The Weight of a Secret

Ji-eun and Jungkook's relationship was stronger than ever, but there was one thing that was weighing heavily on Jungkook's mind. He had been keeping a secret from Ji-eun, one that he knew would change everything.

Jungkook's music career was his life. He loved being a part of BTS, but lately, he had been feeling burnt out. The constant touring, rehearsals, and promotions were taking a toll on him, and he was starting to feel like he needed a break.

However, he didn't want to tell Ji-eun about his struggles because he didn't want to burden her with his problems. He also didn't want her to worry about him or feel like she was hindering his career.

One day, Jungkook was sitting in the studio, trying to focus on recording a new song. But his mind kept drifting back to his relationship with Ji-eun and the secret he was keeping from her.

He knew that he had to tell her the truth, but he didn't know how to approach the subject.

That evening, when Ji-eun came over to his apartment, Jungkook took a deep breath and prepared to confess.

"Ji-eun, there's something I need to tell you," Jungkook began.

Ji-eun looked at him with concern, sensing that something was wrong.

"I've been struggling with my career lately," Jungkook continued. "I love being a part of BTS, but I'm feeling burnt out. I need a break, but I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to burden you."

Ji-eun's heart sank as she listened to Jungkook's confession. She knew how much his career meant to him, and she didn't want to be the reason why he felt like he needed a break.

But at the same time, she couldn't help feeling hurt that Jungkook had kept this from her.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Ji-eun asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"I didn't want to make you worry or feel like you were hindering my career," Jungkook explained. "But I realize now that keeping this from you was a mistake. I need your support, Ji-eun, and I hope you can understand."

Ji-eun nodded slowly, feeling conflicted. On one hand, she wanted to be there for Jungkook and support him through this difficult time. But on the other hand, she couldn't help feeling hurt that he hadn't trusted her enough to share his struggles with her.

"I understand, Jungkook. And I want to be there for you," Ji-eun said softly.

Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief, feeling grateful for Ji-eun's understanding.

"Thank you, Ji-eun. I promise that I'll make it up to you. We'll get through this together," Jungkook said, pulling her into a tight embrace.

As they held each other, Ji-eun knew that their relationship would face more challenges in the future. But as long as they had each other, she was confident that they could overcome anything.