Exploring Magic

First,I Will Close My Eyes And Meditate.

Closing My Eyes,I Try To Get The Mana Particles Inside My Body.The Task Was Surprisingly Easy.The Mana Particles Entered My Body And Something Unexpected Happens.

The Mana Entering From The Outside Is Fusing Very Slowly With My Inner Mana.After Some Time,I Got A Notification.

[Mp Is Increased By 1]

[Skill Meditation Has Been Acquired]

[The User Has Gained 2 Skill Points]

Surprised,I Quickly As The System

System,Why Did I Get 2 Skill Points?

[Host,When You Evolved,The System Unlocked New Feature,In Which If You Create A Skill You Will Get A Certain Amount Of Skill Point.

[The Skill Points Gained Will Be Based On The Type Of Skill Created By The Host]

Oh!!What An Amazing Feature.Now I Can Quickly Gain More Skill Points And Buy More Skills.

Now That I Know A Way To Increase My Mp,I Need To Find A Safe Place To Meditate.

The Thing That Helped Me Meditate In This Jungle Is My Camouflage.If It Was Not There,I Would Have Been An Easy Prey For The Other Animals/Monsters.

Before Moving,The Only Change I Noticed About My Body After My Evolution Is That,I Have Stripes Now.Its Of Various Colors. Does This Highlights My Ability To Use Other Magic?

Maybe,But I Look Cool.My Size Has Increase A Little Bit.

Before I Was About 30 Cm.But Now I Am Approx 36 Or 37Cm.

Well,Enough Thinking About The Appearance.Its Time To Find A Safe Spot.

But Wait A Sec! Can't I Use Magic.Yeah Magic.

I Almost Forgot About The Most Exciting Thing.

The System Said About Imagination,When Using Magic.

Ok.I Can Do It.I Say In My Mind.

I Imagine Making A Tunnel Under The Tree Which Would Be Big And Lenghthier Enough To Accommodate Me.

I Then commanded The Mana Particles To Do The Task And They Obeyed It.Mana Started Leaving My Body And Goes Towar The Under Of The Tree.

The Colour Of Mana Particles Was Golden Before,But After My Imagination,It Changes To Dark Green Color.

Immediately,I Got A Notification.

[90 Mp Has Been Lost]

[Skill Soil Magic Has Been Acquired]

[The User Has Gained 4 Skill Points]

Instantly,I Feel Weakened.

Then Slowly,I Digged Around A Tree.

After Some Time I Found The Tunnel.Before Going Into It,I Brought A Small Rock.I Covered The Entrance With It And Throwed Myself Into The Tunnel.

Immediately I Started Meditating.After About 30 Or 40 Minutes,My Mp Recovered.Meditation is An Awesome Think.My Mind Get's Peaceful And I Forgot About The Time.But There's A Problem.

It's Really Dark Down Here.I Can Barely See Anything.

I Think I Should Make A Lamp Using Magic.

I Concentrated And Mana Particles Inside My Body Goes Outside And Not Changing Any Colour Formed A Ball Of Light.

[40 Mp Has Been Lost]

[To Mantain The Skill,5 Mp Will Be Used Every Minute]

[ Skill Light Lamp Has Been Acquired]

[3 Skill Point Has Been Awarded]

[Skill Light Magic Has Been Acquired]

[4 Skill Point Has Been Awarded]

Happy With The Skill Point Notification And The New Bulb Of Light ,I Asked System About The Amount Of Skill Point I Have.

[Host,You Have Total 18 Skill Points]

Hmm.Wait...Ohhh Shit!!I Totally Forgot That I Can Gain Half Exp By Eating The Body Of The Animal.

Uhhhh!! I'm Really Stupid.After Some Time Of SoberingI Asked The System To Show Me The Skills I Can Buy.

[Host l,The Skills You Can Buy Now With Your Skill Points Are-

To Be Continued...