"Soldiers of Velcria."

She called out.

The Soldiers, who heard her voice, instantly turned towards the projection screen and, seeing their General, her party, and their Leaders standing together, a slight sense of relief and calm washed over them.

This was an all-out War; even in the long history of Velcria, there had only been five such Wars, and in all those Wars, the losses Velcria faced were immense.

Many soldiers had died, and it was only natural for the Velcrian soldiers to feel slightly nervous as their ships hovered above Tandris.

However, the instant they heard Ember's voice, the Soldiers, especially the Soldiers who were part of Ember's Force during the demonstration, stood up, their eyes glimmering with unmatched excitement and zeal.

It was the Goddess of War!

Yes, this was the name these Soldiers had given to Ember.