Art of confinement

"This is impossible…she should have 0 magic energy after finishing her previous attack. But now she have almost twice the magic energy as before!"

the old goblin trips back as he sees the enormous malevolent aura approaching him.

Kuro in this dive form has manifested the form of a demon, crimson hair falls freely on her back. Leaving behind the elegant dress she wore in her previous dive form, right now she wears breastplate armor and tight metal leggings while exposing her thick thighs.

The Orc caster releases a wave of demolishing fire toward Kuro without hesitation, but she used her sword and cleaves it into two without putting much effort.

While advancing toward them, she slowly lifts her right hand and conjures a crimson magic circle on her palm.

the enchantment rune which was supposed to be gone from the body of the orcs starts glowing, suddenly it ignites and starts burning the warlords internally.

"What is this magic... she is pouring her magic power into the leftover enchantment of mine and that also she is doing it indirectly..." the goblin runs cold sweats from his face as he watches in disbelief

"How can an elf cast such a frightening spell! right now she has an aura almost similar to a demon..."

the orcs scream in agony as their body started to burn… subjugated by ignition the orc caster falls with his body burnt to crisp.

The Orc swordsman pulls out his sword and quickly cut off his right shoulder where the rune is and immediately charges at Kuro with rage but Kuro easily guards the attack wither her sword.

"How pitiful," Kuro said in monotone while looking down at her enemy.

she grabs the orc's head with her demonic claw and burns her enemy to cinders.

She then turns her attention toward the old goblin who is the only survivor left.

The helpless old goblin looks pitiful and helpless as Kuro Stood before him with her demonic glare shaking the core of his soul.

In an instant, the goblin was sent flying with a kick on his chest from Kuro. The goblin choked blood and lay helplessly on the ground.

."You aren't a goblin aren't ya. You stink of demonic magic"..Kuro said.

The old goblin slowly rose with support from his staff.

"I….one of the most powerful and respected enchanters in the whole legion rank..Do u think u can overpower me..little girl..".The goblin declares. He snaps his staff in anger and proceeds to slowly transform into a gigantic figure. his body was covered with red claws and a huge tail at the back.

"You went and did it..little I will destroy you with a power you have never seen before. Full body Enchantment: Infernal Rage."

The demon roars as he enchants his body, surging the power running through his body he clunch his fist and boasts it towards Kuro

This is not your pitiful enchantment that I gave to the orcs earlier..with this I can-…wait what is flames are disappearing….ughhhhh…I can't breathe…"

The awaken suddenly demon falls to his knees.

As the demon lies suffocated on the ground, the surrounding beside him starts to change, he sees strange red globules start to condense rapidly and rose in the air.

"You are under the confinement zone, little demon…this whole area is under my control field, "Kuro explained.

"I can't cast any magic…my scales are burning away..what is this magic! how can an elf such as you can cast a confinement magic." The demon entangles his body as the pain surging through his body starts to become unbearable.

"This sensation no doubt…You…who are you…this is not any mortal magic..this is demonic magic!"

Before he could complete it..the helpless demon was caught off guard by a peculiar vision.

Lava gushes down from scared mountains and runs freely down like a river, between the land that divides the lava river, there is an elevated throne adorned with skulls. The demon finds himself under the gaze of an intimidating figure sitting on a throne.

"No, it can't be... this is can someone of your standing be here…Lord Aggamon, the primordial deity of the Scorched Land."

"Trash..don't utter my name…You are way too weak" The figure scuffed at the lowly demon. "Disappear from my sight." The vision ends as Lord Aggamon fades away.

The demon then shifts his gaze towards Kuro "You …This is not the end master will surely revenge-...AHHHHHHHH KAREN SAMA"

the demon screams in agony as his body starts to break apart with lava gushing out from the crack of his body.

"Art of Confinement: Agamon's wrath..."

As Kuro said this word. A huge pillar of flame rose to the sky, burning the demon into ash.

With his chin on his demonic hand ...Lord Aggamon grins "Yes that is Kuro…Burn it..burn everything down to the core. You are the chosen one"

His voice echoes through the burning ridges ...the crimson sky and the hellish river that runs through the dry valleys.

Kuro returned to her original form..her sword disappeared and her hair went back to its original black color and she takes a long breath.

"Sigh ...guess I went a bit overboard with this...Zyun will be terrified when he learns of this but ...with should take care of everything but..." Kuro then turns front and called out a mysterious spectator who has been watching the battle the whole time.

"Hey how long are you gonna watch around"

From the shades of the trees, Abyss slowly steps out.


"Ha, ha, ha, puff...oh god, I'm so done."

Kazu and Fyo breathe heavily as they rest against a tree.

"All we do was run ever since the event has started" Kazu complained. he throws his legs wide open to relax after running for 10 minutes straight from the enlarged Umpa Humpas.

Meanwhile, Fyo quickly pull out the event map from her pocket and lay it down on her lap.

"Look here," Fyo said. Kazu responds only with his eyes shifting to the map while he tries to get some breaths.

"This is the guild, in the southern direction." Fyo then moves her index finger and continues to examine the map "if we move to the left, over here, there are several markings, these markings indicate a probable area where the artifacts are located. But something is not right"

"What are you trying to say Fyo-san?"

"No doubt we are here in the southeastern region of Lymedia forest we have already gone deeper inside thanks to Umpas Humpas. Now see," Fyo then moves her finger slightly towards the left and stops after reaching a certain place on the map which is located in the northern direction.

"If we go further from here...It is the No Passed Zone. There is no way in anyone's mind they will include such a dangerous zone for the event. Zyun-senpai will never allow it"

Suddenly Fyo holds her from speaking as she starts to realize something.

"But then...what if it is not Zyun-senpai" She mutters softly

"Kazu who gave you the map?"

"Ugh..." Kazu is still trying to get himself together from all the body aches from running. "Well, what was her name again...Selene, yeah Selene-senpai was the one who distributed all the maps"

"I see," saying then Fyo suddenly stood up.

"We are going back to the arena, Kazu"

"What?" Kazu exclaimed in disbelief. "Why? After we came this far"

"There is so much wrong with this map, you can call it even a fake."

"I'm confused"

"We are moving out from here, Kazu. I'm sure we will meet Zyun senpai or in the worst-case Fanny while we head out"

Suddenly, a green droplet drops down from above, Fyo shifts her attention to the map and sees that a part of the map starts to dissolve.

She looks up and quickly fell under the gaze of an enormous Spider.

As the spider drops down, Fyo quickly jumps out, and without wasting any second, she picks up her staff and prepares to attack.

"Howitzer, Incinerate" Fyo commands. Howitzer blasts the monstrous spider away knocking it against the tree.

"Um...Fyo, I think we have lots of customers here" Kazu cries out in a whimpering voice as he looks up.

From the above more of the monstrous spiders starts descending with the help of their webs.

"RUN" Fyo screams

Again, both Fyo and Kazu find themselves chased by a monster, but this by a horde of spiders who can shoot corrosive bolts.

Multiple corrosive shots out from the spiders move as they chased prey. Seeing the Corrosive bolts coming for their asses, they start to run faster.

"What the heck is happening with us, it was some abnormal monkeys now it is spiders. I am so done with running"

"Run...yeah ever since we stepped inside the forest all we did was run..but why are running? Because we are afraid of dying? No... there are far more precious things that are important than life and that is gold"

Fyo suddenly stops running and turns back with a fierce look on her face.

" loads, do you guys even understand the pain of being broke" Fyo demands angrily.

"Eh...Fyo what are you trying to do!"

All the spider stops and stares at Fyo in confusion.

"Wait..are they seriously listening to her?"

"Do you guys know how painful it is to live alongside two nincompoops?" Fyo shouts.

"No, you won' why are you trying to make my life difficult?"

"Fyo..they're not humans..." Kazu tries put some senses in Fyo but it will eventually turn out it is futile.

"So, disappear from my sight" Fyo then throws her staff in the air

"Howitzer, transfigurate into slime!"

Howitzer melts down into slime and rains down upon the spiders. The spiders find themselves unable to move.

Fyo then quickly puts her concentration as she starts weaving her hands.

"Art of invocation style number 2: Memento of Starlight drift"

A yellow magic circle appears on Fyo's hand and expels out a powerful bolt of energy. All the monstrous spiders trapped in the slime were completely incinerated as the bolt hits them.

"Fyo watch out"

Few spiders which they didn't notice at the beginning lunge towards them from the trees.

Kazu charges himself with lightning magic and jumps in the air, he lands a chop at the spider coming towards Fyo and kicks the one beside him.

But more and more spiders that were lurking in the shadows jumped towards them

"Kazu stay back" Fyo shouts

With a confused face, Kazu turns back and sees that Fyo was already preparing to cast another spell.

"Art of Invocation, style number 1: Memento of Scarlet intervention"

A gust of wind swiftly passes through the passes and in split second, all their body cuts down into pieces and falls to the ground alongside scarlet petal.

"Ha..ha..ha.." Fyo heavily breathes out after casting two invocation spells successively.

"Fyo.." Kazu utters while looking at her friend with empathy. "Wait, someone is coming"

Kazu quickly shifts his attention at front as he hears sound of footsteps running towards them.