"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic." Frank Herbert

His fucking betrothed???

How dare Elijah sit on his ass with this information. I mean, no wonder this psychotic bitch was mad. He was promised to her. How could he be promised to anyone when he knew I was out there? This doesn't make any sense. I could feel the heat rise to my face as my brain registered my feelings of jealousy, disgust, and a vague feeling of being unwanted.

He doesn't want me for a mate.

His head snapped back to me in one swift movement. His eyes conveyed confusion, regret, and longing. But sadly, this was not enough to appease my anger.

He stood up from his protective stance, "First off, Gerald, she was never mined and never will be. I clarified that the marriage would be off when I found my mate. And, as you can see, my mate is at my side where she belongs. Not to mention, your daughter is aware of what happens if you harm another wolf's mate, let alone a mate of an Alpha. Did you expect me not to hold her accountable for her treacherous actions?"

His voice rose an octave, making me flinch back into the wall. "Helena is a fucking human, a very peculiar one but a human nonetheless. Did you expect my daughter or me to forget the promise you made those years ago when we helped your worthless pack out?" he glared.

Elijah was across the room, gripping Gerald by the throat holding him three feet above him, growling. The feeling in the room was suddenly dark and intense, and I could tell that his wolf was in control now.

His voice sounded thick as if two people were talking simultaneously, " Don't you ever say a damn thing regarding my mate. Ever! She is mine. The Luna to my pack, and I swear to the Moon Goddess, if you do it again, I will kill you. Do you fucking understand me?" He roared.

Chocking on his spit, he gurgled, " Fuck you, Elijah. I want my daughter out of the basement now. Maybe, I will forgive your lies if you let her go."

"Fuck, no! She tried to kill my mate. If she succeeded, she would have killed my wolf as well." He snarled.

Logically, I understand why he would want her chained up and punished. But, we don't live in a logical world. How could something illogical not happen with so many choices make us move in irrational directions? How could something unthinkable not occur? That's the thing about options, lives, and people. We will never know how strong someone's motivation is when getting what they want. And she wanted Elijah. Apparently, at any cost.

I stepped forward, walking until I reached Elijah's back. I gently placed my hand on his shoulders, and I could feel him start to relax, but his grip didn't loosen on Gerald's neck.

"Elijah, you can't kill him. He is right. Killing a council member is punishable by death. How about we release Miranda and banish her from your territory, and if she breaks this agreement, death will be her punishment." I tried to reason with him.

Mate, we want you safe. We must kill all who wish to harm you.

His wolf mind linked at me. I was momentarily shocked. This is the first time I've heard his wolf directly.

I know, but we also must be very diligent with the council. This is the one thing I know will keep us both safe. Give Elijah control, please.

His hands abruptly let Gerald go causing him to fall hard on the floor beneath him. It was only then that I could see that his claws had come out and retracted back in. Fuck, he was going to kill him.

"Listen, fucktard. I will release your trifling daughter into your hands, but if she steps foot on my land or near my mate, I will not hesitate to rip her heart out. Could you not make the mistake of doubting me? Your position on the council will not persuade me to end you both. Now, get the fuck out before I change my mind."

He turned and picked me up bridal style, placing me back on the bed in the same position I was in before our uninvited guest stormed in. He looked at me lovingly while brushing his callous fingertips across my cheek.

" I can feel your anger and dismay with me, but please give me a chance to explain." He begged. I gave him a curt nod to go on. " She was not my betrothed in the way that you're thinking. My pack was hunted by rogues and hunters when her father approached me. At the time, we didn't have enough trained warriors to eliminate the threat. He agreed to lend me a thousand elite wolves in exchange for my hand in marriage to Miranda contingent upon me not having a mate." His eyebrows furrow, "To be fair, it was a shady deal from the start as I knew you were out there; I would find you. But I needed the wolves immediately before we were overrun. Miranda had an exhausting crush on me for over 60 years before the agreement was made, but I made it very clear to her that when my mate arrived, she would be useless to me." I wince at his choice of words. "I delayed the wedding for 50 years, knowing you would soon be within my grasp. When you finally returned to me, I promptly ended things with her. And had you been a full wolf, they would have never dared to cross me, but you are just another worthless human to them. But believe me, princess, if they truly knew how special you are, every un-mated wolf would seek to claim you as his own. You have no idea the power that courses through your body." He shakes his head, "I felt your sadness at thinking I didn't want you as my mate. I implore you never to feel that way. You're the light at the end of a long dark tunnel. The only beauty that life has ever made me understand was you." He whispers.

As I stared into his gorgeous, relentless eyes, I recalled reading something that said, 'If a man cannot understand the beauty of life, it is probably because life never understood the beauty in him.

He was...He is my life. Everything that I hold dear to my heart was wrapped up in him. Of course, what he did was incomprehensible to me, but I understood the why. What's love without a little bit of drama?

I grabbed his hand, placing it on my right cheek, relaxing into the warmth of his affection for me. He is home. This man can do nothing to make me regret any moment with him.

"I get it, Elijah. It would help if you started telling me the truth about everything. No more secrets, asshole." I smile.

"For you, my love, I will promise you anything. Are you hungry? I can have Daisy send you food right away. You look a little pale." He winced as he took in my appearance.

"That would be nice. Can I use your phone? I need to call my mom. She has some explaining to do." I mumbled.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, handing it to me. He bent down, kissed me on the top of my head, and said he would be right back. I started calling my mother's number, contemplating what to say.

"Hey, sweetheart. Are you missing me?" She laughed

"Mom, I have to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me." I take a deep breath, "What do you know about werewolves?"

The line suddenly goes quiet, and I swear I can hear the wheels in her brain spinning from my question.

She sighs, " So, I am going to assume you know about your father, and I guess it's also safe to assume you meet your mate?"

What? She does know.

"Mom, how could you not tell me? Do you know exactly what I am?"

"Listen, Helena. Years after your father left, I realized what he truly was and what you are. But, this conversation is better said in person. Where are you?"

"Honestly, Mom, I am not even sure. Something happened, and my mate brought me to one of his country houses. I can get the address and text it to you."

"Ok, sweetheart. Send it to me immediately, and I will be there in a couple of days. We have much to discuss. And be safe, honey. I promise I will explain everything to you soon. I love you."

I whispered, " I love you, Mom. You are safe too." I disconnected the call. I threw the phone on the opposite end of the bed, letting out a low sigh. My life is turning into one big weird-ass supernatural television show.

"Hey, girly. I got your food." My eyes shoot open at the sound of Daisy's voice. I perch upon the bed, grabbing the tray with baked chicken, rice, green beans, and a piece of apple pie. It all smells heavenly, and I smile as I dig in.

"Slow down, fat ass. The food is not going anywhere." She giggles.

"You would be this hungry if you were traveling from some spiritual world to the real world, all while reconnecting with your past life," I said as I swallowed a piece of chicken.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point. What's it like knowing you and Elijah shared life before this one? So, how do you feel about all this?

I take a moment to answer, " In a way, it feels...weird but not so weird. Like, this was all just meant to be. I'll admit that I was afraid initially, but it all started to make sense once my old life came into view. Elijah is the piece I didn't even know was missing. Now, the only thing that scares me is dying again and not even being able to live my life with him." I sigh.

She strokes my back, "You're not going to die, Helena. We are here to protect you, always." She walks to the closest and returns with something behind her back. A wicked grin spreads on her face, " How about we play Monopoly." She smirks.

I laugh as she jumps on the bed; you are on, wolf girl. I hope you're ready to pay me. Once I get Park Place and Boardwalk, your ass is mine." I double over with laughter.

"Oh, we shall see. Let's get this started." She winks.

Now, this is normal.