{A/N: Hey friends! I really struggled to focus today, but I also wanted to give you guys a chapter. If it is choppy and/or riddled with some minor mistakes, please let me know, but otherwise, I hope you enjoy!
~ Higgins)
"All of this handwritten work," Ada mused, eyes scouring her Uncle Heiko's room once more. "And no ink well or quill to be found."
It was noon now, shining pale, bright light through the high ice windows - a Simonese invention meant to magnify the winter sun. Crystal particles were sprinkled into the glass after the smelting process and before it was completely hardened, an undertaking meant to multiply the number of reflective surfaces the light entering could hit and ultimately bounce off of.
Ada loved them. They brightened rooms more than any summer sun could and were the only things that made dreary mid-winter bearable.