Chapter 9

Alexa's POV

I couldn't sleep. Something was wrong. I looked at Skylar who was sleeping soundly. I smiled. I really don't know why but I really liked this girl. Maybe it's a goddess instinct but I had the urge to protect her, make her smile. It may sound cringey but its true. Then I heard whispers.

Evil will reign....death will come...blood will be everywhere. Evil will reign....death will come...blood will be everywhere.

It was like as if it was being chanted. A wind passed and I shivered. This was seriously not good at all. Then a door appeared. I looked at the door suspiciously. I hand seen this door when my mom was teaching me the art of evil, as she so calls it. It was the door of Lucifer. My mom doesn't like that guy at all. She may be a goddess of chaos and all but she hated total destruction. That's a way to keep the Ballance equal. I feel the only reason she was like this was because she was goddess. If she was a demon, I knew she wouldn't care at all.

I hesitated before I open the door. Then I walked in. I was at a deserted place. It was quiet. I looked around and there was not a soul their. Where am I? I continued walking, searching for a sign of life but their was nothing. Everything here was so dead and wither away. Then suddenly, their was a bright light at the end. I ran towards the light. I kept on running and then I saw people around me. I stopped. They all seemed to be in a trance. What the heck Is happening? I kept on walking forward, then I saw demons. They all seem to be celebrating or so. Then I heard a voice.

"My little demons. It's time we Arise and fight the gods to give us our right to rule the mortal world. We are tired of hiding. We want the mortals to know who we are, to fear us. And with the help of a greater power, well will rule the world. Even if she likes it, or now."

I looked at the person who just spoke. Lucifer. All the demons all jumped up, hailing him. Ten he turned towards my direction and smirked. "See you later oh supreme one." He laughed. And then it was foggy.


We entered school. Everything the same as always. It's so frustrating. How do they cope? I went with my usual activity. Then it was lunch.

"Did you guys hear about the new kid?" Violet asked. Skylar straightened up, seemingly interested in the topic.

"Which new kid." She asked.

"I don't know but I heard he as a British accent." Violet squealed. "And I also heard that he's HOT." Violet said with dreamy eyes. Urgh, mortal girls, always ready to drool over any good looking guy. Typical. Then suddenly, the whole place was in chaos. It seems like the guy was here because that was what u was hearing.

Oh my God!! He's HOT.

I need to make him my boyfriend.

I think I soak myself.

I want to marry him.

I groaned. I never knew hearing people's thought could be this annoying. Eww. This girls are crazy. I can't believe this.

Gosh, he's yummy. I heard Violet's voice. I looked at her. Double eww. This girl is another crazy. Then I heard one which made me smile.


It came from Sky. At least, she's the only sane person here. I thought she was interested. I think this girl is bipolar or something.

Finally I was able to see the guy that made everyone drool and what I saw made me gasp.

"Dimitri." I whispered. What the hell is he doing here? Why is he here? How is he here? What made him come here? And who the hell is watching Tatraus's gate? A million questions were in my mind as to why this idiot was here. My mind was clouded with thoughts until I heard someone speak. " You know him?" I looked up and saw Violet and Skylar, looking at me curiously.


" The new guy?"

"No. I've never seen him before." I lied. But the look on their faces showed me how much of a great lier I am.

" But you just called his name."

"No I didn't." I said. Then sighed. "Ok look, I know him but I'll advice you about one thing: stay away from him." I warned.

"Why? Is he like some god or something?" V asked. Seriously, can't this girl stay away from a cute guy she just saw. And now I'm say Dimitri is cute. How great.

"No he's not. He's the Tartarus gate keeper." I said which earned gasps from both Skylar and Violet.

"Are you sure?" Violet asked which made me glare at her. Seriously, what's her problem? I was about to say something when I felt another person's presence. I looked up and saw Dimitri, smirking at me. Great.

"What do you want Dimitri?" I asked in a bored tone. I was actually bored because I know nothing good comes out of him.

"Aww, is that how you greet a long time friend, Saphari?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. He's nothing like my friend. He isn't close to being called my friend.

"Why are you here?" I asked again, hoping to get an actual answer.

"I'm here to school." He replied. I looked at him suspiciously. "Since when do you care about school?"

"Since now."

"Who's watching Tartarus gate?"

"Don't worry about that Saphari."

"Wait, your name is Saphari?" Violet asked.

"Yes. And I don't answer Saphari here. It's Alexa." I said and he smirked. "Aww, what a pretty little name for a pretty little goddess." He said. Gosh I hate this guy so much.

"Dimitri?" We heard and we turned back to see Caeser, holding a tray of food.

"Wassup Caese, how you doing?"

"Seriously, Caese, that's what you want to call him."

"What? It's the short form of Caeser." He defended, pouting. I scoffed. Ever so childish.

"What ever. Besides, I don't even answer Caeser here. It's Michael." Caese....I mean Micheal said.

"What?!" Dimitri exclaimed, catching the attention of people. I sighed. Another drama. "What's with you two changing your name. Is it some kind of code to keep you guys undercover? Wait, am I supposed to change mine?" He rambled. I groaned.

"Is he always dramatic?" Skylar asked.

"You have no idea." I mumbled. "So when are you going back?"

"Wow you really want me gone." He said. "Or you just want to follow me there to stay again. Although this time, what will be your reason. Last time you were here for that dumboo over there." He said pointing to Caeser. I looked at Caeser who froze before looking at me, emotions running through his eyes that I cold not read. Urgh, what's wrong with me? I know every emotion that every one has so why can't I know his own? Actually, I don't seem to know anyone's emotion at all. This is frustrating.

I looked at him again and saw his hard face. How nice. Now he's going to pretend like he didn't care. I was still looking at him till he walked away. I sighed. This is one thing I can't ignore. His hatred towards me. Then I looked at Dimitri with so much anger. "You just had to ruin everything." I said sarcastically.

"What? I didn't do anything. He's supposed to know what you did for him because the idiot is an ungrateful asshole." He said.

"Well thank you for your help because now he's going to think I'm flaunting everything I did for him to make him look like he's bad." I spat.

"Thank you very much and let him think such because he's actually bad for him to still hate you for something that can be unavoidable." I just groaned. My whole life just got worst.