Chaos in the meeting room

"Ventix drops your feet from the table, maintain some decorum in the meeting room," I said as I slowly walks inside the meeting room.

"Hey... that is some coming from someone who arrived here late" Ventix replies back in a punky manner.

"Zyun-san, please learn to relax. You should be apologizing first instead; we couldn't start the meeting without our "reliable officer" here. because of that Gin has to go out and have lunch." Selene says with a sliding tone.

"Selene, why did you send Fyo and others deep inside the forest, you know well what dangerous monsters lurk in the forest."

"Oh god, you're exaggerating, I just send them to catch some few goblins which have been causing trouble for a while now in the village. was it wrong for me to send my fellow guild members on a mission? If you keep trapping them under your care, they will never grow. Zyun san"

"They almost died from an ambush, Selene."

"Well, they should have been more careful. it is common sense not to go beyond that zone. But kids these days are so reckless."

"By the way, who is that midget beside you, Zyun," Ventix asked.

"He is Fanny, one of our guild members"

"Bwahaha. That is funny, what can that kid even do. Can he even cast a spell properly? '

"Yeah, and he is working hard with his friends every day to take up the S class wizard selection exam in the future."

"AHAHAHA. stop, you are killing me. that might be the most hilarious thing I ever heard. I'm sure that kid won't even pass to qualify for an E class."

"Ventix, you shouldn't be harshed to this little kid, maybe he took the word. "Anyone can become anything took it seriously, hahaha"

Such a disgraceful act from these two who consider officers in the guild. I try to hold my anger back but most importantly I want to see how Fanny is doing, the poor kid must be stupefied from the harsh remarks from these stupid adults.

"Oi, you guys stop"

Fanny who has been sulking his head down for a while quickly lifts up his head.

"I think I got it!" Fanny screams "Zyun senpai can you help me practice tomorrow. I think I might know the reason why that spell didn't work"

"Um sure," I said while still trying to figure out what Fanny is referring to.

Suddenly Fanny starts to sniff. "What is this weird small, it stinks"

"Weird smell, I don't spell anything here"

"Ah, there" Fanny then points at Selene.

"Senpai, Selene senpai smells like an old woman"

"What!" I accidentally let a scream out of surprise.

Hearing the comment, I can see a few wrinkles growing out on Selene's face

"That brat told you to smell like an old woman, Selene. Haha. I like this kid" Ventix laughs in amusement.

"Brat...I can see you can make some nasty jokes. do you want me to teach some manner?" Selene says while clenching her fist.

"Fanny apologizes. didn't I advise you earlier to cause any trouble?" I scold Fanny out of embarrassment.

But Fanny looks at me with his innocent face.

"It is the truth though. I can differentiate out people by selling the mana that emits from their bodies. Selene senpai smells different from the rest of us" Fanny then looks at Selene with a smile. "Or perhaps Are you over 100+"

That was the last straw needed to pull out from Selene to burst into rage.

"BRAT, I will kill you and feed you upon the dogs! COME HERE"

"Oi calm down" Ventix

"This Miget. I will show you what a 100 old woman can do!"

Chaos suddenly erupts in the meeting room. before the meeting could even start things are already heating up. I quickly turn over Fanny to chase him out, knowing that it is the best solution right now.

"Fanny go now," I said

"Aye, but don't forget about the practice tomorrow. See ya."

Saying the Fanny dashes out from the room and in the doorway, he stumbles up with Gin.

"Lead sup," Fanny says then he jogs down.

"Ah, Fanny what are ya doing here" then he enters the room and appears in his usual casual dress. "What was the commotion earlier," says.

"Oh, we were just laughing at some jokes" I try to fake a laugh to smoothen the things down plus Selene has cool down as well, sitting silently on her chair.

"Heh, is that so," says then proceeds to walk towards his chair. It seems Gin doesn't care much about it.

"Ok then since everyone is here. shall we begin the meeting?" says.

Both Selene and Ventix sit quietly on their respective chairs as they silently listen. I too went to my chair and listen to what Gin has got to say.

"Well, there isn't much to discuss today. Since we already planned and finalized the games of the event in the last meeting." Gin says. "By the way Zyun have you put those stuff in the right place for the first game" v looks to me and asks.

"Yeah, I have allotted them. you don't have to worry about that. everything for the first game has been set" I reply proudly.

"Oh, that's great. Now then for the 2nd and 3rd game... Those are duels. We have to make sure none of them go seriously on each other. it is a match but anything can happen."

"You can leave count of us, Gin. We will make sure none of them will seriously hurt each other. in case, I can make a list of spells to be banned-"

"Well, then everything is done. is time to leave" Ventix says as he gets up from the chair

"True, all is left to watch the event, well then folks' good day," Selene says as she also tries to leave alongside Ventix.

"Eh, we just started that meeting, I'm sure there are things that we can go through to make sure-"

"Zyun bro, you are making a big deal out of it, is just a small game that is not even difficult. you are taking it too seriously" Ventix says that and leaves out the room.

" I a guild event. or is just only me that is looking forward to it..." I mutter quietly

"Zyun do you have a minute," Gin asks


"Hmph. is something troubling you?"

"Nothing much. but... I kind of wish, if Selene and Ventix start taking things.... about the guild I mean, seriously. Today, besides the guild event, I was kind of looking forward to discussing our guild insignia, and guild photo and I am sure there are all kinds of stuff to discuss too if we all work together.

but... I just don't know. They don't seem to at all care about the guild." Without holding back, I said all the things inside me that have been holding back for a long time.

"I understand you, Zyun. But you see, everyone has their own pace they're comfortable working with. If we force someone to move faster, then they won't find it comfortable to work in here and might end up leaving. I really want to avoid that but I am sure they are thinking about the guild and looking for ways to improve in their own ways. I trust in each of you." Gin replies

Then suddenly Gin starts to scratch his head.

"ahhh. I also really wanted to talk about that about our guild symbol." Gin vents out. "You know since our guild name is Chronicles our symbol could be C with a dragon wrapping around to make it cool"

Not going to lie, for a second Gin sounded like Fanny.

"But it can't be helped since they all moved out as soon as the meeting started. Ahahaha."

"No, Gin. You should also stop holding back. If you talk to them about this a bit, I'm sure-"

"I know, Zyun. I know... but I don't want to be too harsh on them. I'm sure in time they will understand"

Is Gin holding back all this time because he is afraid that they will leave?

"But I have to say...Ever since you joined the guild, the guild has been completely changed. I always see you tagging alongside your fellow guild members when they go on a mission and help, them out. The village perspective also started to change. it is all thanks to you, Zyun"

"Ah... it is not a big deal; I was just fulfilling my role as an officer" I blush a bit hearing the compliment from Gin.

"Now that all is left to make sure the event goes successful"


Then Gin looks at me seriously.

"Zyun, I want to make Chronicles a bigger guild. And with you along my side, I think it is possible. Selene and Ventix are reliable too but they are sometimes casual about these things.

Casual more like they don't seem to care about the guild at all.

"Don't worry, about that Gin. you can count on me. I am willing to work hard to make our guild big so that in the future many will know about this place and join."

"Thank you" Gin replied with a smile.

"By the way Gin, I have always wanted to ask this question. why did you determined to lead a guild"

Gin gets up and starts walking toward his desk, where there is a portrait of him with two people standing near him and their faces are lit up by the sunlight.

" When I first told the village to build a guild. No one took it seriously. So, I took the matters into my hand. it was tough at the beginning but somehow thanks to them, my dream became true. Gin picks up the portrait and stares at them with a smile.

"This is my hometown, Zyun. I want to protect this place. although our village is a far-fetched touch away from other big countries.

I'm sure is possible for our village to grow up in its way." Then he turns towards me and continues speaking. "Well, it was kind of a wimp idea at the beginning but thanks to someone... "help" at the end it became successful"


"Yeah, it is majorly thanks to the guy, that we were able to build this guild".

"Who is that guy, is it someone from our guild," I asked with keen interest.

"Nope, he is one hell of a mysterious guy. he never talks much about himself and always loves to wander. He is really strong too. oh, by the way, he is coming here tomorrow"

I listen attentively and not going to lie I am starting to grow interested in this person.

"He can also appear in front of us nowhere and loves to prank a lot. Haha"

A ghost???

Gin chuckles.

"And the name of the person is Abyss".