
"Moya! Moya! answer me" Imfoxy screamed angrily through the mechanical bear as Moya completely ignored him. Little did the Scorched lord realize that Moya is preparing for the unpredictable threat which is about to show up at any moment.

From behind, jumping from tree-to-tree Kuro jumps in and lets out an overhead slash using her azure spear toward Moya.

"Moy-" In the process of her attack, Kuro's spear slices up the head of the mechanical bear, cutting Moya from communicating with Imfoxy.

Moya who already sensed the threat from miles away quickly jumps down dodging Kuro's powerful attack. He grabs the branch while jumping down with his two hands and faces Kuro.

"Oh, my... hasty, are we?" Moya smirked as he sees a very aggressive beautiful girl coming for his head.

"As a gift..." saying that he slowly blows fire out from his mouth at Kuro, letting out an explosion.

Kuro disengages out from the explosion with her Prussian Spirit Dive, unharmed, and quickly puts on a battle stance with her spears towards the snarky guy in front of him.

she can tell that her new opponent is different from those warlords she fought earlier.

"This one.... looks like a genuine elf, she got the ears, the hair, the eye ...the chest- oh my lord BAMBOOZA" Moya burst his eyes out as he looks intensively at Kuro's chest.

"Hold on ma'am, May I know what is your size?" Moya asked in a way as if he asking a very innocent question.

"E" Kuro bluntly responds without no hesitation to that question.

"E???" Moya took a major hit hearing Kuro's answer. The hit was so immense psychologically that Moya started to ponder in a different world for a second. A world that is full of "melons".

Without wasting any moment, Kuro conjures Prussian flame at the tip of her spear and charges directly at Moya.

Seeing the incoming attack Moya snaps out from his daydreaming. "Wait hold on!..hold on-"

But Kuro has no intention of stopping her attack.

Moya quickly conjures up a shield made up of ember in front of him and protects himself from the charge.

Kuro's violent charge keeps on penetrating through Moya's ember shield breaking it down bit by bit.

"Why..why won't anyone listen to me" as Moya raged out, he slams his off-hand on the ground, and a large ember crystal spikes out, intervening between him and Kuro.

As a series of ember crystal spikes out in the frontal, Kuro gracefully dodges them with continuous backflips.

"Listen, isn't something wrong here?! Why are you attacking an innocent person who just met for the first time?" Moya asked with his hands pressing against the hips.

"Silence, tell me how to send that dragon back to its place. Then afterward I will kill you." Kuro responds.

"Oi isn't that the most unreasonable answer I heard in a while" Moya mutters softly while looking confused.

"Um, where should we start? yes... Miss Bambooz *coughs* i mean Miss~ even if you manage to kill me..." manage".... there is no way I can stop that dragon going rampage out there."

"I'm more or less just a humble reporter here. So let me just chill here for a while and you... be on your way. Isn't it a win-win for both of us?"

Moya tried to negotiate with Kuro to call off the fight as is his nature to avoid getting into trouble as much as he could.

"I..." Kuro mutters.


"I refuse" saying that Kuro charges again at Kuro with her spear.

Kuro swings vigorously with her spear as her enemy keeps on dodging the blows.

"Wha-what..do you find so unpleasant about this-" Moya gets abruptly disrupted as Kuro keeps on swinging her spears continuously towards him.

Moya claps his hand while dodging releasing a powerful "Dissonance wave" and jumps out while Kuro is paralyzed for a moment.

"Ahh..that is enough, I'm leaving." Moya angrily grunted.

"Oi, Riri, I know you can hear me, port me out from here" Moya looks up and start shouting for his partner. "Riri! Oi, stop playing dumb...Riri!"

While Moya is busy calling out for someone who probably is ignoring him, Kuro who was just freed from paralyzed doesn't waste a second preparing her next attack.

She transforms herself into hundreds of Prussian streams and attacks Moya.

Moya noticing the attack, start running.

As the Prussian streams chase his ass Moya starts jumping from tree to tree to dodge it.

"What is her problem? all I did was asked her cup size!" Moya screamed as the trees behind him felt with Prussian explosion.

Moya blast off multiple ember crystals from his hands towards the Prussian streams that he is coming near him.

He then lands on the ground and starts running while shooting off ember crystals neutralizing dozens of Prussian streams.

As the last few Prussian streams charges at him, he claps his and releases a dissonance wave, unveiling Kuro from the flames.

"Gotcha" Moya yells. [Cauterize, Ember Entombment]. An orange magic circle appears on Moya's right palm.

Without hesitation, Moya cast a spell as soon as Kuro comes out of her Prussian flames.

The embers that were lying on the ground adhere towards Kuro and slowly bit by bit all the ember shards start forming like a huge crystal shell eventually sealing Kuro inside.

"Phew....that should teach some listen for being a bad girl" Moya scolds Kuro, who is being entrapped inside the crystal made up of powerful ember magic crystals.

"Oi Riri! Riri! stop playing dumb and port me out." Moya starts shouting out again.

Knowing that being rude is of no use, Moya changes his tactic. "Oh Riri-chan~, please port me out. Riri-cha-"

Suddenly a powerful projectile passes beside his forehead, cutting down a few strands of Moya's hair.

He abruptly looks at the direction where it came from and sees that there is a hole in the crystal that is trapping Kuro inside.

Kuro somehow manages to throw her spear toward Moya despite being sealed within the crystals.

The ember crystal in front of him starts to vibrate, as cracks start to run on all sides. With an explosion, Kuro breaks out from the entrapment.

"Riri chan...." Moya's words break out in sweat instead, as he feels the demonic gaze of Kuro falling on him.

Kuro burst out in Prussian flames and encircles her and Moya inside it.

"Riria, please port me out already!" Moya starts to beg with his hand as he sees Kuro approaching him with rage that he has never felt before.

Then suddenly Moya recalls something, some kind of promise that he intentionally forgot before leaving out Scorched Land. "Riri, I got your Ice cream too. It is your favorite strawberry flavor" Moya lied as he feels the gate of the death nearing him.

As the Prussian circle surrounding starts to contract inside, Kuro charges toward Moya with unimaginable speed.

"Riri!" Moya screamed as he could at the top of the lungs, for the first time in his life experiencing a true fear, that not even his master couldn't even inflict.

above Moya a magic circle appears, and teleports him out before Kuro could strike him.

Kuro pauses seeing her enemy has escaped from her clutches. "He ran away..." Kuro mutters.

"What a coward" saying that she comes out from her Prussian dive and returns to her original form with her long black hair swaying down on her back.

"Well, I did what I could. Now it is up to you Abyss" saying that Kuro heads south towards the arena, where Zyun and Abyss are there.


"Zyun do it, now!" Abyss shouts, making Zyun to startled. But Zyun stares at Abyss with a distrustful expression.

" What the hell are you doing, by now magic will leech out soon. You got to act now!"

Zyun scratches his head in confusion and snaps out. "God damn! I don't care anymore". He takes a long breath to calm himself down and then slowly weave his fingers to unleash confinement art.

"At the south, comes forth Aggraval, the bulwark of the divinity. At the east Azox arises to bring justice. And at the north and west, the Ashwini twins protect the gates of heaven. All four guardians arise and confined all the corruption inside the divine vassal. [Art of confinement, Hall of Valhalla"].

Four pillars with each guardian stone figure on top of it in all four directions emerge out from the ground. The four pillars radiate out a vast amount of holy power slowly conducting on each side and confining Cynnedrin in an inescapable square box of holy power.

With Abyss's magic crippling Cynnedrin inside Zyun confinement zone. They both succeeded in trapping one of the most powerful creatures on the continent.

Zyun then immediately falls to the ground drenched with energy. Since his fight with Selene, he has not taken a break to refill his energy.

Not knowing how everything will come out in the end he gave all he got to stand his resolve firmly, what he thought was right for that moment. Even though his guild mates condemned him for killing their leader and lost all his trust in them because he is a half-elf, but he still cares for them and wanted to protect them till the end, even if it meant sacrificing his dream to build a guild.

But thanks to Abyss's interference at the right time, he has a chance to keep on that dream.

"I'm done, I don't think I can even move a single inch of my body" with his body lying flat on the ground Zyun speaks out in a very weak voice.

Abyss completely ignores that and focuses his magic to cast a magic circle on the ground.

The pentagram circle glows up and from a violet smoke a luxurious carriage rein by two majestic black stallions comes out. The two horses neigh with their two golden hoofs in the air as they summoned out.

"Alright, we are leaving" Abyss heatedly speaks out ignoring Zyun at the back who is unable to move.

" Ugh... yeah, but can you give me 2 minutes, I don't think my body is listening to me." Zyun moaned as he feels his body cracking up.

"I am leaving you behind then."

"You are such an asshole," Zyun replied with his body lying flat on the ground

Abyss chuckles a bit, to him he didn't find it offending hearing that word, since he knows his behavior is slightly bent towards that direction.

Zyun then slowly rises his back from the ground with pain etching all over his body. "So where are we going?"

Abyss turns his back and walks slowly toward Zyun then he draws out his left hand as a gesture to help him get up. "You need a place to crash, don't you? then come to my guild...Ravenfalls."