Cynnedrin fury

"What was that noise" Aymi runs breathlessly after hearing the explosion and unidentified roar coming from the arena.

Aymi was hesitant to go at the beginning to watch the event since she didn't participate but because of a certain "push", she ends up coming.

"I hope senpai is fine" she murmured as she swiftly approaches the arena entrance.

Suddenly a crowd of people flushes out from the entrance in frenzy and runs out with a terrified expression.

Confused by what is going on. Aymi stands still in the middle of people rushing out of the arena while being dashed left and right from the people running out with screaming and shouting.

"What is happening-"

Suddenly she feels her hand gripped by someone.

"What are you doing here, run!"

it was Liz. She has a fright expression but on closer look, her face looks like has been soaked with anguish and sadness.

'Liz-senpai What happened here" Aymi asked in a confused voice.

"There is no time to explain...but out of nowhere a dragon crashed here"

"A dragon???" Aymi stays stupified after hearing the news.

"So now let's go"

Liz grips Aymi's arm harder and starts dragging her front.

"But where is Zyun-senpa-"

Aymi holds herself from speaking as gets a small glimpse of a person standing alone in a shining aura to face a monstrous dragon, as she examines closer. Aymi realizes who that blonde guy in a white and gold cloak is.

"Senpai..." Aymi softly mutters.

But Liz pulls Aymi beside her and starts running away from the arena.

"Wait hold on. That was Zyun-senpai wasn't it? Why is fighting alone"

Liz didn't answer back.

"Answer me!..stop. I need to go help senpai." Aymi forcefully tried to pull her back to run back to the arena.

Lix lifts her hand and places a magic circle on Aymi's head. As the magic circle starts to glow, Aymi slowly falls.

Liz quickly catches Aymi and puts the body on her shoulder.

"I know you will be the most troublesome one when it comes to him..." Liz mutters in a voice drenched in sadness. " Forgive me, Aymi. But right now, the best I can do is to make sure at least all of us escape from here safely.

Saying that Liz took the last turn towards the arena with a solemn face before biding it farewell towards Zyun.

"Goodbye senpai."


"Hello, check-in, check-in, is me, Moya, can you read me", just not far away from the arena, at a branch the mysterious guy who brought Cynnedrin to this world is none other than Moya one generals of Scorched land master, Imfoxy. He brings out his mechanical bear a tool that functions similarly to that of a Darkeye and waves continuously Infront of it.

"I can hear you, Moya, move your hands out you are obstructing my vision" a voice came out from the floating bear.

"Kek. As you can see, I guided your pet to the location you wanted"

"But why don't I want to see any humans in there!" Imfoxy demanded furiously.

"Probably fled," but Moya replied nonchalantly.

"Moya, I told you to mark that spot since those pathetic humans will gather there for the function and Cynnedrin could burn all of them down in a single attack, what is the use if no one is there, and most importantly what is that funny looking thing in your hand."

"Oh, this, Human called them ice cream, it is cold, sweet, and creamy. It melts instantly when you put it inside the mouth, which is more savoring than the dry meats and hot lava drink we get in our place."

"Moya... don't make regret sending you there, even though you are my new general, I gave you the task since I trust in your capabilities. Don't disappoint me." the Scorched land scuffed at Moya.

"Jeez, now you don't have to be stiff about that look, someone is there in the ground... wait is that an elf? A half-elf..what is it doing here? And most importantly he is using light magic!..oppsie, there I almost drop my precious."

"Moya" Imfoxy called out his "obedient commander" in a stern voice.

"Yes? Let Cynnedrin handle it I will update it from here alongside with my bear, you know someone as to keep an eye for this little guy too."

"You are taking the task lightly, Moya... next time I should pass it to Dexter or Rezi."

"No way..."


Meanwhile, in the arena, the fierce battle between Zyun and Scorch wing Cynnedrin is about to be upheld.

"All weapons deploy, commence attack!". All the divine weapons as soon as they're summoned beside Zyun shoot at the dragon in co-ordinate form, but Cynnedrin dodges it effortlessly.

"Oh, the voice of the maims, Blade of the rebels, make my Last stand as glory as your light that pierces every form of darkness in this world!".Zyun muttered a rite in a solemn voice.

At the hour where everything is swallowed up by the darkness of the night.

A brimming light shines brightly in it, two golden wings spawn out from Zyun's back, and a crest of a lion appears on the right side of his chest before his entire body cloaks in golden light more intense than the body.

This form is regarded as Seraphim, embodying the raw power of Baldr's itself which also let him use powerful spells in his arsenals.

it is my first-time activating seraphim, the longest time I can sustain in this form is probably 4-5 minutes...I need to do everything I could during this time.

The first thing Zyun does after ascending in this form is quickly leaped in the air and give a hard uppercut on the Dragon's chin, but it didn't do any damage to him. There was abrupt silence in the air and the dragon stares at Zyun as somewhat a way of disappointment.

Umm...yeah...I know right... That didn't do anything to you, I honestly don't know why I did that either.

In response, Cynnedrin lashes out his tail from behind to throw out this annoying insect from his sight, but Zyun quickly backflips to the ground avoiding it in nick of time.


"Bahahaha... That was funny.... that was really funny... I thought he was going to do something cool but he just leaps in the air and punches a dragon with his bare hand... Did he really think he is in a UFC match-"

"Moya, focus."

" Ah, sorry~."


"If that Is the case, come forth [Pointer of the Dusk]".

From the sky, a light spear comes down with super speed and struck Cynnedrin at his back.

Before Cynnedrin launched another breath attack, Zyun quickly flies over to the location where it is struck by his claymore and applying tremendous strength on the sword, he runs across the dragon's spine reaping out scales in the process, while doing so Cynnedrin responds it by leaking hot steams for his body.

It is a poisonous steam that can an average wizard with a minute amount of inhalation. Zyun inhales a small amount of the steam and quickly jumps out from the steam as fast as he could by covering his nose.

But he was caught off guard by a quick swipe from Cynnedrin's monstrous claw, Zyun react as fast as can to leap away but he couldn't avoid the attack completely, leaving a claw mark on his shirt.

"Tch... God damn...Azox activates the [Ward of Sanctification]."

Beneath Cynnedrin light starts glowing from the ground and the steam surrounding the area soon starts to vanish away.

Like any other of his divine weapon that has different special abilities, Azox has the power to bring absolution and retribution to his foe, out of all his swords Azox has the strongest combat abilities and is also the most unpredictable among all 4.

Moving to the next phase.

Zyun slowly ascends near the dragon and conjurers a magic circle in his palm.

"Be a dragon or human, all living beings have sinned in their lifetime" Zyun shouts.

Many ancient characters in links slowly seep out from Azox and envelop the area with its golden path.

"Activate hymn of repentance, [Stellar Apoptosis]."

The golden characters attach themselves to the dragon and start glowing as the spells bring out the sin committed so far. Cynnedrin shook his head in the air and starts screaming in pain, his body starts to burn internally from the spell, and in response thrash the ground violently with his gigantic wings.

Overloaded with sins, the characters at the dragon's body detonates with golden sparks, engulfing the area with a golden shell.


"Btw Imfoxy, aren't elves supposed to use nature magic and summon trees and stuff, that one looks more like an angel," Moya commented.

"That is how most people see elves, but capable elves can form a life-long pact with different spirits and use their magic only for some time. But that one, in particular, is something off."

"Hmm... interesting."


Scattering away the explosions he was trapped in with his strong wings, Cynnedrin let out a forceful roar showing a sign of anger without delay he opens his enormous mouth and fire a devastating breath toward Zyun, but this time Zyun is preparing, to not only counter-attack but to also harm the evil dragon, the option he comes up is with to use his favorite ability.

Zyun summons his claymore in his hand and lifts high in the air "Purge away all the wicked from his sight, holy... [CRESCENDO]" with a mighty slash, a powerful trial of light comes out from the location of the slash, and clashes with a huge cone of fire coming out from Cynnedrin.

The clash results in a huge explosion and rooting out pillars and banners away from the arena.

"Did it work?" Zyun asked while staring at the massive explosion in front of him.

As the smoke slowly fades out, Cynnedrin appears without suffering from any damage from the previous explosion, although Zyun attack cleaves his breath and exploded Infront of him, he only shows signs of unbothered expression on his face.

Cynnedrin looks up at the sky and lets out a roar summoning a huge magic circle on top of him.


"It seems playtime is over." Imfoxy put out remarks after understanding what Cynnedrin is planning to do.

Moya who was hardly paying attention to the intense battle going down in the arena while he was busy savoring down the last scop of the strawberry flavored ice cream, snaps back.

"Oya? What do you mean by that?" Moya asked

"He is going to do it..."

"Do what?" in a half-irritated voice Moya asked, he tried his best not to sound harsh though.

"Out of all 20 invocation spells, the last 5 are banned to be used by the council because of their nature to bring unimaginable destruction and catastrophe. They belong to a special category known as the "Imperial class;

The one Cynnedrin is about to use is one of them, an absolute mass-destroying spell enough to wipe out a country... Art of invocation style no. 16, Tapestry of the Crimson sky."