Dawn Harper

I woke up this morning and took a shower and went through my closet for something to wear. I finally decided on a white top with black leggings and tied my flannel on my waist. I put on my denim jacket, black converses and shades before leaving the room. I went to school without Jenny because she had a fever. I made a mental note to visit her after school.

When I got to school, I went to my locker to grab my books and I saw Kyle flirting with a girl. She seemed new and was paying no attention to him after sometime she just turned and walked away. I went to her cause she seemed lost.

Me- hey. Do you need help?

Random Girl- yeah.

Me- sorry I did not introduce myself. I

am Kristabel Marissa Cooper but you can call me KC.

Random Girl- ok KC. I am Dawn

Abigail Harper.

Me- ok now can I see your schedule?She showed me her schedule and I saw she had all her classes with Jenny and I.

Me- I see you have all your classes with

me so just walk with me.

Dawn- thanks. And by the way who was the guy flirting with me. He is hot and all but can't he tell when a girl isn't interested? I mean come on.

I just laughed.

Me- just ignore him. That's Kyle and he is kind of those guys who think they can get any girl they like.

Dawn- oh.

Me- let's go to class.

We went to our classes and soon found

ourselves sitting at the cafeteria.

Dawn- so do you have a best friend?

Me- yeah but she won't be in school for at least a week and even if she does the three of us can still hang out.

Dawn- ok. What about a boyfriend?

Me- no and I don't want one.

Dawn- ok and who are your parents?

Me- Richard Cooper. And who are your


Dawn- Tom and Anne Harper but you did not say anything about your mother.

Me- she is no longer with my dad and I.

Dawn- okay.

Me- come on let's get to class.