Author Note

Hello my dearest readers.

At only 36 chapters, I was not expecting such patronage, and I cannot express to you how much the support has motivated my production of 'Hallowed Be'.

Initially, the plan was to churn out a couple of chapters each week, to expand my audience base and to garner trust in those already loyal readers. My original 'chapter dump' - if you will - was around 24, and the view count (while meager compared to some goliaths on this platform!) was unprecedented for an author like myself. Amongst those views, I have come across a few readers that I believe deserve a shoutout, as their feedback, votes, powerstones, and support have been far more valuable that they can ever know.

Thank you @DezerayT, @mudita_upreti, @lesliemay, @Refrigerator03, and @devil_in_detail. I wish I could follow you all back, but alas, my current status does not allow me to link my story with my WebNovel account. Please know that I have followed you all back in my heart!

But enough with the sappy stuff, as none of you are likely here for that.

Here are the real announcements:

First, please be on the lookout for today's chapter release - it will be dropping within a few hours.

Second, though I am clearly quite late, a free extra will be released within the week in celebration of Easter!

Third, should anyone have questions or comments that are directed specifically to yours truly, @rat_tiger1996 is the unofficial cheerleader of 'Hallowed Be' and can connect us. Shoot them a message if ever you need! (Oh, also! Watch for their posts on the page, as they have been working on some character art!)

Alright, now I'm off to make good of my promises.

Talk to you soon~
