
I Suddenly Flew In Air And Started Floating Due to Movement Of My Wings.

I Started Going More Further Up To See The Extent Of The Jungle.

After Reaching A Certain, I Look Down To See An Area Full Of Humongous Trees And Mid Sized Lakes.

My View Point Consisted Of Trees And Lakes Only.

No End Point, Nothing Extraordinary.

I Started To Move Further With The Help of My Wings.

Due To My Limited Mana, I Would Be able To Fly For About 25 Minutes Till My Mana Completely Be Drained Out.

Still, Continuing My Adventure, I Would Stop By And Meditate In A Safe Location, When My Mana Was Drained.

When I Felt Hungry, I Would Fight An Easy Prey And Would Eat It.

At Night, I Would Dug A Hole With My Claws And Cover It Up With A Rock But Still Left Some Space So That I Could Breath.

Approximately After 5 Days Of Travelling I Finally Found The End Of The Jungle.

Overjoyed, I Quickly Increased My Pace And Landed On The Outside Part Of The Jungle.

I Saw That The Outside Part Of The Jungle Was Covered In Grass But It Was Cut By A Road.

Surprised That There Were Roads, I Concluded That The Human Were Little Advanced.

I Wanted To See How Humans Look In This World And How They Lived.

So, I Started Following The Road.

After Some Time, I Found A Carriage!

It Was Pulled By a...Unicorn?

It Was Extremely Surprising For Me To See A Mythical Creature.

It Seems That People Of This World Use Unicron As A Carriage Puller.

I Wanted To See The Humans Appearence.

But I Also Don't Want Myself To Be Exposed To Them So I Used Mana Of Dark Attribute To Hide My Self.

[Skill Dark Cloak Has Been Created]

[5 Skill Points Have Been Awarded]

Suddenly My Body Gets Covered In A Dark Cloak And I Disappeared.

I Started Moving Towards The Carriage And Finally I Saw The Appearence Of The Humans.

My Excitement Suddenly Got Demolished.

I Thought Since, I Am On A Different Universe, The Humans May Have Evolved Differently But I Was Very Wrong.

The Appearance Of The Humans Was Same As The Humans Of Earth.

Quickly Getting HangMyself, I Focused On The Crew On The Carriage.

There Were 2 Womens And 2 Men and An Old Man Handling The Carriage.

The First Women On the Carriage Looked Young. She May Be Around The Age Of 17.While The Other Looked Around The Age Of 22. They Both Wore An Armor Made Up Of Steel On Their Chest And Stomach.

They Both Also Had A Sword Which Was Inside The Scabbard Which Was On The Side Of Gluteus Medius.

On The Other Hand, The Men Were Both Looking Around The Age Of 23.They Both Were Wearing Bulky Armor With A Long Sword In Their Scabbard On Their Gluteus Medius Also.

The Old Man Was Wearing Common Cloth That Were Made Out Of Wool.

I Started Thinking That Will I Be Able To Understand Their Language?

I Asked The System.

[Yes Host, You Will Be Able To Understand The Language Of Other Humans]

This Is Nice, That Atleast I Will Be Able To Understand What They Are Saying.

I Thought What Will Happen If I Exposed Myself To Them?

Will They Attack Me?


They Will Not Do Anything And Just Think Of Me As An Animal?

I Decided That If I Have To See How These Humans Live, I Have To Become A Pet To Ensure My Safety.

It Is A Bit Humiliating And A Bit Risky But I Have To Try It.

I Started Going Toward The Carriage After Undoing The Magic.

And I Suddenly Jumped In Front Of The Carriage.


**************MC STATS*****************










Stat points-5

Skill Points-10