Chapter 7

A/N: Just in case you skip the a/n at the last chapter, go back and read it.


Skylar's pov

I entered my room, looking around till my eyes saw what it was searching for. But I was kind of shocked. What I saw was a person, lying on my bed, body shaking in a way to know that the person was..... crying? I sighed. So spiritual beings do cry. That's new.

I walked over to where she was and as if someone had pressed 'play' she sat up and started wiping her eyes.

"I can't believe a mortal saw me cry." She mumbled, furiously wiping the tears from her eyes. "Mom is so gonna be mad at me."

I looked at her. She really must fear her mom alot.

"Your mom, you fear her alot." I said, wanting her to talk. I've heard about the way she speaks of her mom and although she said it's out of love, I believe that it's out of fear. I heard her chuckle, which is probably a good sign that she will talk.

"Yeah. I'm so damn scared of her. I just want to do everything to make her proud cuz she's been there for me. But no matter what I do, she'll never be happy with it. The last time I made her angry, she sent me to Tartarus. Men I hate that place." She rambled. I was shocked. I honestly wasn't expecting her to say this much. So I decided to ask questions, but careful. Seeing her so open can be a once in a life time thing for me since she's so, you know, godly. "Uhm... So what about your dad?" I asked nervously. I've never heard her talk about her dad.

"Urgh... Forget him. He's too godly to care about his daughter." Well that was strange. I wanted to ask what she meant but she continued, "He always wants me to do the right thing and I don't know how to. I've only spent time with my mother learning chaos-y things to know how to make peace. Find then come and teach me how to do good stuff since I'm the supreme goddess, I have to balance the scale but no, he wouldn't. And when I don't do things right, he punishes me like throwing me into this hell whole and also making me loose Caeser." She rambled angrily, but at the end she broke down into tears when she mentioned Caeser. I really felt bad for her. I put my hand on her back, trying to comfort her. I really don't know what to say cuz stuff like this don't happen at all. Then as if a switch was turned, she pushed me off. "It's ok. Gosh, what am I turning into. I can't cry in front of a moral. I'm a goddess, a supreme goddess. I can't be seen crying, it's a weakness and I'm not supposed to have one at all." She to herself, like as if she was giving herself a pep talk or something. Then she inhaled and exhaled and went back to lying down. I smiled. She might act all high and mighty, but she's still a 16 year old girl. With that though in my head, I lyed close to her and drifted of to sleep.


Alexa's pov

I woke up to an annoying ringing. Opening my eyes, I saw Skylar's alarm clock. I groaned then snapped my fingers, and it was gone. I turned to my side, it was empty. It's always empty. Since the last three days I've been here, she wakes up before me. Reluctantly, I got up and went to the bathroom to start my morning routine. Something I've gotten used to in just three days. After that, I went to the make up table. Not that I need any makeup, I'm pretty already, I just needed to look at my face to give my self some pep talk to get myself through this day. Urgh, when is my punishment be over. How will I know it even over? Will I like disintegrate or I'll just disappear, or some kind of magic door will just open? I'm so confused. I hate the fact that my powers are limited. I mean how is that possible. I'm the supreme goddess. Its not supposed to happen. Urgh!!!!!!

After getting ready, I went downstairs.

Why is she taking so long to come down?

What's wrong with Andrew?

I can't believe she did that.

I wonder what that goddess girl can do. Can she make me popular?

I hope mom will give me some extra money to buy candy.

Where's Dusta?

I should probably tell Sky to get Alexa.

What's this about my favorite sport losing in the papers.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I'm hearing all their thoughts. It's not as if it's new, but now, it's like their mind is more open. Man this is bad. I never really practice this. I only know how to hear thoughts of pain suffering death but non of this people looks like they are suffering. Except Andrew. I think there is something wrong with his face.

I think Samantha just broke up with me over text message.

So now I'm gonna be hearing that. Yay me. I usually focus but now I think I don't need to cuz now I hear it. Just hope I don't go crazy.

I went to sit, next to Skylar. "Took you long enough." She said.

"Well good morning to you too." I said sarcastically. Mrs. Grey came in. "Oh Skylar, how are you. I was about to send Skylar to get you." She said. I just smiled. Then we are. I couldn't eat because I was hearing their thoughts. And wasn't good, especially when Sylvester is thing about asking me out. Eww, going out with a mortal. As if living with them isn't bad enough. I sighed, standing up to leave the table to go outside. I was going to take the bus so I waited for Skylar to come out and then we used the door to school.

School was the same but it was as if they were looking at me with some kind of fear. It was kind of strange but u liked it. Good. It's time they give me some respect as the goddess I am. But even if I was happy with the look, I was kind of curious. Why are they looking at me like that?

"Why are they looking at me like that?" I asked Skylar. She chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her neck.

"Uhm..well yesterday when you and Michael were arguing, you froze time. And uhm..out of, whatever you were feeling yesterday, you uh..ran away and when you left..." She gulped. It was as if she was finding it difficult to talk. I decided to save her energy and just read her thought.

They thought you were a Witch when they didn't see you.

"A WITCH?!!" I yelled, making everyone look at me.

"Yes that. They thought you were...wait how did you know I was going to say witch?" I didn't bother to answer her. I was mad. How could they think that I'm a witch. Those stupid annoy creatures with their brooms and books and spells. Do I looked like one?

"How dare all of you think I'm a stupid witch, huh? Do I look like one? Do I smell like one. I am a go....." I felt a hand over my mouth, making me shut up.

"Never mind her" Skylar said. I snapped my fingers and everything froze. Turning to her I glared at her. "Why?"

"You can't just go around telling people you're a goddess."

"Well what do you want me to do, let then think that I'm some kind of scrawny witch?" I yelled. I really had a thing about witches. They disgust me. They are all under my mom cuz you know, they do bad things. It's quite annoying that she has them around her.

"Do have have something against witches?"

"That's non of your business."

"Well you can just wipe their memories."

"I told you, it'll leave a gap in their mind which could eventually kill them." I explained. It was silent.

"Well what if you like put in a different memory. Just like what you did to Mrs. Honeywell."

"Well that could work." I said. I closed my eyes to picture yesterday's event. Pictured me freezing time and running out. Then I changed it. To me running out. How embarrassing. A goddess, running away from her ungrateful angel. Sigh. After I was done, I unfroze time. Then Caeser came.

"So you changed what happened, huh?" He taunted. I just sighed.

"I know you probably hate me now so please, let's just stay away from each other till we resolve our problem, 'kay?" He chuckled. Then he left. I really didn't want to do anything so I just went with Skylar to do what every mortal here do. Learn.