Clash in the meeting room: Zezo vs Selene Part-1

Brimming with golden light from his majestic white cloak Zezo arises slowly clenching both his fist and glaring at Selene with unfathomable anger.

I can't find myself to stop the flowing anger inside me, I never felt such rage and frustration ever since that day, the day when I was kicked out from my elven clan and ridiculed in front of everyone by the chieftain, my father.

Selene what you have done is an unforgivable sin. I will make sure you will pay for this.

Zezo had always upheld his principle to handle every situation or issue between his guildmates peacefully.

if he was not wrong he will tend to end the problem by him being apologetic because he doesn't want to sever the bond between his guildmates and want to build a guild where each of the guild members treasures each other as their members of the family.

But right now it is different, Selene has committed a huge crime by killing their leader, the person who relied on her the most on every occasion, he wants to purge Selene from his sight immediately, even if she is a fellow guildmate.

As Selene grew ever more impatient, her expression rapidly phased from her usual smugness to irritation. She wishes she could have executed her plan more "effectively" to avoid dealing with extra work like always, but now she prepares herself to deal with the empowered form of Zezo engulfed with pure light energy in front of her.

"You could have just lie low there in the ground Zezo, you see I hate dealing with extra work".

Selene lowered her eyes and gave an unpleasant look at the dead body of Gin lying beside her

"shame that you aren't easily breakable as this pathetic moron over here, he was too easy to manipulate and control plus above all he was too weak, he didn't have enough magic power to cross B class rank mage;

so he hardly went out in any ranking mission but sit in his stupid chair and gave orders. But now look at this clown has become to nothing but a pile of meat-"

before Mavis could finish savoring her remarks a golden line just passed along her head at a speed almost invisible to our naked eye, in that instant one of her side hair drops on the ground.

"Will you shut your trap up, I'm really angry now" Zezo finally broke out his last patient as Selene starts to insult their deceased leader.

Selene who was shocked realized that not only once her hair was allowed to be harmed but twice and this time a bundle of her proud hair was cut off, her face glows as red as a freshly picked tomato and she directs her rage toward Zezo.

"Oi did you just cut off my hair" Selene bents her neck slightly and gives a death stare to Zezo.... Don't you have any dignity as a man. You shall pay... You shall pay dearly for this Zezo!". Selene screamed!

A magic circle appears behind her back again but this time the number has increased quite a bit from before and each magic circle seems to condense with high magic energy.

At an inhuman speed barrage of magic bullets assault Zezo, each magic bullet lethal enough to kill an average wizard.

But this time Zezo didn't attempt to run still knowing how deadly the attack coming towards him, he quickly picks up the buster beside him and plunges to the ground with a mighty force.

A golden shield in the shape of a curve appeared before Zezo and blocked all the incoming magic bullets. The magic circles spin again and fire at Zezo leaving him no time to react. "Die... Die. Die... Vermin such as you try to humiliate me... know your place you half breed." Selene screamed.

As she waits for another barrage of magic bullets to activate a golden light quickly ran across all the magic circles behind her. In an instant, all the magic were cleft out in two halves with a shocked face Selene watch each of her magic circle dissipate into the air.

"Eh. What just happened? It is that light again... What kind of spell is that" Selene questioned herself while still recovering from the shock.

"This is my first time seeing magic circle cleaved, it is impossible, all this time of my experience I have never seen such kind of incident, not even demon lord himself couldn't do it but more importantly is it even Zezo's doing;

because I couldn't sense a single trace of magic from him even in that form, earlier he activated some kind of shield using that stupidly oversized sword, does that mean he locked away all his power in his weapons...if that's the case that attacks from earlier are no doubt from one of his swords".

Selene regained her composure as she realized slowly what is going on. "There are 4 swords in total, 2 he fired at the beginning, and no doubt it is probably one of the swords that destroyed my magic circles and 2 in front of him, each sword seems to have different abilities as well. I could still sense one of the swords behind me what a pesky bastard;

Don't underestimate me Zezo-san, I am not called the "Crimson Mage for nothing."

She tapped the floor with her staff and channeled her magic power to the room, with a huge tremor a lesser rock golem merged from the rubbles and the debris appeared before Zezo.

The monster quickly pulls his enormous fist at the air and directs a mighty Crush towards his enemy, Zezo quickly leaped back before he takes the blow and without wasting any movement he opened his palm in the air.

The smaller sword which was beside him at the beginning dissolved into miniature light orbs and flow towards Zezo, along with another trail of orbs coming behind the Selene, the two trails assembled at his palm to form a divine tool, a sanctified claymore born out of merging the sword of Ashwini twins.

"It is useless, you are aware of my magic aren't you, my crimson magic has the power to repel any form of weapons built from metal, that golem itself is fueled by magic, your half-ass crappy weapon will be repelled out by his mere aura.

Without paying any heed to Selene's provoking words, Zezo folds his two-finger and put his attention on the golem. The claymore spun rapidly as Zezo almost finish casting his spell.

"Activate [Pointer of the Dusk]" Zezo commands.

In an instant, the compact chest of the golem was pierced by a sharp golden beam, unintentionally or not the beam also managed to chirp away another side of Selene's side hair before leaving a hole on the wall behind her.

Realized what just happened Selene broke her staff in anger and screams in rage, not only was her creation couldn't last for 10 seconds but her precious hair was chipped away and she couldn't prevent it.

"Again! Why is it every time you have to target my beautiful hair. Are you that jealous of it. You half breed! I will cut your head alive!".

Selene at this point looked absolutely a mess! Her quiet composure and her "I know everything" personality trait was broken into shreds, with her newfound look (coconut hair) and blood-thirsty eyes she resembles that of a hell-spawned imp.