Chapter 41: The Morning After

Vivian could feel the human warmth of Everett’s body against her own. Curling into him, Vivian wrapped her naked body about Everett’s. Last night, she’d completely given into him, her passion. Turning her mind off, she allowed herself to just feel every kiss, every desire, every climax. There was no comparison for Vivian, Everett feeling different than any other person. She couldn’t put her finger on it, or even begin to describe it, but having sex with Everett was so much more than that. It was an experience. One she wanted to have over and over again.

Everett wrapped his arm around Vivian’s bare shoulders, pulling her closer to his body. Vivian felt as if she could melt into Everett’s skin, transforming into a single entity they were so close. Just when Vivian thought they were about to have sex again, Everett moved away from her.