Unending hatred

Should I release it...he is the one who killed Gin right? but why am I hesitating? …...Why can't I shoot him." Liz stands in a dilemma. Whether to attack or not? but more than that she finds herself in a very unsettling situation to control her feelings.

Garth slowly walks out from the smoke with his shoulder, hand and his knees burnt from the previous attack.

"Liz what are you waiting for release the arrow...bastard you still survive from that attack... but still why won't you attack back..." He demanded.

"I... I still consider you as one of my precious friends, Garth." Zyun said while still trying to recover himself after taking a huge chunk of damage from Garth's previous attack.

"Are you still keeping up with that bullshit... you are nothing to me, you are just a murderer in Infront of my eyes."

"Garth, stop it... you are at your limit... if you continue to push... your body will-"

"True I'm at my limit ...is time put to a different enchantment. Art of enchantment: Gale."

The ember sword in Garth suddenly vanishes leaving behind only the hilt. As he tries to swing the sword air gathers near his sword forming the blade of the sword, with a single swing arc of wind-like blade generates from the sword and sends it towards Zyun.

In response to the incoming attack, Zyun quickly picks up his sword and fends off the attack. Garth continues to generate a wind blade from his sword and send it to Zyun consecutively giving his opponent no time to react, every time Zyun slashes off the incoming attack he steps back bit by bit.

Tired of attacking from the range, Garth lunges toward Zyun in speed at the entrance of the guild hall, with his air blade clashing against Zyun's claymore.

"Attack... Unlike you I have honor. I want a fair and square match." Garth demanded.

"Garth, just give me one chance to explain this everything, just hear me out one last time."


Garth pours his strength on his blades and pushes it, after securing an optimal distance for his next attack he whispers "Burst".

The air that was gathering in his blade expands outward and sends the off-guard Zyun flying inside the arena.


Meanwhile in the northern direction of Lymmedia, deep within the forest...

"Oiiiii, you guys. are you all saf-"


Fyo quickly intercepts poor Fanny who was running towards his friends by Howitzer and hammered his face down to the ground.

"Oh my god is that you, Fanny? I'm so sorry. I thought you were one of those monkeys. Are you alright?" Fyo gasped and acts shocked as she pretends to feel guilty about hitting Fanny.

"You intentionally hit him, didn't you?" Kazu said out the truth.

"I..a-am,alr-right desu.." Fanny said while his face was still pinned down against the ground.

"So, what are you doing here, Look-out-boy?" Kazu asked with a mocking attitude.

Fanny dirt himself off as he slowly stood up.

"Oh yeah about that, Zyun-senpai told you guys to quickly return to the arena?"

"Huh? what are you talking about? what about the event?"

"So, my hunch was right. There is something really wrong in this event" Fyo murmured.

"Senpai said that the event area is only limited to the southern region of the forest but because of the maps handed out by Selene-senpai. Everyone is scattered,"

Both Fyo and Kazu listen attentively as Fanny continues to deliver the reason behind the anomalies happening on the first day of the guild event.

"So Zyun senpai told me to find everyone and assembled in the arena. But, so far i have only found you guys."

"So does that mean the event is canceled-"

"There is no time for that" Fyo quickly interrupts Kazu. "Let's hurry up and meet senpai. I am having a bad feeling about this"

"You guys go ahead, I need to find others too," Fanny said as he quickly gears up to venture deep inside the forest to find the missing members.

"What are you saying? Is dangerous to go further inside-"


Everyone quickly shifts in the direction where the beasty roar came from.

All three of the apprentice mages tense up after hearing such a terrifying and powerful roar for the first time in their life.

"Just Now-What was that?" Fyo asked others while remaining baffled by the roar.

"I don't know..but it came from that direction" Kazu responded while turning his face towards his left.

Fanny's eyes quickly sharpened as he senses an enormous malevolent aura in the air.

All three of them have their answer as the giant monstrous body of Cynnedrin quickly flew above them.

Fyo, Kazu, and Fanny brace themselves as they are thrust away from the strong wind current released from Cynnedrin wings.

With another roar, Cynnedrin flew in the direction of the arena.


At outside, the shimmering light of the dawn put a new crimson shade on the arena field ground.

Zyun lands inside the obscure arena field with his hand on the ground suffering minimal damage. When he pulls his head up, he is greeted by a huge pack of angry mobs which are none other than mages from Chronicles

"Murderer!" Someone shouted angrily from the midst of the crowd.

"So, this was your real identity all along... A scoundrel half-breed elf." Another one joined in.

"Senpai why...were you always this heartless...poor Selene-senpai was crying... and now Gin is gone too.... why do u have to do this to our family!"

Slowly more and more angry comments start firing toward Zyun.

"Why....why did it have to turn out this way... why at least one of you stand for me.... does my presence here for almost a year serves no purposes to everybody..." Zyun questions himself with his head hung low.

Yena, we used to talk every day about all the S class mages in Ruins and also jokes about how our guild lacks very much behind them...

Arin, at the beginning you were very hesitant to go out for your first quest to capture and were shy to ask anyone to team with you, and even though I couldn't go out on the quest with you, I told you about how orcs have an imperative weakness against fire-based attack;

so, you learn basic fire magic to take them down and since then you would come to me for tips to help out with your mission...

Drek, you will always boss yourself to call me I am your only true brother... yet why don't I see anyone standing beside me... why does it always end this way, the people I put trust in have to backstab at the end..."

Just where the situation is not worse for Zyun, Garth jumps inside the field in front of the crowd to hand out the final verdict to the one who caused all their problems.

"Do you hear this? Everyone over here wants justice...I won't ask you to fight back here anymore. Just surrender. Then I will give you a clean death." Garth demanded with his "ERADICATOR" pointing sharply towards Zyun.

Liz grips her right shoulder tightly with her hand as she observes the painful sight below, her beautiful guild crumbling in just one single day.

"Kill him... take out that head" An angry mage shouted.

"Garth, please revenge Gin for us! I don't know what should I do anymore... You heartless monster... I hope you rot in hell!" Yena also joins in.

"Yeah, kill him."

Even the Civilians seating in the audience section join in the witch hunt, some even throw pebbles and rocks at Zyun.

"Rid that disgusting elf from here" A villager shouted from up.

"What are you guys doing? Just finish him off quickly before he runs away!" The villager beside him also joins the fray.

And in a short time, the whole field starts to fill with chanting of the murderous hymn.

"Is this where I end. After coming this far"..Zyun murmured.

No! I suffered...struggled but I always find a way to stand up if also means fighting it alone... I won't give up not until I faced that guy! Not until I proof him, that I am not weak...I will live!

At that very moment, Zyun strengthens his resolve after remembering he has a very important goal to fulfill.

Out of nowhere a monstrous roar from the northern direction cease the moment of everyone in the arena. Everyone in the field stops for a moment and looks in the direction where the noise just came from.

"Do u guys hear that?" A confused villager in the audience venue asked.

"What was that? What a terrifying noise, it still rings inside my ear

"Everyone, look! Over there. Something is flying toward us!"

From the musky dark sky, Cynnedrin comes out crashing out of the cloud with his gigantic scorched wing.

"Is that a... dragon??" A terrified villager asked.

"Dragon? Over here...what is it doing here? Everyone, run!"

"Pick up your kids and run away from here as fast as you can... A dragon is coming here!"

With confusion and panic, all the civilians in the arena attempt to run to the nearest exit as fast as they can as Cynnedrin closes in.

Even the mages don't falter thinking to flee.

" Is that a real dragon... What a devilish-looking eye."

"We don't stand a chance against such a monster," Yena said.

"But what is it doing here... don't tell me-"

But before anyone could do anything, just a few distances away from the arena Cynnedrin opens his metal jaw widely and without hesitation he breathes out a massive cone of fire towards where Zyun and the other mages are, destroying away the structure of the arena along its path.

Garth slowly lowers his hand from his face only to see massive golden magic erected up in front of them by none other than Zyun using his Aggraval protecting everyone from the incoming breathe.

" Are we safe..." One of the mages inside the barrier exclaimed.

"Garth takes everyone and runs away from here as possible, while I buy some time here" Zyun while channeling his power in Aggraval speaks out without turning his head back.

From shock and suspense Garth stands there with his tethered armor, he clenched his fist as he fails to make up any decisions at that very moment.

"What are you doing" a voice from behind snaps away Garth from his confused state, "Everyone hurry this way" it was none other than Liz, she slowly run towards Garth and hold his hand "Let's go... the best thing we can do now is to save everyone... Ventix is not here. We are the only one who can protect them".

Garth hesitantly agrees and runs towards the exit behind everyone. Liz looks towards Zyun one last time before she also parts away from that place never turning back.

Cynnedrin slowly thrashes his wing in the air and lands in front of Zyun with a roar shaking every part of the arena.

So, this is a dragon... what a gigantic creature... I heard that dragons have their habitats and territories and live there till they die... but what is this one doing here.

Cynnedrin lowers his gigantic red eyes towards Zyun and lets out a cry trying to terrify him. Zyun braces himself with his hands from the roar directly hitting him.

ugh... what a suffocating scent... this one for sure is not friendly... he is here to destroy everything!

Cynnedrin leaps up one of his massive feet and tries to crush Zyun with it, Zyun grabs his sword and quickly leaps out. "Do I even... stand a chance against this guy ...?" Zyun questions himself.

No... I have to buy some time... so that everyone can run away from here as far as they could..this is the final thing I can do for the guild, goodbye Garth, Liz, Fanny, Kazu, Fyo everyone, the time I had you guys was the most memorable time of my life.

Zyun slowly gets up from the ground with his divine clothes ready to confront the unpredictable enemy before him.