Leaving The Jungle

Night Eye-Allow The User To See Very Good In Dark.Sp-12]

[Extreme Precision-Allows The User To Control His Body Perfectly.Sp-15]

[Magic Control-Allows The User To Control The Mana Particles According To His Will At A Precise Rate.Sp-15]

[These Are The Skills You Can Choose Host]

Hmm,These Are Very Good Options.

I Think,I Will Go With Magic Control.

[Skill 'Magic Control' Has Been Purchased Successfully]

Instantly,I Get An Inexplanable Feeling.I Feel As If I Can Control All The Mana Particles Inside And Outside My Body.

The Skill Is Worth Purchasing.

*********Stomach Noises*********

I'm Very Hungry.I Should Go Hunt Outside.

Removing The Stone With My Newly Strenght,I Started Going Toward The Jungle.

But Suddenly I Was Attacked By Something.

Huh?Barely I Dodge It Due To My Dexterity.

I Saw The Figure That Attacked Me.

It Was A Wolf.

[Canis lupus]


[Level 5]

[Specie-Canis lupus occidentalis]

It's The Same Level As Me.I Started The Fight By Imagining Ice Lance And Out Of Thin Air A Lace Of Ice Was Thrown Towar The Wolf At A Fast Speed,Who Was Able To Dodge But Waith A Long Graze Accross His Skin.

[New Skill Has-

Off Notifications System!I Said Loudly.

The Notification Was Stopped.

Then After That Instanly I Imagined A Fire Arrow And It Was Thrown Toward The Wolf At A Fast Pace.

The Wolf Was Already Damaged,So It Was Not Able To Dodge It And It Got A Severe Burn On His Stomach.

Almost Instantly I Closed The Distance Between The Wolf And Throwed My Tongue Whip At Him And Then Started Attacking Him

With My Claws.

After 3 Or 4 Sec,The Wolf Was Dead.

Notification On,System.

[You Have Successfully Killed Canis lupus]

[You Have Been Awarded 100 Exp]

Feeling The Hunger,I Instantly Start Devouring The Corpse Of The Wolf.

After Some Time,I Feel Both,Full And Weakened.

I Think I'm Weakened Due To Mp I Spent.

After I Devoured The Corpse

[50 Exp Has Been Awarded]

I Started Going Back To My So Called Base Under The Tree.After I Reached There,I Covered The Entrance With The Rock Of A Medium Size.

After Entering,I Started Meditation.After Some Time Of Meditation,My Mp Was Fully Restored.

After Meditating,I Was Feeling Sleepy.So I Slept The Whole Day.

After Waking Up,I Followed My Daily Routine After Exiting The Tunnel.

Which Was Drinking Water,Washing My Face And Stretching My Chamaleon Body.

*********MC POV***********

I Stayed Here For Many Days,I Think It's Now Time For Me To Leave This Jungle.

But To Leave The Jungle,I Need A Fast And Safe Way Of Travelling.

Oh Yeah,I Need Wings.

But Wait...How Am I Gonna Get Wings.

I Tried Thinking.

Oh Yeah....Let's Try That.

I Closed My Eyes And Formed A Strong Image Of Wings Made Up Of Wind.Suddenly A Large Amount Of Mana Was Released From My Body,But I Resisted It And Instead Ordered Some Of Mana To Go And Used The Surrounding Mana As The Major.

I Got A Message....

[50 Mp Has Been Lost]

[Skill Wind Magic Has Been Created]

[4 Skill Points Have Been Awarded]

[Skill Wind Wings Has Been Created]

[20 Mp Will Be Lost Every 5 Minutes]

[5 Skill Points Have Been Awarded]

And Suddenly,My Chamaleon Body Had A Pair Of Wings Made Up Of Wind Which Made A Little Buzzing Sound.

And I Realised That 20 Mp Will Be Lost Every 5 Minutes.

I Try To Use My Wings But Failed Miserably.

After approx 2 Minutes,I Got The Hang Of It.

Suddenly,I Used The Wings To Go Up High In The Air And With All My Strength Into The Wings-


To Be Continued.....