Back to Class

After All Might's pep talk, Kasumi got up and headed back to her class. She stood outside of the door, nervous about walking in. Mainly because she was late for her first day back. She takes a deep breath and slowly opens the door.

She fully expects to be yelled at, but is instead told,

"Ah Kaneda-san, take your seat we're about to start."

Kasumi looks around and takes her seat. Everyone seems to be smiling and laughing. Well, except Bakugo, Todoroki, and Bird boy.

Kaminari comes up to her and asks,

"You feeling better? You got pretty messed up!"

Kasumi nods her head and smiles at him,

"Yeah, Recovery girl made sure the worst was dealt with."

Kaminari looks at her and gives her a thumbs up,

"Well good job! If it weren't for you I guarantee it woulda been a lot worse."

Kasumi sees Kaminari's wide smile as he heads back to his seat, and sees Momo coming up to her,

"Um, I just wanted to say thank you… A-anyways…"

Momo quickly backs away with a blush plastered on her face.

Kasumi giggles a little at the cute shyness she was shown. She feels a pat on her back and turns around to face whoever it was. She finds a floating pair of clothes,

"Ah, Uhm, I'm glad you're feeling better!"

Kasumi pats Tori's shoulder and says,

"Thank you very much!"

Aizawa sighs as he sees the students crowding around Kasumi and walks over to the group. They hurriedly walk back to their seats as he stops in front of Kasumi. Kasumi notices a new scar on Aizawa's cheek.

"While I can't say you did a good job for putting yourself in danger, I will at least say thank you. If you hadn't fought those villains off I would have had a much harder time dealing with them. And thank you for knocking that bird off of me."

Everyone stares at Aizawa in shock as he walks back to the front.

He turns back suddenly and says,

"Keep staring at me and I'll expel you."

The rest of the class goes by without a hitch as Kasumi tries to get back into the swing of things after a few weeks off.

Kasumi is currently walking back home after school, having stopped by a convenience store and grabbing a fried chicken breast and a roll to make a chicken sandwich. She takes the last bite and finds the nearest trash can to throw away her wrappers and soda bottle.

As she drops the soda in the recycling…


A building a few blocks away suddenly collapses after an explosion.




Three more follow after as a man with a hat that says "C4" on it runs away from the explosions with a wild smile on his face.



Two F-rank heroes yell out as they see him. One of them starts running the opposite direction of the trouble.

Kasumi starts running towards the danger without a second thought. As she's running she weighs in on what the heroes said,

'He said D-rank, not high D-rank so it might be safe to assume his level is around mine if not a little above. I hope I don't have to fight him, but if I do at least I know I can hold on at least a little. Hopefully his quirk is similar to Bakugo's.'

Kasumi gets to the first collapsed building and uses her quirk to start moving building pieces out of the way, hoping to be able to save at least a few people from the rubble.

As she moves a big piece of ceiling, she sees a woman who's knocked unconscious, and her arm is trapped. She first looks at her arm to see if it's been crushed, because if it has she'll have to wait for a healing hero so this woman doesn't bleed out.

Luckily, her arm isn't crushed or even trapped, it's just a little tight.

She gently lifts the piece of rubble off the woman's arm using one of the mystic hands and pulls the woman out with her other.

She checks her over to see if she has any other injuries and notices a broken wrist, possible fractured ribs, and a nasty head wound that probably knocked her out.

She gently picks her up, making sure to not injure her wrist any more, and puts her on the sidewalk.

At this point, rescue heroes have started to arrive. One of them, an older man with an excavator mech notices Kasumi.

"Young lady, leave this to us. You did a good job getting her out, but you can't stay in a danger zone any more."

Kasumi bows and says,

"Thank you! Just so you know, two heroes earlier identified the man who caused this as someone called Satchel Charge."

The man nods his head and says,

"Thank you for that info. That bastard's a pain in the ass because any time he's found he causes a mass cas- Whoop! There I go ramblin' again! Hehehe! Anyways, you should get going now. If you haven't done your internship yet, you should look into Escadrill. He takes kids who want to do rescue work."

The old man noticed Kasumi's UA uniform and decided to do some advertising.

Kasumi runs off, away from the danger zone and eventually arrives home, where she proceeds to make herself a warm glass of tea with silver flakes in it.


AN: short chap cuz i had work

my achilles tendons hurt

i shleep