Clash in the shadow

"Yuhoo, you are doing wonderful, Zyun"


"You know...Arghhh...I could get... some help here!"

Zyun then puts all his strength on Aggraval and pushes away the amalgamation of death which is holding him down.

[Sound of squeaking]

Murky foam swoops down on his right arm and tries to undergo transfiguration again.

[rattling sound of a chainsaw]

Through another of his weird azz technique the abomination transfiguration his right arm from a long sword to a chainsaw.

Equipped with serrated saw the abomination charges towards Zyun without hesitation.


The Aggalmation of the death delivers deadly blow after blow. Zyun puts all his concentration to defend them, knowing quite well each strike from the monster is enough to slice off a concrete castle.

"Ah, you don't want to keep on taking them by the can be bad for your sword" Abyss yelled from the side like a commentator.

God damn!...what is even this thing-

[Wringgling of tentacles]

Dark tentacles undulate and lash out from the monster's chest, this catches Zyun off guard.

He uses Aggraval to block them but the strength of the tentacles were enough to throw him off balance.

The tentacles recoil and swoop down from above in attention to finish their target once and for all but quick as lightning, Zyun summons the twin blades of Ashwini in his hand and as the tentacles come in his vicinity, Zyun unleashes the holy energy stored in the blades and bring it down with repetitive slashes.

" puff...that was close"

"Focus Zyun Don't get distracted!"

I am going to kill him!

Suddenly, The dark sturdy monster extends his left hand toward Zyun.

[sound of squeaking]

From the grotesque left palm, a mouth opens up.

"Something is coming!" Zyun yelled in anticipation.

A swarm of locus buzzes out from the mouth and swarms toward Zyun

[Holy shield]

As the swarm comes towards Zyun, they get destroyed easily under the might of Aggraval's holy power but leaving only patches of dark cloud

God damn...I can't see anything....these locusts must be filled with some kind of instincts tell me to not take any sniff of it... Wait where is he-

[rattling of a chainsaw]

Above Zyun, we see the monster comes crashing down with his demonic chainsaw in front of him.


Zyun immediately leaps and dodges it in a nick of time.

The monster quickly slams his hand on the ground.

From his fingertips, a bunch of dark veins grows out and unleashes toward Zyun.

As they grow closer, Zyun prepares to act but remains perplexed as the veins stop marching.

Then suddenly nightshade-like flowers sprout out from the veins and start releasing pollens.


Zyun quickly held his breath and closes his nose using his right arm, sensing the lethal behind the pollens.

Hold your breath! One sniff and I am gone. What should I do, there is no way I can get closer to him. Get close I get fucked, stay the same fucking thing!...what should I do? Is there any way to bring this thing down??

[Sound of metal pulsing]

Suddenly he senses something pulsing on his hand.

Huh? Just now...

Zyun quickly looks down and sees the blades in his hand start beating up like a heartbeat.

The twin blade of Ashwini...are they trying to tell me something..?

"My, my, this is not looking good for Zyun," Abyss said in his usual laid-back casual tone. One can tell he is enjoying the show.

"What do you think, Don Vasileo?"

Abyss asked his partner who is next to him.

"Hmmm" Don Vasileo pours down a freshly prepared aromatic oolong tea in Abyss's cup

"if things keep on continuing like this, it won't be long that little half-elf boy gets devoured by "

" think so?" Abyss smiles. Now Zyun what are you going to do?

[Sounds of stem propagating]

The aggregation points his right hand towards and unleashes waves of long brambles towards Zyun, while still keeping his other hand on the ground.

Here it comes!

Using the two blades, Zyun tries to block them


But he is immediately pushed backward.

Arggghhhhhh..what a powerful attack! Zyun then immediately catches his attention towards bulges coming out from the brambles.


A series of nightmares starts blooming from the brambles and released large amounts of pollens. is just one thing after another! Give it a rest already. God damn it!

In his command, Azox suddenly appears and quickly sanctified the surrounding.

I don't think I can hold this any longer...if this goes on. I am going to deplete my power and will scramble down...think Zyun..think-

[pulsing of sword]

Zyun shifts his attention toward the blades that are pulsating in front of him

Are you trying to tell me something...but what should I do? I have done all I can...if only I was just powerful enough.


"Sometimes the answer to the problem is just right there. At that moment, you don't have to think about anything but just feel it."

"what do you mean by that master?" a young Zyun asked


"You will understand it when the time comes, Zyun" the old man replied with a smile


"I see now...." Zyun then simply smiles.


Suddenly a golden light burst out, blasting out the brambles in its wake. The amalgamation of death stood still as he is caught off guard by surprise.

From the golden light, we see Zyun emerging with two enormous blades in his hands.


Seeing that Zyun has awakened some of his hidden power, Abyss starts smiling.


In a rage, the acclamation of death lifts both of his arms and sends out waves of brambles which is 4 times the amount he sent out earlier.

Zyun substantially takes up his pace and engages the attack. Using the two blades he sends out waves of holy power and keeps on slashing down repeatedly.

"See, you can do it..if you believe it," Abyss said as he watch Zyun counters the attack calmly

"Oh, I see now" Don Basileo exclaimed. "the swords in his hand right now are the same as before."

"Right...all this time, Zyun was just simply using the raw power of the swords. Now is different, it seems he starts to realize there are more ways to use his divine tools."

Hah...I was right in trusting you, Zyun. You better not disappoint me, while I am still in one piece.


I understand now master...

Zyun keeps on dodging and slashing down the bramble while getting close to the monster.

I always lose my sight, whenever I am in a pinch...ignoring the important voice...but I promise, I won't allow that to happen...starting from now!

Zyun succeeded in getting closer to the monster and is now ready to give the final blow.

[Release, wave of Hermidall]

A blast of powerful Holy ray ripples out from the blades and cleaves the monster's upper body in two halves. over...

"Not bad.." Abyss said. "But"

[Sound of quenching]

Dark threads start appearing between the body which is cut into halves and start stitching up. In just a few seconds the amalgamation of death quickly reforms his body just as new.

You got to be kidding me right!... This is totally absurd...

Zyun then takes a step back. Anyway is time for round 2 I guess. This time-

Suddenly a jade color hexagram appears above the monster then a flock of magic swallows rains down leading to an explosion


*cough* *cough* what the heck was just that

" move, move!" Zyun picks up someone who comes running from behind shouting.


A young man with white hair, dress in some kind of traditional dress lands in front of Zyun.

" I will take it from here! Your hero has just arrived" said the handsome guy with dragon eyes.

Time moves on, Zyun still haven't recovered from the surprise entrance yet he watches the guy who is drawing his left arm backward and putting up some weird position.


"wait...Hadeon-sama...wait for me! Don't leave Bon Bon alone!]

From the distant back, a chibi girl with yummy ears comes running crying towards the boys with an oversized scroll in her hand.

Zyun attention quickly gets noticed by the young man and after some time, steams comes rushing out from his ears

"Oi stop staring at me like that! You are making me embarrassed! " the young man replied with a flustered.



" have done it this time, brats...Now I will make sure, I will dissolve your whole existence!