

"Bon Bon wants to know if you all are talking telepathically."


"Someone! Just say something already. Bon Bon doesn't want to be left put getting left out!"


"hah. I never knew communication could be this much complicated."

"tsk tsk, I'm disappointed in you, Zyun. To think you will be scared to interact with a little girl-"

"OI, fucker! I have been trying to let her talk this entire time...is just that..."


"she just keeps on smiling and giving me that weird stare!"

"Maybe she does not want to talk with weirdos. yup I admire her"

"I will beat you up for that!"

But if we are talking about weird then...


No one could possibly more weirder than that loli.


Ahhh doesn't she feel awkward...something is definitely wrong with her.

Zyun scratches his head

"umm...maybe she is deaf or something... I don't know from the looks of it...that could be a possibility."

"what the heck?/calling someone deaf that's rude.." Hadeon interferes

"I said it could be a possibility...I didn't call her deaf..or wait, could it be that you have some hearing problems. My, my I'm sorry if it offended you!"

"why you--"

"you know what..." Abyss then chuckles


Thanks to Abyss, Hadeon finds himself in front of the little girl

"Go for it dragon boy" Abyss cheered

"Yay...all the best bean sprouts!"

"Hadeon-sama, Bon Bon is cheering for you."

"I will kill all of you!"

As our dragon boy turns front to interact with the girl with horns he finds himself intimidated by her obnoxious stare.

"I-I am...Had-"






"ahhhh I can't do this....ah"

Hadeon fleets from the scene, covering his face, and hiding away his embarrassment.

"aha haha ha" both Abyss and Zyun start laughing in tears.

"what was that even...bahahhahha"

"was he planning to introduce himself as Hades???"

"I can't hear...I can't hear..."

"You two stop bullying my master. Just because he hasn't interacted with any girls in years!"

"Shut up Bon Bon!"

"Oh my my...that is cute " Zyun continues making fun of Hadeon.

"Sigh...you guys are hopeless..." Abyss then proceeds to walk towards the girl.

"Are you....the guardian of this groove?" Abyss asked

As usual, the girl with the cute bun hair remains silent.

"I see, understood"

Meanwhile, the two guys watch from afar.

"she didn't even say anything," Zyun said

"he is just bluffing. I know that for sure"

*sniffs* *sniffs*

"This stench..." Hadeon suddenly gets on alarm mode. "yeah...I'm a hundred percent sure of it."

"I see... I understand now..so you are the one who decimated nearly almost most of my force."

With a long and angry face, Karen and her demon army enter the scene, from the woods

"Just how many times, will you keep on interfering with my plan Zyun?!"

Zyun looks at Karen for a second unable to recognize her. "Who are you?"

"is that your lost lover? Hadeon asked.


"Gross...imagine having a relationship with a demon. I'm going to puke."

"Bon Bon is disgusted right now"

"Shut up!"

"Hmph. You are truly a parasite, Zyun. There is not even a single shame in your bone. Now look at you, after squeezing every ounce of benefits from the people in Gardania now you are hanging out with a bunch of weirdos."

"Hey Bon Bon is not weird"

"Don't talk as if you know me..wait.That voice, don't tell me-"

"Oh I know so many things about you and I also know the fact that you are not leaving this place alive."

"So is it you...Serene."

"Tsk...Men! Bring out the wyverns and eradicate this man's existence!"

I'm tired...what is with me today...is just one hurricane after another. First, there was an incident with some undying monster in the graveyard then later I encountered some weird fellow who never stops bossing for a second, and now....out f all day I have to encounter her. Today is such an exhausting day.

"Oh? feeling anxious are we...but don't worry the wyverns will do a quick work of you and your friends. They're the most fearsome beasts in Scorchedland who have destroyed several cities with their destructive breaths!


"wait...where are-"

Karen turns back but only to find out all the crimson demon vanguards along with the wyverns lying on the ground asleep

"Hold on a min-minute...what is going on?"

Suddenly a butterfly swiftly flies over her face


"they...seem kinda tired." A soft yet mellow voice spoke out of nowhere.

"she spoke??"

"she spoke! Ah"

Hadeon and Bon Bon both screamed as they finally heard the little girl talk.

Did that little brat over there cast some Mass Trance magic or what? Come to think of it she looks like a half-demon.

"Oi, brat what have you done??

The little girl simply just admires the butterfly on her fingertips as if her mental self is not present in the current moment.

"Answer me!"

Huh? Is she ignoring me? Is this girl for real...ignoring me?!

Karen clenches her fist in rage and humiliation.

"I am going to rip you apart!"

[Sound of magic circle activation]

Several magic circles start appearing out from Karen and start blasting off crimson magic bullets toward the girl.

"Is that Serene's- Hey watch out!" Zyun screamed

The little girl just stood still unalarmed.

Before the bullets hit her, all of them suddenly vanish.

Everyone watches in shock except Abyss.

"Did they just disappear? Zyun said

"ahhh.Bon Bon thought she is going to get hit!

"No...they didn't disappear."

"what do you mean?"

"Just look over there, idiot.."

Small flickers of crimson light float near the half-demon girl.

"is that-"

Suddenly the crimson light starts to become brighter and bigger and in a matter f seconds they turned into beautiful crimson butterflies.

The butterflies start to flap their wings as if they're alive.

"what is going on here?? My magic- Oi brat what have you done?

"Grandma always tells me...if you borrow from something from someone. It is important to give them back"

"What are you mumbling about"


The butterfly from her finger ascends upwards, and along with the rest of the crimson butterflies they start flying towards Karen.

"I hope you like them."

Hundreds of crimson butterflies flocks toward Karen. Their shimmering wings shine beautifully in the moonlight. One of the butterflies descends towards Karen and sits at the tip of her index finger.

For the first time... I am feeling attracted to a buttery

Suddenly the butterfly wings fall off, leaving behind a casket of raw magic.

"what in"

But is too late before Karen could act the orb explodes intensely triggering the rest of the butterflies to explode violently in the air.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Karen screamed in pain as hundreds of explosive butterflies explode right into her.

"cough....what the heck was that magic??"

"Step aside Zyun, this is not your fight?"


"what you are witnessing now is a power that has been lost in time. A lost magic you can say."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you heard the magic called "Modulation"?"

"Modulation? What is that"

"Yup, it is a power to disenchant and enchant any form of magic power according to the user's will."

"So you mean?"

"Just now she modulated the amount of magic power present inside that attack into something very minuscule then modulated again, increasing the magic power to its normal value. This allows her to typically own her enemy attacks as her own."

"oh, I see. I mean a gist of it."

"little brat.... that's some petty trick you got there..heh no wonder why everyone hates elves!" saying that Karen slowly rose from the ground


"I'm surprised you haven't figured that out sooner," Hadeon said.

"yup, just like you she is half-elf...with a mix of demonic power."

"wait what?"

"Have you heard of the rumors of a mysterious girl who roams around here in this part of the forest? People called her the guardian of the forest."

Butterflies flock towards the little girl and she stands there silently brimming under the moonlight.

"People who saw her say that she is always found alone playing around with butterflies while basking under the moonlight.

she doesn't talk to anyone not even to those people who she has helped them with. And if she sees forms of threats. She quells it quickly so that no one notices it."

"you mean she is that girl?"

"Correct...and her name is Modeus."