War 1

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh

Strong wind currents flew as if there was a world-ending storm nearby.

Thunder Thunder Thunder

The clouds roared in anger, as if trying to alert every single being in the world.

Rumble Rumble Rumble

The ground shook, trembling non-stop; it was as if the world itself was reacting.

And it was.

Tandris was angered as 350 Velcrian ships descended from outer space, breaching its atmosphere. The ships' glowing hulls cut through the swirling crimson and black storms of Tandris' atmosphere.

It was a spectacle of precision and power, a wall of golden light shimmering against the oppressive darkness of the planet below.




The Velcrian ships and the soldiers' bellow broke through the thick, toxic clouds of Tandris, and soon the capital, Draventhis, revealed itself in all its foreboding glory.

The city was a fortress.