Evil Moves in the Shadows

In a certain hidden bar, a man with a hairless arm and hands covering his entire body sips on a whiskey while scratching his neck. A misty shadow-butler washes an already cleaned glass as the man sips. His sickly blue hair and hunched back show an incredibly unhealthy lifestyle, paired with obvious mental issues. The boy starts grunting and throws the glass across the room.

"Graaaah. FUCK!"



The butler uses his quirk to remove the glass shards from behind the bar and calmly states,

"Kaneda Kasumi. She's currently the first ranked student in class 1-A with enough strength to be classified as a D-rank hero. She has a quirk known as "Mystic Hands" that allows her to create some sort of energy and shape it into various shapes. Her quirk also requires a steady supply of iron as it uses the iron in her body to create said energy. It also apparently gives her incredibly sturdy skin compared to others."

He hands a piece of paper with Kasumi's profile on it to Tomura Shigaraki, leader of the League of Villains.

The blue-haired man-child reads it over a few times before he rips it up in anger and says,


Kurogiri shakes his head,

"I'm afraid I do not know. This must be a new ability that developed during her time of need. It seems something we did caused her to undergo a pseudo-awakening. Speaking of your arm, the doctor said he needs to see you again soon to make sure the regeneration is not suffering from any side-effects."

Tomura gets calm randomly and says,

"Oh. Let's go today. Get more information on this Kasumi girl. Let's see if we can't find a way to keep her from interfering during our little summer get-away."


Kasumi's past few weeks have been relatively uneventful. The sports festival has been rescheduled for a later date following Mineta's passing to allow for even further security to be added. Kasumi has been buying any weapon she can get her hands on no matter how weird. Her parents bought her a small warehouse to use as a training ground for her and her friends, as well as a way for her to store her small armory. Kasumi has been training herself on boxing for the longest time, and studying her weapons during her breaks.

Her most studied weapon is the flamberge zweihander and something known as a tri-blade knife.

The flamberg is a greatsword with a waved blade that allows for more smooth cutting. She chose this one to help in incapacitating villains whose hands are weapons, such as Tomura.

The Tri-blade is similar to the M48 Cyclone of our world. It has three blades that curve in on each other to form the tip. She chose this one as a way to quickly end a fight, as wounds caused by this blade are incredibly difficult to stitch up, making this her method of attacking with intent to kill. She chose this because of the fact that the man who tried to kill Tsu got away and most likely survived. Next time, she will absolutely kill him!

Kasumi doesn't like killing. In fact, the memories of that day have kept her up at night ever since. However; that's a different story for people who threaten her loved ones. She blames Mineta's death on Tomura, as well as the lingering trauma Tsu was going through. Honestly, she finds Tsu's trauma to be of bigger concern than Mineta's passing, but she uses it to justify her mindset.

That man is the one man she wouldn't mind killing. She thinks about him as she punches the punching bag her parents bought her. Each punch makes a loud slamming noise that reverberates around the entire warehouse. Anger wells up inside her as her punches get more and more serious, shaking the entire setup of the bag. Then, she remembers him touching Tsu's face and she punches with a little bit of energy coating her hands.


She punches the bag with enough force to rip it in half and spills sand all over the ground. She comes back to reality and hits herself on the head,

"Dammit! That's the third one!"

As she beats herself up over losing her temper, a knock sounds on the front door of the warehouse. She quickly walks over and opens the door. It's Deku. She lets him in, and he heads over to the punching bag area. He notices the sand on the ground and says,

"Jeez, I guess you still haven't gotten over it?"

She sits down on the couch in the resting area of the warehouse,

"Ugh, no. Every time I imagine his ugly mug I just wanna destroy everything. I swear the next time I see captain handjob I'm gonna kill him."

Deku is about to say something but is interrupted by Kasumi,

"I know, I know. A hero shouldn't want to kill anyone. But, unlike you, I have people that mean more to me than being a hero. Imagine if that man almost killed your mom."

Deku, who was lightly punching the bags, suddenly punches as hard as possible and hurts his wrist.

"See? That's what I feel like. That man is my arch-enemy. He's the All for One to my All Might. He's the Muscular to my Water Hose. And to be honest, I want him dead more than I want Muscular and All for One dead combined."

Deku rubs his wrist and sighs,

"You know, I can't really understand the feeling of wanting to kill someone, and I can't really understand what it's like to kill someone. But, I can tell you that this is unhealthy. It's a good driving force to help build up your quirk and as motivation for training, but what happens after you do actually kill him? Are you gonna stop training afterwards? If you already declare him your arch-enemy, what's gonna drive you after him?"

Kasumi scoffs and says,

"I trained like this before that cunt ever showed up. I just didn't have the proper equipment because it's illegal to use your quirk if you're not a hero or a student. But you do make a good point. He's not gonna be my enemy forever. I'll probably just reach for the stars and try to become the number 1 hero. I mean, if you shoot for the stars, you'll at least reach the sky!"

Deku laughs a little,

"Hah! Corny quotes aside, you do make a good point. But, you'll have some stiff competition from me, Kachan, and that Todoroki kid."

Kasumi attempts to stifle a laugh, but is unable to,

"Pft… BAHAHAHA! You, Bakucunt, and Icy-hot? You guys'll have to grow a lot stronger to classify me in with you! Hahaha!"

Deku gets red in the face and goes back to punching the bags,

"Yeah, I may be unable to properly use my quirk now, but when I'm able too I'll be a big rival for you! Just you wait!"

Kasumi looks at Deku with a warm smile,

'Heh. Good. I want you to be stronger so I don't have to worry about you anymore.'

Kasumi loves Deku. Not in a romantic way, but more like a little brother. Growing up as an only child deprived her of actually being an older sis, but she's always treated Deku like a brother. During the whole attack on UA she was worried about four people: Tsu, Uraraka, Thirteen, and Deku. Any time he uses his quirk and is hurt by it it makes her sad. Seeing him and Bakugo fight always made her angry because the bastard was especially a prick to Deku.

"I'll protect him Ms. Midoriya."

She mutters under her breath.


AN: no romance for deku. MC is a lesbian pretty much and deku aint femboy enuf.

Kasumi will have a power jump soon so expect that.

there'll be less romance from here on because im not writing a romance novel.

lemme know if you want an evil kasumi story