"If I had to choose between breathing and loving you. I would use my last breath to tell you I love you." Unknown

He nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck as I told him I loved him. I could feel the tension in his body slightly leave, his shoulders relaxing, but his grip on my waist remained firm. He brought his hands up, cupping the base of my neck as he slightly pulled back, making our faces align.

"So, does this mean you're not angry at me for punishing that devious wench?" He asked as he ran the tip of his nose across mine.

His touch sent shivers down my spine, and a pool of my juices started to coat the outer linings of my panties. I heard a low growl rumble from his chest as his hands tightened on my neck. I'm not sure if it was the mate bond pressuring us into fucking and creating babies, but damn if I didn't want him to bend me over right then and there. The mere thought of his huge erect penis in my tight pussy sent my hormones into overdrive. But, now was not the time to fornicate.

"No, Elijah. I tried to reason with him. I'm not upset with you punishing her, but you must turn her over to the authorities. She deserves a chance to air her side of the story, and she needs to be in jail or some psychiatric hospital."

"Helena, my love. This is not a matter for humans. She is a wolf and must be punished as such." His tone left room for no arguing.

I started to rebuttal, but the bedroom door suddenly opened, and in strolled Daisy and Conner without knocking. My cheeks immediately turned red at being caught in this compromising position with Elijah. One of his hands was cupping my neck while the other was gripping my ass, and there is no doubt they smelt my arousal the way Connor's eyebrows arched as the two of them grinned at us both.

"So, I take it you remember what happened these last few days," Daisy asked.

I did remember, and I also remembered that she was my friend following orders. Was any of it real? Did she genuinely consider me a friend? I unhooked myself from Elijah's arms and narrowed my eyes at her while walking forward until I was directly in front of her.

" Oh, I remember everything, including Elijah, made you become friends with me to keep an eye on his mate. Were we even friends, Daisy? Or was this out of obligation to your Alpha?" My voice sounded a little sad even to me.

Her facial features softened under my scrutiny. And, if I am not mistaken, it looked like my line of questioning hurt her. She pulled me into a hug brushing the back of my head and smoothing out my hair. She pulled it back, looking me in the eye.

"Helena, we are friends. We will always be friends. Yes, initially, it was because my Alpha ordered me to and because you were my future Luna. But, the more I got to know you, the more those feelings of friendship became real. I love who you are, who you were, and who you will become. I'm sorry for not telling you the truth from the beginning."

The sincerity in her voice was unmistakable, and deep down, I knew we were friends. It just sucks that she didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth from the start.

" I believe you, Daisy. It's alright. Honestly, I am not quite so sure I would have befriended you right away if I knew the truth." I shook my head at the thought of her explaining she was a wolf to me six months ago. Yeah, I would have thought she was batshit crazy.

She smiled, "Who are you kidding, Helena? You would probably have run to the hills screaming at the top of your lungs that I was crazy." The sound of her giggles filled the room, and the tension in my heart eased just a little.

We pulled each other in for a hug laughing at the sheer idiocy of this situation. An impatient growl brought us out of our bubble. I turned to see Connor with a look of exasperation plastered on his face.

"Yes, Yes, Yes. Good, you love Helena; she loves you; best friends to the end. Blah, Blah. This is all nice, Luna, but we must discuss more important matters." His intense gaze bored me.

Shit, what is his issue?

Sensing my confusion, Elijah walks over to me, placing a hand on my shoulders, "Sweetheart, he is right. Now that you know who you are, surely you remember how much of a rare creature you are. Many wolves and other supernatural creatures will haunt you." He growled the last part, making me shiver just a bit.

He was right. In my previous life, I was kept hidden from the supernatural world. Only a few people knew my connection with the Moon Goddess. Who knew my lineage? I would be a fool if I weren't scared shitless of being discovered. My beating heart was valuable, and the power it held once you ate it from my still warm chest was unfathomable. I didn't want to die just because I was a rare commodity. I wanted to live and be with the one I love most in this world. My shoulders slumped as I felt the world's weight weigh down on me. How was I going to survive this time?

I could have never fathomed that being in love would become so complicated and dangerous. All I wanted was to protect him and spare him the grim fate that awaited us if this tumultuous relationship continued. We were lucky previously, but what if our luck has run out? Could I watch him die again? While struggling with my inner monologue, a fierce feeling of determination and protectiveness crept into me. I instantly knew that they were Elijah's feelings. I quickly glanced up at him, and as soon as our eyes connected, I knew he was thinking the same thing I was.

He slightly lowered his hand to my cheek, "Phoebe, Sweetheart. I will do any and everything to protect you. I am not going to fail you; fail us again." His voice was as hard as his face when the words left his mouth.

"I know, Elias. But what are we truly going to do? How can we make sure no one finds out who I am? Who can we trust?"

"Luna, you have the entire pack behind you. We have known who you are and what you are since the Alpha got a whiff of your scent. Right now, we need to dig up more information on your father. He is a wolf, and there is no doubt in my mind he knew what you were. Your mother probably knows as well." Connor said, making my mind swirl.

My mother knew. Is my father a werewolf? What the fuck?

Elijah growls, " Dammit, Connor. I told you not to mention her fucking father or her mother's involvement. She wasn't ready to know." He shakes his head with a menacing look directed at Connor.

" Alpha, listen, please. Helena needs to know everything, so she can better protect herself, and we can better protect her." Daisy tried reasoning.

I stood there still, trying to piece everything together. How could I not know my father was a werewolf? And, if he were, my mother would have known. Why would she not tell me?

"How do you know my father was a werewolf," I said with a whisper.

He ran his fingers through his hair, " The moment I smelt you, I knew you were.... different. Your heartbeat was slower than most humans, and male werewolves passed a unique scent onto their female offspring. Also, the glow of your aura lets me know not only of your connection with the Moon Goddess but to a male bloodline of werewolves. Like, I said before, it's very faint but the older the wolf, the stronger the senses are."

I think back to my original life, and it dawned on me that even in that life, I didn't know who my father was or what he was. My mother died giving birth to me, and Rosa took me in from a very young age.

Who the hell am I?

I started to feel light-headed as my body swayed back and forth. Elijah caught me as I stumbled backward. His arms circled me like steel cages forcing me to stand upright.

"Everyone get out. Daisy, send some food up. Helena needs to eat and get some more rest. She has taken in a lot today." He barks out orders one after another.

"Yes, Alpha," Daisy replied as she and Conner left the room.

Elijah carried me to the bed, placing me down very gently, making sure my back was propped up against the headboard. I stare at him as he brushes a few hair strands from my face.

Goddess, he is beautiful.,

I would give my last breath for this man.

How did I ever get so lucky to have a mate like him?

" I am the lucky one, my love." he says, answering my unspoken thoughts, " It's alright to be overwhelmed. I would like to beat the shit out of Connor for springing that information on you. But because he is my Beta, I will give him a pass." he snarled.

"It's fine, but you should have told me yourself; from the beginning. I am less fragile than you think. I can help us, you know? I can't explain it, Elias, but I feel different. Ever since reconnecting with my past life, there is.... strength....power inside of me, and it wants to get out."

"I know. I can feel it, and I can also see it. Your aura is brighter now. You are exceptional, and you smell so fucking good. My wolf is on edge, baby girl."

I take an audible gulp, " Um, I think we need to find my father. Who else would know more about me and how to protect me?"

"Your father is tough to find. I have already tried. His last sighting was six years ago, in a small town called 'Kiawah Island.' It's right up the coast of South Carolina."

Oh, my God.

Six years ago? I was there on vacation with my best friend's family. Was my dad looking after me? Was this just a coincidence?

" What are you thinking about, Helena?"

" I was just remembering a trip I took-."

I was interrupted by the door being kicked open and a vast man entering growling, staring daggers at Elijah.

Elijah is up so fast, pulling me with him crouching in front of me in a protective stance, growling.

"What the fuck is the meaning of this, Gerald?" Elijah said as he abruptly stood up, knocking the nightstand over.

This colossal ass guy stares at me, lifting one side of his mouth at the corner, "So, this is the human trollop that you have thrown my daughter in prison for." He appraises me, "I can see why you are so obsessed. She smells different...delightful. And, what is that shimmer I see around here? Hmm, we will get to that in a moment. First, you're going to explain to me why the fuck my daughter is in a filthy basement chained up like some ordinary fucking wolf. How could you do that to your God damn betrothed?

His fucking what?