The Butterflies's Summit

Wait..he can speak??

"kyaaaaaaa! Master Hadeon...this ugly-looking monster is about to eat me up!" Saying that the little chibis flies toward her partner.

"Oi..move out! this is dangerous. I will take care of it from here" the guy in the short replied. He takes up the scroll from his little companion and prepares for the fight

" Huh?? What are you talking about?? And don't you think is better, if we work together?" Zyun replied.

"that won't work you knucklehead. You will only be a hindrance to me."

Idiot?? Did this bean sprout just insult me???

" first of all I can't sense any magic power from you, you must be depleted, aren't you? So let me handle this fight"

[Visvious roar]

"Prepare yourself he is about to"

Suddenly the monster starts to melt

The two boys watch as the monster slowly melts away and leaves behind his vessel...

" graph...." the amalgamation of death slowly returns inside the black hair kid and fades away.


The guy drops down to the ground completely drained out of mana while the two guys stand dumbfounded not knowing what to do next.


"Both of you, good work!" Abyss comes from behind clapping.

"Abyss, what the hell is going on?" Zyun asked.

"As you can see, this champ over here serves as a host body for the monster you just fought earlier. I have no idea how he got it. But currently, they're living in a symbiotic relationship." Abyss explained.

"So he is like a vessel?"

"Bingo. You guys were really lucky out there. If the host happened to have enough magic power, you two will be done instantly."

Abyss then flicks his finger. "Don Vasileo."

"yes my liege" the werewolf suddenly appears out of nowhere in front of the abyss.

"take this guy and look at his treatment"

"it will be done."

Don Vasileo put the unconscious boy on his back and heads back out from the scene.

"Alright then gentlemen, let's move out too!"

Abyss also casually starts heading out from the graveyard...

Wait hold on head is still trying to process this everything.

"You are also invited too little dragon eye boy!"

"Oi...whom are you calling a dragon eye boy? I was just only trying to help-"

"Oh is that so? Here I was thinking u must be tired from stalking us for a long time." Abyss said

" Stalking..that weird sensation...I was feeling"

Hearing that comment, the white hair guy again flustered out of embarrassment.

"fufufu..the cat is out of the bag now..." the little chibi starts giggling, making fun of his master's humiliating face.


"ouch that hurt! stupid bean sprouts..*sobs"

Without paying attention, Hadeon silently moves out.

Eh...did I just leave behind?



A demon yelled his body enveloped in flame


"Karen-sama please stop already, we already lost enough men-"

"Shut up!..not even a single one of you proves to be useful!" Karen shouts.

*sigh* "Just how did it even happen! "

"We have no idea, ma'am. Just like how you told us we divided into three teams 500 men each and started searching for the entrance to the elf village." the crimson demon soldier replied.

"And when we failed to get any signals from the other two teams, we quickly started a search party, only to find all 1000 men found dead."

"We are telling the truth. We have no idea how it even happened"

As she quietly listens to her troops Karen's nerves start popping out in her forehead.

"huh? What kind of sad excuse is this..not only do you loathe can't the location of the entrance but let yourselves be pathetically destroyed. Tch, you don't deserve to live."

Karen snaps her finger and in the brink of an eye, the two crimson demons start burning.

"Ah...stop..please... ah" The two demons also met the same fate as their deceased comrade.


"Karen sama we have finished establishing a communication with his majesty."

A demon slowly walks in carrying some kind of crystal ball

"Huh? Bring it here."

The crystal ball starts to glow and in response, a static sound starts to generate.

*static noise* "mo....." *static noise*. "Moy...moya...have you got it??? A copy of the weekly release Yamete yo Oniichan!"

Tch....this disgusting pervert ape.

"It's me, sire, Karen."

"Karen? Who? Are you trying to make fun of me? bitch"

"..hahaha...she just got called a bitch..oh god.."

"Silence you dumbazz *giggle* she will hear you.."

Veins pop out in Karen's forehead from humiliation and anger but tries her best to remain calm.

"Oh my, the demon lord never fails with his humor. Don't you remember me Karen Luciferous one of your five commanders?"

"Luciferous... Oh, I remember. It has been almost 3 years since you left our realm to pursue your research in the human world."

"that is true your highness, it has been a long time."

"So why did you call me?"

"The thing is due to some incidents I have lost almost 80 percent of our troops, if possible will could you please some army with Riri-chan's help"

"oh~ I see."

Karen awaits in anticipation.

"I'm sorry that is not happening, Karen. If you lost your troops that is your fault. Do something about it"

"So that's why I am asking you-"

[sound of a door opening in the background]

"Imfoxy sama I got the newly released copy of Yameto yo oniichan! Huh? Are you talking to someone-"

"Ah, sorry suddenly I can't hear you...Karen are you there...there is a bad signal closing this connection then, good luck, bye!"

The light in the magic crystal ball soon afterward deactivates.

Karen grabs the ball and crushed it with her claw into a million pieces.

"That pervert ape, once I get my hands on this secret knowledge. He will be the first one to get a taste of it!"

"umm, Karen sama what should we do now?"

"we move deeper in, I think I might have a vague idea where the location of that elven village is"


"Abyss, shouldn't you be telling us where we are heading too we have been walking for hours by now..."


Zyun heard the provoke but pretends to ignore it.

"Oh. I didn't tell you that we are heading to an elven village when we are heading out?"

"No you didn't- wait what do you mean by that?"

"is just as the name says...a village full of pure elves unlike someone I know"

"Ugh...but why are we going there?"

"Have will have your answer soon"

What is he trying to has been almost forever since I met any elves besides Kuro..but what is most surprising is that there is an elven village close to human civilization. I thought they were all wiped out.

"Just look at our dragon boy, he is seemingly fresh"

"OI, I can hear you!"

"that tells me we haven't introduced ourselves. The weird guy ahead of us is Abyss and I'm Zyun. Nice meeting you-"


"Hey, what do you mean by gross? All these times you have been so rude to me!"

"do you have any problem with that? I don't want to be close with half-"

"Hadeon sama stop it already! Be polite for once! That's why you never manage to make friends!"

"Bon Bon, you-"

" That classic white hair and glowy dragon eyes along with that are from the Huxoun clan, aren't you?

" mean that clan that worships the moon goddess?"

"well if you keep insisting on knowing me then, let me introduce-"

"Hi I'm Bon Bon, and this grumpy fellow below me is my master Hadeon. Sorry for the earlier, lately he has been in a bad mood so as you can see he acts like a spoilt brat sometimes. But deep down, he is a very kind-hearted guy"

"Nice meeting with you Bon Bon" Abyss said in a cheerful tone.


"By the way, if I'm not mistaken the current ruler of Huxuan is an echelon"

"Yup, the divine moon priestess or Luna that's what some called her. But if I have to be completely honest, she is the most powerful wizard we have currently in the entire land"

"damn...she is that powerful?"


Wait was it just me or did Hadeon show some kind of unpleasant vibe when we were talking about their leader?

After walking a few distances inside the shrouded forest they soonly arrived at an open area.

In front of them stands a humongous crystal chalice tree covering the sky with its long shimmering branches.

"It is beautiful..." Bon Bon watches in awe upon the magnificent sight of the tree with sparkling eyes.

From the branches, Orbs of dazzling light come out and start dancing around the tree.

"they look like fireflies.."

Bonbon quickly jumps down from Hadeon's hair and immediately runs to the tree

"Bon Bon stop!"

"hehe, Bonbon loves fireflies..they are tasty~oi wait for me"


A buttery appears out of nowhere and suddenly passes near Bon Bon's face. Intrigued by the sight Bon Bon stops running and watches the buttery movement.

"are those...but I haven't seen any butterflies that are green in color."

Two more butterflies then join in. Slowly after more and more butterflies start appearing.

"Bon bon come back!" Hadeon shouts as he watches all the butterflies in one spot forming a shape of an orb.

In the flash of green light, all the butterflies vanish then appears a girl with two altered horns from her head, dressed in a cute two-piece clothing with a maid's headband.

As she lands on the ground slowly a smile appears on her cute face and greets our heroes.