Append dark

In the arena where it now lies in the wreckage, a huge whirlpool surrounds the middle of the field and lifts in the sky.

Abyss jumps down at the field and intends to bring down the curtain of the battle before it is too late.

" Aye then, let's put an end here."

Zyun jumps down and lands beside Abyss and watches the gigantic whirlpool trapping the monstrous Cynnedrin inside it.

Incredible... Even though he was summoned that guy played with a dragon on equal terms. And here I am... but I think I could have done better if I was at my 100%. What was he even...I haven't heard of a familiar to be summoned as a human.

Zyun then looks at Abyss "Most importantly to begin with. There are so many things strange about this guy... He is weird too but I honestly think he is not a bad guy"


"Yes?". Zyun gave up on correcting his name.

"Do you know any confinement spell," Abyss asked as he continues to look toward the huge whirlpool that is entrapping Cynnedrin for now.

"Umm yeah."

"Great~. As soon as I cast my spell on him, I want you to activate it as soon as possible."

"I have no problem with it, but is there any specific reason most importantly what are you planning to do," Zyun asked, trying to understand what Abyss is planning to do.

"We are going to trap this beast in here."

"Trap? Do you think is going to work?"

"We have to. Look up, we don't have much time" Abyss said.

Above the arena, a huge pentagram star circles the sky of Gardania. From the star magic energy emits out and slowly starts to descend.

"Wait... Isn't that-"

"Yeah, that is Abe no Seimei's five harmonious sigils of truth. The council's Royal knights are here." Abyss clarified it further.

"The council? Wait that means help is here, Abyss. We don't have to worry about anything... I'm sure one or two echelons with them, they're the most powerful mages in the whole continent, and with them-."

But Zyun's excitement was soon interrupted by an overwhelming aura. Abyss turns his face back and stares extensively at Zyun with a demonic facial expression bringing an absolute silence.

"Are you an idiot? Did those food end up destroying your remaining four brain cells instead?" Abyss asked with pure mockery in his voice.

"Eh.... no, why are you angry, and what the heck that is so fucking rude!"

"It seems you are forgetting something really important here... you are already branded as a criminal because people think you are the one who killed Gin and somehow relates to this dragon. If they are here, they're going to kick your ass too." Abyss tried to clarify it.

"Wait how? The council won't be aware of it unless someone told them."

"I told them." running out of his patience Abyss blatantly replied.

"What!" hearing that Zyun gasped in horror.

"I was kidding. Oh, Lorde, if they come here, it will make everything difficult, you are a half-elf first of all and that will bring you into trouble and if you are into trouble means I will be dragged into it. So, just listen to what I say and let us get the hell out of here!" Abyss screamed.

"Umm okay... " Zyun obeys knowing well he doesn't have many options either. "And by the way that is kind of racist too..."

At the wall of the whirlpool, an orange color ball starts to form, and suddenly a powerful fireball lash outs toward where Abyss and Zyun are standing.

"Damn, he is already out. " Zyun exclaimed as he prepares to counter the incoming attack.

Zyun quickly summons Aggraval and puts a shield to protect them.

"We don't have much time, remember to activate your confinement magic as soon as I cast my spell."

"Okay, leave that to me but specifically what are you planning to do? " Zyun asked for one last time to understand clearly what Abyss is going to do.

"My power.... is a double edge sword. Any form of spells I cast seeps into the land and lingers like a blight. And if any human comes in contact with it, they will fall into depravity." Abyss explained in a serious tone.


" Anyway, just focus on the defense while I conjure my magic."

As the force of the whirlpool becomes weak, Cynnedrin frees himself from the entrapment by thrashing out the huge whirlpool with his gigantic wings.

As soon as he meets the eyes of his enemies, he spares no time to let out a huge powerful dragon breath in front of him.

"Damn, I don't think I can hold much longer, it is much stronger than before. Abyss you got to hurry." Zyun shouts as the barrier of Aggraval starts to break up.

Cynnedrin thrashes his wings violently on the ground, sending out a powerful wave of gale towards Zyun. He then slowly ascends in the air then charges intending to break down the annoying barrier with his powerful aerial thrust.

With a loud fiery explosion, Cynnedrin crashes Aggraval's holy shield. From the powerful impact, the shield starts to break down with cracks running across the golden shield. Zyun desperately tries to strengthen it but with his holy power left within him, he knows it won't last for another hit.

" Abyss hurry up, this shield won't last any longer!"

But Abyss stands silently Infront of Zyun without saying anything in a state of meditation.

Cynnedrin flies high up in the air again and then proceeds to do the same but this time he engulfs himself in a massive fire and he knows very well that it will annihilate Zyun and Abyss who are behind the shield.

After gaining the right altitude Cynnedrin swoops down from the air like a massive inferno in a tremendous speed towards the barrier.

" Abyss!"

Just before it crashes, Abyss shouts "Un shield!".

Zyun then immediately puts down the holy shield on impulse as soon as he heard the command. "Abyssal art, Append dark" Abyss mutters.

A shadowy colossus size head of a beast emerges in a shadowy appearance out in front of Abyss and swallows the massive dragon which is about to crash towards him. The shadowy head figure then distorts itself trapping Cynnedrin in a thick dark musky cloud.

"Ok then let's begin," Abyss says as he looks down upon Cynnedrin and draws all his attention towards casting his spell.

"I shall recite your tales once again, O nameless souls that were once condemned for your innocence, your glory and tales they were never be remembered by anyone but you still seek for an identity in the midnight zone".

As Abyss convoke his spell, A huge statute slowly emerges out, with hands reaching out for the sky, it has a grim smile with a cloak covering its skeleton body, and the cloud trapping Cynnedrin soon transforms into an elusive dark sphere slowly ascending in between the hands of the statue.

Cynnedrin hits again and again upon the walls of the sphere with his gigantic body in an attempt to free himself but it was futile.

Suddenly the eyes of the statue turn red and streams of musky water start to run down to the ground. This activates to release a powerful maddening sound of a bell inside the sphere.

Because of the chaotic tone, Cynnedrin spins in a daze, and unable to hold the pain, Cynnedrin roars in anguish.

The poor dragon is now trapped inside an enclosed body while caught himself in the middle of a reverberating noise from all sides, because of the pain Cynnedrin repeatedly hits on the walls of the sphere and making him go berserk.

"Now arise, my fallen comrades, ascend from the forgotten land and tell your tales once more". As abyss finish reciting his spell the colossal statue in the middle of the arena shatters and breaks down. Within the statue, the spirits which were trapped inside propel outs in the form of long tendril-like figures.

The spirits lash out at Cynnedrin with their appendages like body wrapping around the dragon's body and pinning it down. The deadly spirits continue to lash at the gigantic body of the dragon crippling Cynnedrin in an agony with a deadly curse.

Zyun watches the sight in woe, as an advocate of Baldr, the supreme deity of light and preserver of righteous path, he is against any form of dark arts and he senses a similar kind of vibe from the spell Abyss he just cast.

"Zyun do it, now!" Abyss shouts at Zyun which startled him. But Zyun stares at Abyss with a distrustful expression.