Mythikó Plásma

Okay Host,The Options Are-

1) Poisolaus Pardalis

It's An Extremely Rare Breed Of Chameleon Which Is Venomous And Can Produce Toxins Which Can Kill Monsters Even Stronger Than The Host.The Host Gets Access To Poison Magic.The Toxin Secretion Is Dependent Upon The Potent Of Poison.The Strength Is Also Increased A Little.The Of The Organism Is Low.

2) Ischyrós Paltimus

The Breed Of Chamaleon Which Is Very Powerful.It Is A Strength Oriented Organism.Its Physical Power Is Above It's Level. But The Agility Of The Organism Is Low.

3) Mythikó plásma

The Breed Of Chamaleon Which Can Use All Types Of Magic.The Physical Attributes Of The Organism Will Be Decreased By A Large Amount.Than Those Of The Same Level.But The Magic Skills Are Strengthened.

[These Are The Breeds In Which You Can Evolve Into.Choose Wisely Because You Can't Undo The Evolution]

Hmm,The First Choise Is Already Out As I Can Use All Magic From Option 3 But Wait...How Can I Use Magic?

[Host,You Can Use Magic After You Imagine The Type Of Attack Or Buff You Want To Cast.Further Info Will Be Given After Evolution]

But Can I Use Magic In The First Two Options?

[Yes Host,But You Can Only Use The Attribute Suitable For Your Body.Not All Magic.]

Ohh!Okay.Then The Choice Is Final.

Wait...When I Will Be Evolving, Won't I Be Vulnerable To The Attack Of Other Monsters/Animals.

[Don't Fret Host.You Will Be Covered In A Cocoon Which Is Indestructible When You Will Be Evolving]

Okay Then I Choose The Third Option-

Mythikó Plásma

Instantly Then-

[Commencing Evolution]

[Changing Genetics Of The Host]


[Commencing Evolution To "Mythikó Plásma"]

After The Notification,I Was Covered In A Cocoon And Then I Passed Out....

After Some Time....

[Recieved Orders From The Above]

[Changing Information Of "Mythikó Plásma]


~In A White Plane That Stretched Accross Infinitely A Mythical Beings Is Present In a The Room~

It Has Started... The Beast Has Returned And Will Purge The World.

Hmm...I'm Awake.Have I Evolved?

Suddenly I Feel My Body Differently.Its Like Something Is Trying To Get Inside My Body.

System,What Is This?

[Host,The Things Trying To Enter Your Body Are Mana Particles]

Ohh!!Those Are The Essential Part In Executing Magic. Isn't It.

[Yes Host.They Are Trying To Enter Your Body Because Of The Breed You Chose]

Is There Any Benefit In Them Entering My Body?

[Yes Host.Although There Is Some Mana Inside You It Is In Less Quantity But It's Approx 3 Times More Powerful Than The Particles Of Mana Outside.In Your Current Situation,You Can Only Use 1 Or 2 Magic Attacks Before Exhausting All Your MP.But If You Absorb The Mana Outside,Your MP Will Become Larger]

Then,How Can I Absorb The Mana Of The Outside.

[You Can Absorb It By Meditating]

Huh? Meditating In A Chamaleon Body?

[Yes.You Can Meditate By Clearing Your Mind And Thinking About The Mana Entering Your Body]

Isn't There Any Other Method Of Increasing Mp?

[Yes There Is.You Can Increase Your Mp By Increasing Your Magic Stat]

Hmm Ok.

Other Than The Mana Particles Trying To Enter My Body I Feel My Mind At Peace. Evolution Is Truly Amazing.Well Time To Check My Status.











Stat points-5

Skill Points-5

What.....My Stats Have Increased So Much. Wasn't It Supposed To Be Lower System?

[Yes Host,They Were Supposed To Be Decreased But Due To Someone,It Was Changed.]


[Yes Host.But I Can't Tell You Who He Is]

Why System?

[You Will Understand It In Future Host]

Hmm.Its Not Like I Can Do Anything About It.

Hmm,Now It's Time For Training...

To Be Continued....