Holy Perdition - Part 8

{A/N: Let me know about any mistakes and expect another chapter sometime in the next day or so!

~ Higgins}

The louder the clang of metal and whooping of soldiers grew, the more eager Ada became - so much so that she had to bite the inside of her cheek just to keep from grinning widely.

"Does Her Majesty, the queen, know you're out here, princess?"

With a simple question, her fantasy was deflated. She turned to Cilla with a look of displeasure.

"Do you think my mother would allow this? I am out here on my own accord, for purposes which are none of your business."

Despite the pointed remark, the woman grinned.

"You know, I heard from your uncle that you've gone through many ladies in waiting because of your draw to all things... mischievous, shall we say."

Ada huffed. "Having fun does not necessarily denote mischief, Lady Cilla."

"Quite right, indeed."