Chapter 8

"Gosh, you mortals are boring." I complained. It was lunch time and everybody was busy with their daily lunch routine. I sat with Skylar and her best friend, Violet, who by all means, wants me to have a brother so she can date him since she believes he'll be good looking since I am. Crazy right?

Anyways, skylar had begged me to allow her tell Violet that I'm a goddess. I didn't mind since I actually wanted everyone to know who I am so I can be given the respect I deserve, but no, she said telling people would be a bad idea. How, I still don't know.

"So what to you spiritual beings do?" Violet asked, clearly excited for something new. That's why I like her. She doesn't care as longs as she has fyn, while Skylar reminds me of my dad. Boring.

"Usually, Caeser and I would find a mortal to torture." I said casually and her excitement fell. "Seriously?"

"Yup." I said, popping the 'p'. She looked at me. Disbelief all over her face. Then she wiped it off, her excitement coming back. "So who's Caeser?"

"Apparently, he's my boyfriend." Skylar said for the first time ever since we got here.

"Wait, Micheal?, He's a god too???" She asked shocked.

"Well not really," I said, "he's kinda like my angel."

"Like a guardian angel." I scoffed. Caeser was nothing like a guardian at all. He didn't have the characteristics of one. Not at all. I shook my head. "Then what is he like?"

"I don't know. Just to watch over me"

"That's the same thing as guardian". She said. I just ignored since explaining to her. She's a mortal after all.

I think I should ask the red head out. I heard. I quickly looked at the boy who said it. It was a tall guy who had a dirty blonde hair with grey eyes. And honestly, he was hot. For a mortal that is.

"Uhm.. guys I think some guy wants to ask me out." I said out loud. They quickly turned to me. "Who?" They asked in unison. I pointed to the guy. Then Violet squealed, attracting everyone's attention. I quickly glared at her which earned me a mumble of sorry.

"Sometimes, I think that you have a whistle stuck in you." Skylar grumbled, apparently annoyed by Violet's loud noise.

"I'm sorry but that guy is Marcus. T. Hamelton" she said with another squeal, but not as loud as the previous one.

"And who is that?" I asked, not really interested. Or impressed.

"His father is like, the richest man alive." She said in a 'duh' tone. I scoffed. There's nothing special about him. "Why did you ask by the way?" Skylar asked, probably surprised that I asked about a mortal since, well you know, I don't care.

"Dude wants to take me out." I replied nonchalantly. "What?" V squealed.

"One more squeals and I'll shut you up. For good." I threaten, Wich made her shut it. "Well you should be happy." She said.


"A guy with a lot of cash wants to take you on a date and you don't want." Are you crazy? She said the last part in her mind, knowing better than to say it out.

"I can give him the world so it's not that much of a big deal." I said, "Besides, I can't date him. He's mortal and I'm not." Skylar groaned. "When are you going to stop?"

"Stop what?"

"This mortal thing. It's getting quite annoying." V gasped, shocked at the way she spoke to me. I rolled my eyes. I was already used to it, even though it's not something I'm proud to say.

"And why would I stop?" I question.

"You know you are technically a mortal too since you stay here with mortals." She said emphasing on the mortals.

"I'm not going to argue with you about this again."

"Suit yourself then." She said. She didn't say anything again. Violet and I continued talking.

"Say who do you hate most?" I asked.

"Ashley." They said together, their eyes filled with hatred for whoever that Ashley was. "Why?" "She acts all high and mighty." Violet said.

"And speak of the devil and he shall arrive," Skylar said, "she's coming."

I turned to look at her. She was coming our direction with some girls and how I knew it was her because of the fact that she was at the frin. Most leaders would always like to stay at the front to get all the attention. I didn't like her. Why, cuz she was planning to make me one of her minions. There's no way I'm gonna let that happen.

"Hey" she said.

"What do you want,Ashley?" Violet asked her.

"I didn't come hear for you." She said, then faced me,"I came here for her. How would you like to join our group?"

"No thanks." I said immediately after her question. She looked shocked. Seems like their little group was something will kill to enter.

"What do you mean no thanks?" She asked, confused.

"No thanks means no thanks which means I don't want to be in your little group." I said.

"Why?" Now she looked shocked.

"Cuz it's dumb." I said. Her facial features changed into that of anger. Wow, she looks ugly when she's mad. Damn.

"How dare you." She raised her hand to slap me which made Skylar and Violet gasp. Luckily, I caught her hand before it could touch my face. "Listen here mortal, you really don't want to mess with me. Trust me, you don't. So let's just say that you'll forget about everything that just happened here, Kay?" She looked at me with pure hatred.

"You'll regret this." She seethed. I just smiled which seemed to rile her up the more but didn't do anything. Wise girl. She turned away and did that her flip thingy in my face and walked away. I'll let that one slid. I can't get riled up just because of a punny mortal. I sat down.

"Wow, that was so cool." Violet said. I smiled. I like her. Always seem to be amazed with everything I do instead of some certain someone beside me. Skylar scoffed. See what I mean. Unimpressed.

"Thanks." I smiled. Then the bell rang.

"Well see you soon girls." Violet said. Then she left.


Unknown POV

"Dimitri, you know what to do. Now that Saphari has fallen from her grace, I need you to do two things. Bring her to the dark side, or destroy everything she has. And love." A man said. He was standing quietly in the shadows. Even the young man couldn't even see his back. Just hearing his voice.

"But master, she's not capable of love. She wasn't when she was there. She tortured the mortals. So I'd be surprised if she know what love is." The man chuckled evilly. Then he snapped his fingers and a screen appeared. In it was a video of Saphari, laughing with a girl, and another who sat beside them, or interested. Dimitri was shocked. He never thought that he would be able to see her laugh with a mortal before. Knowing her mother, he was slightly surprised to see her amongst them. Laughing with them too.

"Do you now see?" The man asked. Dimitri looked at the man and nodded. "U won't fail you master." He said and with that he left.