Holy Perdition - Part 5

{A/N: Here's a free chapter for you, lovies! Let me know if you see any mistakes :)!

And shoutout to @Blutwirbel for the Inspiration Capsule! Thank you so much! It was very inspirational!

~ Higgins}


The Muse jumped at the sound of Cele's voice. His eyes were elsewhere, settled upon the hands clasped in his lap, but the general knew he was not looking at them. He wasn't looking at anything.

Cele frowned as Heiko looked over. Even then, the prince said nothing, save the message relayed by his drawn, sorrowful expression.

It was odder than anything the general had ever experienced. One moment he was fine, and the next, it was as if some sort of otherworldly thing had doused his lively spirit. It was more than unsettling - it pained Cele. He felt it, like a pit, deep in his gut.

Still, words did not come to him. He didn't know what he could say to make it better.

"The trial will begin soon," he managed after clearing his throat.

It was enough to clear some fog from the Muse's eyes. He hummed his acknowledgment to Cele, before turning away.

For some reason, that made everything worse. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Cele crossed for the bench, but dared not to sit beside the prince.

"Heiko," he said again, quieter. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." The prince's answer was curt, his voice tight. "I was just... reminded of a memory that took place here. Of my father."

The general felt the blood drain from his face. The father he killed with his very hands.

Without looking over, Heiko continued.

"He had given me advice. It was so simple that I thought it would apply to whatever situation I might happen to get myself into. But I was far too vain. I never accounted for-"

He stopped suddenly and turned to Cele.

"What did your Ilysian temple academy tell you about greed?"

The general furrowed his brow, taken aback.

"Wanting something is not wrong in itself," he answered after a moment. "Wanting something and keeping it to oneself is wrong."

Heiko's brow arched before he exhaled a defeated chuckle.

"Yes, that sounds like an Ilysian philosophy, indeed. Then-"

"Little rabbit."

Cele stiffened, his head swiveling towards the entrance of the courtyard, where Gustaf was striding over from.

And just like that - at the very sight of the Minder - Heiko's face was alight again, as if he had never once experienced a worldly woe, and he had Gustaf to thank for it.

“Brother Gustaf.”

His smile was wide and warm, and his eyes even more so, as he gazed upon the priest.

“I will do as I promised,” Gustaf informed, establishing himself before the Muse and offering him a hand. "I will discard all of these false wolves."

The general watched Heiko's fingers slid into Gustaf's hand without so much as a twitch of apprehension - as if the motion had been done over and over, as if it was now instinct, and Gustaf's hand was molded specifically for the prince's.

Without thinking, he declared, “Your priests will not be victorious.”

The Minder turned to the general, brows arched as if he was not expecting such sentiment.

That made Cele all the more angry.

“We will protect Heiko.”

“You have a loose tongue, Ilysian," the Minder said, appraising him. "But I’ve watched you. I know you better than you think and I trust in the judgment of this rabbit.”

“Heiko,” Cele corrected.

Gustaf smirked.

“This Muse would not choose men he did not think to be worthy. But that does not mean they are capable of defeating agents of Trochta.”

The general's chest swelled with anger. He opened his mouth, a sharp retort poised on his tongue, before Heiko touched his arm gently, calm gaze upon the Minder.

“Let us not dally on these silly words, when we can simply test it and be done with it. Brother Gustaf, shall we begin?”

There was a palpable buzz between Gustaf and Cele as they locked gazes, but the Minder beat him to the punch and turned to Heiko, smiling and nodding.

“Indeed, you are right, as always. Go now. Prepare yourself, little rabbit. I will be waiting.”

The very moment the Minder turned on his heel to retreat, Heiko had Cele's wrist in a firm grasp, pulling him along the perimeter of the courtyard, and towards the 'arena' area.

"It would be wise of you not to have pissing contests with the Minders of Trochta, Cele."

Cele huffed, having no reasonable response, as that was precisely what had happened.

"Go now," Heiko bit curtly, releasing him and gesturing to Rudolf and Kaifin, who were clustered together, seeming to be in the midst of a fervent conversation. "They will need-"

"Heiko," Cele interjected, stopping abruptly and taking Heiko with him. The prince turned to him with a scowl.

"What is it, general?"

It might as well have been sorcery the way his tone remained tranquil and diplomatic, all the while his expression spoke volumes on irritation.

"Your memory..." He trailed, looking down, trying to find the words. "Your father..."

"Don't, Cele."

His voice made the general's heart hammer.

"Don't speak of him."

"I just-"

"Enough!" Heiko snapped, the aggression in his tone making the soldier in Cele react, lifting a sharp gaze, muscles tense and ready. He was met with a harrowing amalgam of misery and ire. Cele could feel his heart shatter, the pieces piercing his skin painfully. "Do not speak of him! Do not speak of the man you stole from me! Do-"

The prince cut himself short, breaking his eye contact with Cele.

"I do not want to hate you, Cele. Please. Please do not speak of him, again."