He who wears the mask

Abyss, for some reason the name that Gin spoke of, still lingers in my mind. Since the beginning of the time, the term Abyss had a different kind of meaning depending on the context. It either refers to something deep or emptiness, then there is this one.

Beneath the wave, there is a place where no flicker of sunlight reaches there. Even the creatures that dwell in the ocean never dare to step inside the zone.

for those who venture deep to search for an answer, very few people make it alive to the surface, and for those who survive they tremble in fear to share the horrors and nightmares, they encounter there.

The name of that zone is referred to as the abyssal zone. The zone of absolute darkness and enigma. It holds limitless mysteries that exceed human expectations.


According to the ancient text it has been mentioned that the mythical holy city that once houses every religion in the world might still be somewhere at the bottom of the ocean.

Also, it is just a hypothesis but it is believed that the terrifying primordial beings that mass the size of a country might still be there lurking in the depth.


When Gin describes the personality of that person it somehow resonates with the mysterious and silhouette vibe of the actual word abyss. I might be overthinking but for some reason, I just can't let my mind out of this-



"Are you okay Zyun? you have been blackout for a long time" Garim asked with a concerned face.

"Oh, aha ha sorry". I reply with a hesitant smile while carrying one of Garim's cooking vessels in my hand.

"Are you eating properly these days? your face looks really worn out."

"Ah?" I replied with a hesitant smile. To be honest, I am not surprised, with the guild event coming closer, lately, all I think about is only that.

And to make sure all the games are perfectly safe for our members I have to reevaluate everything all by myself since the other two officers are too "busy".

"I am sure handling the guild and other stuff must be really stressful. I can tell, you have been carrying the guild all by yourself"

"Is not true Garim-san," I quickly try to dismiss the obvious truth, so that it doesn't affect the reputation of our guild.

"Our guild members have been busy lately, taking on varieties of missions and some are venturing outside the village to take on difficult tasks in big cities. Also, with guild events around the corner, they're training too hard to compete in the games."

I said out a big fat lie, the truth is none of our guild apart from the trio weren't looking forward to the event. they were not even tempting to work through it.

But when Gin announced the prize of the event is 50000 gold coins, which is enough to buy a huge mansion and live a luxurious life in big cities. Everyone quickly signs up their names for the event.

As for the quests, our guild isn't ready to pick up above C+, as they only prefer hunting goblins and orcs near the village and aren't motivated to climb for higher ranks either. The only ones who are taking up big quests are those two.

"Oh, is it so?" Garim asked.

"Yeah, and I really don't mind either. Our guild has a long way to go and has lots of work too but I believe in them. Our guild has the potential to reach the top, they just need a push. And I will try to make sure our member has gotten the support they need to become a powerful wizard that everyone can rely too on in the future."

"You are such a reliable boy, Zyun. Whatever those old geezers think ...but i couldn't be happier to have you here"

"Thank you, Garim-san. By the way, is Kuro still showing up in your place"

"Kuro chan?. yes, like usual she has been coming to my store almost every day. even today noon she was there."

"Ah, I'm sorry you have to look after her. She is just a bit weird and doesn't get along with others. So, I recommended your place to hang out.

"Don't worry about it. To be honest I enjoy watching her eat. it is the only time I see her happy"

"Haha, Kuro does love eating"

"When you brought her, I honestly thought she was your girlfriend."

"Nooo, what are you talking about, Garim-san"

"That's why I was disappointed. when you clarify that she is just a relative of yours" Garim sighs.

Yeah, I can see the disappointment clearly in your face...

Garim stops as we reach his stall. I can see that the Sun has moved down to the horizon and another long night for me is about to begin.

"Thank you again, Zyun for walking me back every time," Garim says

"No, is totally okay. I should be thankful to you instead of for coming to our guild and cooking for us"

"Anything for you, Zyun. There must be some supplies left in the kitchen. I can quickly make some quick curry and rice if you want"

"No, Garim-san you mustn't trouble yourself with it. I'm sure you must be tired as well please go and rest. my stomach is still full since I had lunch very late today.

Zyun lied again. the truth is he had not eaten anything today and to make matter worse for him, he forgot to restock his food while he was busy running the guild.

"If you say so then..." Garim then takes over his cooking vessel and starts walking inside the stall.

"Don't push too hard, Zyun. Taking the time and moving at a slow pace is the best way to climb success, haha. okay then see ya tomorrow."

"Good night, Garim-san" with a cheerful smile Zyun greets away Garim-san.

As soon as Garim enters inside. The face of Zyun starts to change, he starts to grow more serious than his usual self and stares obnoxiously.

"Slow pace.... heh" Zyun mutters.

From a distance, a voice calling out his name snaps back Zyun to his usual friendly self.

"Jiju, Jiju!" the words start to get clearer as the voice gets closer.

Zyun turns to his right and sees a young boy running toward him.

"Jiju, Jiju look. I am a wizard too, look!" the kid opens his palm, where a snowflake spins on it.

Zyun bends down in front of the kid and observes it enthusiastically. "Ahhh, that is beautiful. Did you make this all by yourself?" Zyun asks.

"Yes! Now I can join the guild too and fight those ugly Greenskins beside you"

"Haha, true. I'm really looking forward to working with you. Yahiko-kun"

"He was looking forward to showing this to you" Mira, mother of Yahiko slowly walks near them while holding a bowl.

"Mira-san, good evening"

"Good evening, Zyun" The middle age woman in shabby kimono wishes Zyun with a smile. "Here, take this, it is not much but tonight I have made some chicken curry for you."

"Mira-san you didn't have to take the trouble to-"

"Don't think much about it and take it" Mira then hands over the bowl over Zyun hands. "You don't know much grateful I'm for always looking for us. You're the only one I could rely upon."

"Jiju, Jiju, take me to the guild tomorrow. I want to go on a mission with you." Yahiko requested Zyun in excitement.

"Yahiko now, how many times should I tell you to add "san" while calling your elders" Mira then turns to Zyun "From morning all he did was blabbering about this same topic over again"

"Haha" Zyun laughs out "by the way, Mira-san how is grandpa?"

"Farther all he does is sit on his chair in front of the house every day... his eyesight is also losing slowly day by day. At his age, he can't do hard labor as he used to so is better to stay at home."

"It must be tough handling the house alone." Zyun shows some pettiness towards Mira since he can relate to it to a much extent.

"By the way, is there any news of Yahiko's father," Mira asked in a concerned tone.

Zyun for a moment stays quiet with his head slightly hung down.

"Ah, sorry Mira-san. I have followed the trail left behind by your husband and searched every possible place he could have gone in the forest but... I couldn't find any sign of him. I am sorry"

"Oh, I see." Mira turns her face sideway anxiously and starts to grief "Maybe he could have been-"

"Ah sorry, Mira-san. I have to go now. I'm kinda tired from all the heavy work of planning the event and have to take care of some stuff early in the morning as well. I will search again and update you once I pick up anything"

"Oh okay..."

"Jiju wait! summon one of those shining swords"

"Yahiko, stop troubling Zyun, he is tired after a long day of work. Come, let us go home too."

"Okay then, Mira san, goodnight. you too Yahiko. I will show you some amazing tricks tomorrow"

Hearing that Yahiko's eyes gleamed with joy.

"You better not forget, Jiju. it is a promise!" Kai shouts towards Zyun who is slowly walking away from him.