned for a bit, then they came a bit closer to each other and discussed something)

"Ooo Captainnn!!! You didn't spend any money right, what do you mean by that?? (Every one had a mischievous grin on their faces) Don't even think about it you punks...."

(Rahul held Sam by a rear neck and the others tried to pounche on Sam)

"Strip him of all the money boys" (Rahul yelled)

(As Bruno came closer to Sam he was met with a kick in his groins, Neil was punched in the face, Robert ate a snap kick to his ribs, Sam then back kicked Rahul in his right knew, freed his neck and 'Boom' a big right hook on Rahul's face)

5 minutes later

"Aaahhh my face hurts!!!"

"Good, now take this..."

(Sam put an ice pack on Rahul's face)

"Ssss.... Aaahhh..... you didn't had to punch me that hard!! You would have dodged it if you hadn't drank so much alcohol in the Casino, why do you think they offer so much alcohol to everybody huh?!? To get us drunk and loot us?!? Bingo!

"Get us some beer" (Sam asked the bar tender)

"The next time I talk about casino, knock me cold ok! If only you are drunk otherwise how can I knock out the start student of our batch huh!?! Aaahhh those were the days in the academy (Rahul and Sam used to be in the academy who train future explorers but they failed their aptitude tests due to some reason)

"You were right Sam I should have not pushed any further and shifted to Cargo hauling with you, I wasted 2 years chasing an un-achievable dream, yeah if you had then you might have become the Captain instead of me, 2 years costed you quite a lot of money, thanks for rubbing the pay gap in Sam!!"



(Sam and Rahul drank and laughed, while gangsters where trying to hunt then down in the whole district)


"The boss should have left one of them alive, now how will we find 6 cargo haulers among these massive districts... We have to no matter what, or else we are next, (One of the man's cell phone buzzed) Some cockroaches where seen entering Nira district after leaving Casino Elena, do you think they were them? It might be! We should head straight to Nira, we are in luck because of our alliance with Nira.....!!! Don't count on it, alliance are very fragile these days, inform the others, we need as many men as possible on the ground....."


"Let's leave Rahul the more time we spend here the more worrisome I get, we have some fresh recruits and I don't want them to get into any trouble, they are grown men Sam, they should be able to handle themselves...."

"Aaa boss!?! Yes Max! I agree with Captian, I have heard some dangerous stories about the infamous Lawless Districts of Tetris!!"

(Max was a young man just 20 year old with an average build of 5 ft 8 inches or 1.72 meters, he was a bit shy and had freckles on his cheeks, you could call him cute in a way, he looked up to Rahul and Sam a lot)

"What have you heard? (Sam asked) I don't now that much but I have heard that there are 4 factions that control the 4 district respectively, the Government had divided all 4 districts equally in 7500 sq km/28956 sq miles of area each, but the factions keep on fighting among themselves to acquire each other's territory, and that those gangs are very violent."

"That's it? Yes boss! Then let me tell you some juicy stuff, The city of Tetris have 4 Lawless Districts namely Kira, Nira, Shira and Hira"

"The Kira district has all the best Casinos in the solar system, The Nira district have the best clubs and pubs in the Solar system, The Shira district is home to the biggest and the most erotic brothels in the solar system and the Hira district is somewhat of a middle ground where all the violent criminals in the solar system hide and operate. These 4 districts have multiple gangs within them but each district has a particular King pin/Godfather, his or maybe her gang rules their respective district..."

"The are so powerful that even the law enforcement have a very difficult time entering these districts unrecognised, what if they do enter here boss? (Max asked) I heard one time they captured a police officer snooping around in Hira and the people tied him to a solid pole then tied his hands and legs to 4 different rope puller machines, slowly and steadily the machines pulled the rope to the extent where his hands and legs had started to hurt, he begged and begged them to stop, but the people just laughed at him hysterically until his arms and legs where detached from his body, from the shoulder and the hip joints, it is said that blood was gushing out of his body like a fountain as he cried in agony, Rahul stop he is just a kid!! He has to grow up or he will not survive Sam....."

"The man offered them everything his money his wealth, information, loyalty but those demons wanted nothing but pleasure! Pleasure of seeing him in despair and agony, then what happened?!? Enough, we will continue this story another time, and Max! Nira, Kira and Shira are dangerous itself but never, under no circumstances will you enter Hira district, do you copy? Yes Captian!!!"

"Don't worry Max, I know it's your first time here but as long as you are with us you will be safe, I won't let anything happen to you, thank you boss and I promise I will make you two very proud one day. (Max was scared but his face lit up after hearing Rahul's words)

"Come on drink up a bit the Night is still young"

(As Max sipped the beer from the bottle his face exploded, his blood and brain matter scattered in all directions and on Rahul's and Sam's faces, they couldn't process what had happened and where stunned for a few seconds... Rahul looked down in his beer jug and he saw Max's eye staring at him.)