Clash in the meeting room,Part 2

With an unstoppable fury, she slammed the ground with her bare hand "Rise forth. My shades" Selene called out, the broken staff beside slowly rose in front of her, and in instant, it was engulfed by a tornado filled with an enormous amount of magic that expanded rapidly.

Before the tornado vanish completely several manifestations materialized in the air. These creatures are transparent, their shadowy apparition indicates physical attacks won't work on them, also their sinister-looking eyes glow in red as if it is fueled by unstable magic.

Zyun gasped in horror as he realized what these manifestations really are "Don't tell me...Selene, what have you done?

Selene clicked her finger and one of the shades propelled toward Zyun at tremendous speed with a hideous cry.

Zyun didn't have the chance to completely recover from the shout, in haste he picked up his buster and conjured a holy shield, the shade exploded in a crimson burst in front of Zyun, and the explosion shattered away nearby shattered pieces pillars, and rubbles as it consumed the room with smoke.

As the smoke slowly faded out Zyun stood there gripped tightly on the buster, his body covered with a few scratches.

"Yes, they're souls, I collected the souls of monsters that I killed and stored them in my staff. So, what of it? What's wrong with trying to do different things to become stronger? My magic can reanimate only non-living things it is weak... so, I tried it. Experimenting on souls!" Selene rage out.

"You are lying" Zyun spoke out "there are souls of humans in that mix, but still monster and human alike they don't deserve to go through such fate, after their fate I can feel their suffering, their agony going through now. …. But earlier you detonate one of them as if it is nothing. You don't have a heart, Selene, you are a monster!".

"So, what if I am?! I didn't come this far by being weak, compared to those people who climbed the rank with sheer power, I had to work myself up from the scratch with my cunningness and tenacity. Now I can build my Confinement Spell. "

Though they will be wiped out after one is used.

The shades beside her scatter away and quickly trapped Zyun in an inescapable whirlwind.

"Shame that you are going to be the one who will taste this power... But I won't regret it...I won't let anyone get in my way" Selene spoke out in a cold tone.

Zyun on the other hand didn't flinch, he quietly stood there overwhelmed with anger and guilt, as he remembered the words of his master, the only figure that always have been there for him during his up and down, he bends his knee on the ground and slowly gripped the buster to cast his major spell.

"It is over, Perish along with these souls Zyun, Art of Confinement, [Chorus of Spirit Devastation']".

The souls in the whirlwind radiate out in crimson color ready to explode anytime soon.

He bent his forehead softly against the sword and murmured " Aggraval please. Release those poor souls from their misery, I implore thee to activate [Eden's Garden]".

With a flashlight out from the sword the room was instantly covered in golden color, the floor and the rooftop as well were drenched in golden color, and as the sword dissolves into golden light tendrils sprout out from it and spread widely across the room.

The shades which were at the edge of the explosion calmed down by the exposure of passionate light brimming out from Zyun, on the same time the tendrils finish assembling to raise forth various trees and plants in the room.

The shades in the air start to fade away in the light as if their souls have been finally released from Selene's wicked spell.

"No..No..No... don't disappear," Selene shouts in desperation.

"This is a nightmare. What is this magic!" Selene lifts her head suddenly as she realized something really important

"I have heard of this story from a recruit 3 months back ...there is a city not far away from Gardania haunted by spirits of the war, the local mayor put up a huge reward to whoever exorcises them;

But none of the mages even high priests that came there couldn't exorcise because the spirits were filled with too much hatred, but one day a mage appeared and single-handedly purified the spirit in a matter of seconds... The news of such a deed was discarded and became a rumor since then... Don't tell me... That mage-".

The spell reaches its zenith as huge flowers bloom in every part of the room along with golden trees spreading out their branches covering every edge.

The light cast by the spell was so bright it caught the attention of every person at the stadium. Selene suddenly fell to her knee because her last spell consumed a huge amount of magic energy which she failed to consider while crafting her Confinement spell.

"Eh what... Did I lose? I defeated by this half-breed elf that has zero magic power inside hit. This is impossible. If I could have transformed myself into my original, I would have stood chance he is too strong".

Selene lies flat on the ground motionless, scratching the ground to refuse the fact that she is defeated.

Zyun walked slowly toward Selene empty headed while the sword emerges back to its original location lifting the spell. "I would like to ask one last question, Selene. Have you ever considered any of us as your friend from the start?" Zyun asked Selene in a bitter tone as he stare down his grief eyes at her.

"Friends. Heh. You got to kidding guys were nothing but a pile of rocks to me... I needed a place to conduct my research..ha..puff.. hidden away from the council;

So, I joined this pathetic guild of yours to take advantage of your stupid leader" Selene laughed out even in a condition where she continues to struggle to catch her breath every second.

"Then I guess you have to die for me" suddenly a dreaded voice came from Zyun sending down chills to her spine, she becomes terrified as her eyes lock on the menacing figure in front of her.

It is the form of Zyun she has never seen before... A merciless form of Zyun with an eye for chopping down anyone without paying any heed.

Just as her condition is not worse enough a group of golden chains lashed out from behind her and shackled her up pining her knee onto the ground while both of her hands stretched out by the chains.

All this time the sword that Zyun threw at the beginning has been waiting for his master command to fulfill his part.

Zyun summoned his claymore and didn't wait for any second to cut down Selene.

In fright, Selene let out a desperate cry "Someone...Please, someone please save me" Her shriek echoes the whole room and made Zyun hold off his sword.

"What are you... saying" Zyun said out in confusion.

"Please Zyun spare my life. I will do anything as you say" Selene started to beg miserably while tears ran down her eyes..."

" You are very pathetic Selene... Do you think I will forgive you after all the crimes you committed? Especially after you killed Gin" Zyun snapped back at Selene.

Ignoring everything Selene continue to throw tantrums while still chained by the sword but little didn't Zyun know that it was all her plan, behind him at the corner of the room a Darkeye was recording the scene and channeling live at the projector in the stadium which Zyun failed to detect from the beginning since he can't sense magic.

"Someone. Help me... Zyun just killed Gin and he is trying to kill me as well" Selene continues to keep on her act weeping out badly portraying Zyun as the actual bad guy here.

"Fine then I will slice your head first so that you won't blabber any more nonsense" Zyun finally lift his sword high in the air in an urge to end this nightmare once in for all, he didn't feel any remorse and blocked away all his emotions all in the means to wipe out evil from its existence;

just before he could land the strike a familiar voice from behind held him back. "Is that really true Zyun senpai". Zyun turned his head back slowly to see Liz and Garth standing at the entrance.

"Is Gin really dead?