Duel summit!

Kuro places her spear at the front, as Prussian flame generates out and covers the tip of the spear-like a talon, she then violently charges at her opponents with a "Prussian thrust".

"She is fast!" the elder green-skin exclaimed. Just then Goregrind comes in between them and blocks her attack by activating a magic shield.

But before Kuro realized it, the flame in her spear vanishes immediately. The swordsman quickly jumps in and does an overhead slash on Kuro, but Kuro bends her head and dodges it in time, and jumps out.

She again charges her spear and this time she vanishes from her enemy's sight.

"It is useless, no matter what trick you pull up…we have all the information about you". The goblin called out in a snarky way.

The blindfolded goblin turns his head sideways and releases a dissonance wave by clapping his hand.

Kuro who is about to charge the goblin from behind was intercepted by the enemy. "There you are!" the goblin tapped his staff on the ground..and again all the flames vanish completely. The neutralization is then followed by a powerful wind slash, a powerful wind magic attack that takes the shape of a large blade and blasts its opponent.

Kuro is then sent flying through the trees while reaping out branches and leaves from the impact of the wind slash.

Near the riverbank, Kuro found herself lying on the ground with a few scratches all over her body.

She attempts to get up slowly by using her spear as support.

"I…I wanna have onigiri..all this bullshit is making me hungry…first of all, it is all that Zyun fault...if he hasn't forced me to participate right now, I would be having some fresh onigiri for my lunch. I-".

Then suddenly Kuro went to alert mode as she felt the whole surrounding was passed by a dissonance wave. "Again...My body..staggered.."

Then Fire arrows rain down at her location.

She flares herself up in Prussian flame and dodges it with immense speed, she lifts her spear and burns away the incoming tree at her with a slash, as the tress burns down slowly at the ground, she is greeted with several wind slices from the previous direction.

She quickly used her offhand and try to block it by conjuring a Prussian flame shield. The force of the wind slices pushes her back but she was able to defend it completely.

"Give it up..it is futile" the old goblin along with the blindfolded orc emerges from the shade, didn't I tell ya..we have intel about you. This team is organized in such a way we have the upper advantage. "Information leaked?... I haven't used any of my techniques ever since I came here" Kuro wonders while keeping up a serious face.

"And the person who leaked this information..is none other than from your guild itself" The goblin grinned as he said that.

"You have been betrayed by your guildmate little girl, you should know it better the people in your guild don't like you, they only called you for help but after that they completely ignored you, you are nothing but a doll that is used for their purpose!..no matter how strong you are..you will always be used!".

For a moment there was a long silence, then at the northern sky multiple red flares went off, signaling the event is over. "I…." Kuro started to say something in a low voice.

"Are you an idiot?" Kuro asked with her head hung high.

"Used" "Doll"..what an utterly nonsense...I only went and help them because that annoying guy will keep on pestering about not being "socialized"..and I don't care if they like me or not..." Kuro's voice lowers as she finishes her last words. "Enough I will finish this up in 5 minutes". Kuro boldly declared while projecting her spear in front.

"Hahaha..you surely do not know your position well..u guys ...not need to hold back go all out and kill her. I don't care if you shred her into pieces..as long as we have proof that she is dead".

Goregrind and the swordsman in black clothing quickly charge at Kuro at the command. "Raging Prussian streams activate!" Kuro shouts.

From her feet, a large magic circle appeared, raw mana seeps out from the blue magic circle and envelopes Kuro with a deep Prussian fire sphere.

From the sphere, multiple streams of Prussian shoot in all directions, several of them attacking Goregrind and the swordsman.

The swordsman unsheathes his cutlass and generates multiple slashes at the streams coming at him but the attack wasn't enough.

so, he quickly jumps away and tries to combat the raging streams one at a time by pre-determining the distances of each stream.

Trumble used his fists to smash the incoming steam but soon he finds himself guarding against the series of Prussian streams, finally, he is knockdown to the ground when a Prussian stream hit on his helm from above.

As he sees himself in danger, the old goblin shouted "Goregrind get back here and protect me!" "

Trumble gets up from the ground and leaps in the direction and conjures a shield to block the incoming streams.

But some of the stream's bend over the shield and can reach the goblin, the blindfolded goblin quickly releases a dissonance wave and staggered the stream in front of them.

the old goblin quickly uses his staff to neutralize it but some of the streams found their way and hit down the old goblin.

"You...Little bitch..Don't underestimate me" he shouted. Runic enchantment: Burning Rage, the goblin taps his staff and conjures a mass enchantment,

"This will last for a small duration but it should be enough, go men take her down!"

The orc swordsman stops running, he stood by one of the tree branches and cut off the incoming streams with unbridled rage.

"Most of the streams are disappearing slowly…from the beginning even with combined each lack fatal damage…what is she planning to do?" The elderly goblin wonders.

Little did he realizes that Some of the streams at the beginning went in the opposite direction of the battlefield..now they have finally reached their destination.

A slim orc with a skull mask on his head jumps out from the canopy of trees chased by a few of the Prussian streams.

"So that was her real intention..but..too naïve!..runic enchantment!" The goblin shouts again.

The orc who has been struggling for a while handling the attack, receiving the enchantment counter the attacks with his fire magic with tremendous speed.

"Men get here! ...is time to turn the tides... once all the streams group up here Tin will stagger all the incoming streams and I will dispel it once it for all..we won".

All the orcs assembled near the goblin...Tin focused himself on all the incoming streams ... ready to clap his hand to stagger them..but before the streams could hit them... they all rise high in the sky.

"WHAT" the old goblin shouted in disbelief.

The streams soon started to turn brighter as they fly up the sky ...they all joined together to form in the shape of an azure dragon head, then it crashes down at tremendous speed where the enemy assembled with a loud explosion.

This is Kuro's signature move in this dive form," Heavenly Azure dragon crash".

Her mana starts condensing giving an azure color which is 3 times stronger when all her streams are combined and landing a finishing blow when her enemies are less expecting it.

"Cough…That little bitc-"

Out from the smoke with Prussian Flame surrounding her, Kuro comes out and attacks the unprepared Tin with her Prussian thrust attack.

" Oh...You are so annoying..die" Kuro shouts in alongside as she thrust Tin with her spear.

Tin was the first one to be taken out from the group and he lay pinned to a tree.

"I gotta admit, that was nicely done catching us off guard, but I can tell you have used all your tricks and I can sense your mana is dropping as we speak..besides, you took out the one who contributed the least in combat ability..is over now Kuro... do you think u can take 4 of us in your state."

"3...check your number, old man" Kuro corrects it.

With a loud crash, Goregrind falls to the ground, He took the attack directly, but even with the enchantment, it wasn't enough to defend him from the attack.

The goblin looks in the direction where Goregrind crashed in awe.

"You will pay for this…it took me one whole week to find and gather the strongest warlord ruling in this place…oh well casualties are to be expected... and they're weak anyway".

"But…they served their purpose...NOW!" The goblin quickly sends out a signal.

in the sky, a magic circle appeared and thousands of flaming arrows rain down at huge speed... The arrows explode spontaneously where Kuro is standing.

"HAHAHA..don't take me lightly. You, lowlife elf..I know of my tenacity in the army, so that's why my master leaves this job to me...Now burn away..burn into nothingness!"

Our job is done let's head over to our location, the rest of our forces must be waiting near that hidden elf village to assist..the group turn their back and start heading out.

The goblin suddenly stops as he senses a new form of magic power filling the space. "Wait... what is this..there is a shifting of magic energy..."

He turns back to confirm where the source is coming from then-

Out from the fire..an intimidating figure almost resembling that of a demon walks out..with a long flaming sword.

"Spirit Dive 40%: Crimson Dive...Kuro murmured as she slowly walks out from the flame.