Running through the dark forest while on this beast was a feeling like no other I had ever experienced. The adrenaline pumping through my human veins was intoxicating and dreadful at the same time. The wind ripping through my hair was as comforting and familiar as being wrapped in my favorite cover at home. On the other hand, the dashing and sudden rush of the trees was not so usual, and it left fear in its wake.

Elijah took a giant leap over a cliff that overshadowed a long winding river, and the mere thought of me plummeting to my death was rooted clearly in my thoughts, causing my hand to grip tightly into his fur. He came to an abrupt stop once we were through the thin layer of trees leading us to an off-beat path.

"Relax, my love. I promise you are safe with me." His voice sounded in my head as if he had spoken the words out loud to me.

"This oddly seems familiar to me like Deja-vu." I laughed.

Elijah's body tensed under my words, causing a frown to settle on my face as my eyebrows were drawn in confusion.

"Can you feel it too, Elijah?" I asked a question, but it came out more like a statement.

I knew he could feel it because I could feel his emotions as if they were my own. I understood now that his feelings were going to be my constant companion.

"The time for answers will come very soon, little one. Let's get you back to the estate where I can get you warm. We will continue this conversation when it's just us." He said with such authority that left no room for questions.

After a few moments of peaceful trotting on his back, his estate came into view. My heart lifted at the site, and I immediately thought 'home' and breathed a sigh of relief. One that I didn't even know I was holding, much less aware of. I missed this place in just a space of a few hours.

"Yes, my love, we are home." I couldn't mistake the adoration inflicted in his deep voice.

Something in my peripheral caught my view, and it was only then that I noticed the other wolves starting to descend from the forest behind us. Holy shit, how could I not at realized they were following us. Of course, Elijah wouldn't have left without backup, especially if he thought I was in trouble.

He came to a stop in front of the patio door, bending down so that I could climb off his back. Suddenly, strong arms were planted around my waist, and his dick pressed firmly against my ass. When my feet hit the ground, I smoothed out my clothes, and I heard the sound of bones rearranging themselves.

Before I had a chance to register the movements or get lost in the feel of his body, he had me turned to him, holding me tightly as if I would vanish in this very moment. My eyes made the mistake of finding his. My breath hitched in my throat at the beauty and fierceness his face held. Even now, it was hard for me to wrap my mind that this beautiful creature was mine. How stupid was I to once again run from him? From my destiny.

I moved my arms until they were now draped around his neck, my eyes never leaving his face. He started to say something, but I interrupted before he could.

"I love you. I should have never left you, but I just wanted to protect you. To keep you and your pack safe from the troubles I am bringing to your doorstep. Please forgive me." My tears threatened to pour from my eyes, but I willed myself not to cry. But, to my utter embarrassment, my heart betrayed me, and I felt a cold tear drop down my cheek. His hand swiftly came up, and he wiped it away with his thumb.

"Sssh, don't cry, my love. Protecting your mate is one of the most primal instincts you will have. Even though I am upset with you leaving, I do understand why." He grabbed my chin gingerly, holding it in between his fingers, " But you must promise me, little mate, that you will never do this again. Ever. The thought of us losing you again is too much for my wolf and me."

His declaration caused heat to flood through my entire being, causing my pussy to clinch under his stare. The smell of my arousal must have hit him hard the way his eyes turned from black to green while his nostrils flared. A deep sultry growl erupted from his chest, and the inner slut in me seemed to exit my body.

I jumped up, and he instinctively caught me as my legs wrapped around his torso. I brought my lips down to his, brushing my own across them. My tongue graciously ran over his soft, plump lips before I gently kissed him. My slow, deliberate movements came naturally to me as I eased my tongue into his mouth, exploring the tastiness of his saliva. It was like kissing into a jar of honey made only for me. The sounds of our lips smacking with the delightful taste of his tongue were causing me to rock back and forth on his hard cock, making the wetness seep through my clothes.

He pulled back from me, breaking the kiss; making me whimper in protest. Smoothing the loose strands from my hair, he planted a kiss atop my nose, making me giggle.

He snorted, "Your laugh is the most gratifying thing I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. Your mine. All mine, my siren of a mate. Shall I make your body sing tonight? Would you like me to delve deeper into your soul?" His hypnotic tone secured my willingness the moment he started speaking. I sheepishly nodded my head.

Without warning, we flew through the doors up to two flights of stairs and into his room within seconds.

Holy fuck, that was fast.

I was out of breath when he gently placed me on the bed. My back was propped on some pillows, my breathing desperately trying to get back to normal.

"I don't think I will ever get used to the amount of speed you have," I said shakily.

He laughed.

"Yes, you will. It won't be the last time we travel like that, sweetheart." His heated gaze roamed over my trembling body giving me an appraising look. "My Goddess, you are just the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld. Your scent pulls me in stronger every time you are near. Can I taste you first?"

I gulped.

"Sure" I stuttered.

"Don't be nervous. I will go slow with you. Remember, I was made to not only stimulate your mind but your body as well. It is my sworn duty to make you cum all over my face, my sheets, and my dick."

He put his hands on either side of the pillow laying his body on mine. Using his thighs, he forced my legs apart, and in one graceful movement, his dick was at the center of my pussy, pulsating against my clit.

"Oh my God, you feel so fucking good," I muttered as my hips started grinding against him.

"I know. You feel just as I imagined you would the first moment I saw you." He said as his nose caressed my neck in an up and down motion.

As good as he felt, those words brought up a nagging memory that I had filed in the back of my memory cabinet. I needed to get answers from him.

I grabbed his forearm, pushing him back a little bit so I could look at him.

"Elijah, how long have you known I was your mate. Was it before our encounter in the forest?" I glared at him making my intentions clear. I want answers, now!

His fierce expression turned soft after a few moments of staring at me.

"I told you, you had my trust since January 12, but you also had my heart that day as well. I knew the first moment I saw your face that you were mine. When I realized you were my mate, a human nonetheless, I had to make sure you were safe with my pack—safe in my world. I dispatched one of the loyal members I trust to look after you and report your movements to me while I sorted out a few things. You weren't meant to meet me the night that you did, and had it not been for you aimlessly wandering in the forest, you wouldn't have."

I hurried from underneath him. He knew who I was and didn't say anything. He spied on me through a trusted member of his pack, but the only person who ever acknowledged me was...Daisy. Daisy? Motherfucking Daisy. Wow, did she only befriend me because he asked her to? Were we even friends?

God damn, these fucking people and all their secrets.

I think back to that day, and I honestly can't remember when I saw him. Come to think of it, the very first step into this school, I was met with Daisy's friendly chatter. She was the one that showed me to all my classes, sat with me at lunch, gave me rides to and from school, and hung out with me after. How could I not have seen this? Was I so desperate for friendship that I didn't question her odd behavior?

"I didn't see you until a few weeks after I started school. How did you see me that day?" I asked.

He went deathly still.

"Tell me now, dammit. No more secrets between us, please." I whispered.

The minutes ticked by as if time itself slowed as he gathered his thoughts.

"I was just outside the city patrolling the borders making sure there were no rogues present when I felt an ache in my stomach." I sucked in a breath, " It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, but it also wasn't a pleasant one either. Honestly, it's kind of hard to explain what I felt at that moment. The closest word I can think to fit it would be 'wanting.' And I knew if I headed south of the border, I would find what I was craving. At first, I tried to ignore it, to continue my duty, but I couldn't. The more I strayed further north, that feeling continued to creep back into my soul. Getting more persistent; more urgent. I finally decided to head south and investigate; perhaps it was a warning of something bad coming towards my pack."

His hands ran through his hair smiling as he adjusted his body to face me directly.

"A diner came into view when I was about a mile down. A car pulled up beside the shrubs I was hidden in next to this hideous human place without warning. An older female got out, beckoning for her passenger to follow. When the younger one opened the door, the scent that trailed over to me was.... overwhelming. In all my years, I had never smelt such a delectable fragrance. It reminded me of the sun, moon, and earth. Something old; buy yet new. And then this small human child walked around the car holding her cell phone, oblivious of the stalking monster behind the bush. I unconsciously let out a growl the moment your face came into view. You heard it and immediately went still, but you weren't afraid. To my delight, you smiled so richly, and a feeling of familiarity swelled through me. At that moment, my precious little mate, I knew you were who I was waiting for. That my past, present, and future all began and ended with you. Of course, you thought I was a dog at the time, but the fact that you were my mate was evident."

He brought his hand up so that my cheeks were rested between his palms.

"I knew you were human and that my world would not be safe for you, but I also knew that I would or could never let you go. I listened to the conversation you had with your mother, and I knew that you were moving into town. Your first stop was the local high school, so I would need someone to watch over you when I couldn't. Daisy was the perfect choice since she was of the same age and a female. Although, I never imagined you both would like each other so quickly, much less be friends. I warned my pack of your presence and that they were to stay away from you, especially males, regardless if they had mates. If you accepted me, I needed to take some time out to find a solution to my or our dilemma. The rest, you know."

I just stared at him, replaying his words in my head.

"So, you weren't trying to find a way to break the mate bond with me? You wanted to keep me?" I shyly asked.

He kissed me sweetly on the lips before pulling back to look into my eyes once again.

"Helena, your face was in my dreams before I even met you that day. I have always seen you, known that you were out there for me. I didn't think it would take me this long to find you, sweetheart. You.Are.Mine. You have always been and always will be. But you know that, don't you?" His gazing eyes are beseeching my own.

Did I know this? As I continued to look at him, his face, too, was similar. I always had an odd feeling about him, but I just chucked it up to my distaste for school social hierarchy or teenage hormones. But maybe there was more. It had to be.

"I do feel a very profound connection to you like this is all just inevitable." I shrugged my shoulder, "I am yours and will always be yours. I love you, Elijah."

His dazzling smile was gift enough.

"Yes. Yes, you are my love. Now shall I show you how I wanted to worship your body since then?"

His fingers trailed under my shirt as I took a gulp. Palming my breasts, swirling my nipples in his rough hands, he kissed the side of my neck, to which I gave him full access to do so.

"Your arousal is so fucking potent to me that it's hard to go slow with you, darling. I promise I will take my time devouring you. Learning every inside groove of your pussy." He pushed me down, towering over me, "Are you ready, Helena?"

Was I ready?