4. Pissed

Ana's pov

To say I was pissed would be an understatement. Mrs. Oberoi sadly watched her grandson stomping out of the house, if it wasn't for Rudy holding me than I would have lashed out at him more. No one spoke, no one dared to, because they could tell from the tension hanging in there that I was pissed.

I took deep breathes and then looked at Pa, his eyes told me that he too didn't want this. Why can't Ma understand that I don't want to get married ?. Ma looked guilty and when she noticed that out of all people my brown orbs were fixed at her she opened her mouth to speak.

But before she could utter another word, " I know you want the best for me, but this was a low blow Ma." I stated my tone polite but message clear. I left the dining room and went to my room to shower and then sleep. I had had enough of bull shit and I simply wanted to sleep. I changed into my pjs when I heard a knock on my door. Rudy entered in, knowing full well that I wanted someone with me right then.

"You ok?"

"I will be." I told him knowing full well that it's no use in lying to him. I felt bad for my behavior with Mrs. Oberoi so I went downstairs and apologized to her and bid her goodbye. Yes she was forcing me, but still my behavior wasn't justified. It was justified with her grandson though.

Veer's pov

What kind of sick family this is?. Their daughter didn't even know that they have arranged a marriage for her. And Nani offered to my hand, why didn't she tell me? I remember when I went to Baveno to sign of certain deals, Nani was taking of business here in India. I am sure that must be the time when she offered them to marry me.

Agreed that I was rude to her because she was just as clueless as I was. May be she was completely clueless of everything. And when did Shorya Bajaj denied. At that point I was pissed at Nani, how can she do that. When Shorya had already declined the proposal why did she bother coming here.

I wonder what she saw in that woman. Agreed she was looking beautiful, especially the maroon color made her look more flawless and it contrasted well with her milky white skin. Her brown eyes and with the way she walked and talked she looked sexy. Men would be throwing themselves at her feet, that I could vouch for. She was definitely beautiful and when the way she spoke she was smart and intelligent as well. But she shouldn't have talked to Nani like that, yes it was our fault, but only a part of it. Her family hid it from her.

God my mind was a mess and I needed to get out of there. Shit I even left Nani behind and when I turned my back to enter into the house I was shocked.

Ana was walking Nani outside and from the looks of it Nani was completely drawn into her spell and then I noticed that she had changed her clothes.

Rudra was following them and hugged Ana in goodbye. He said something into her ear which caused her to chuckle and she nodded. Placing a light peck on her head he came out of the house. He brought Nani to my car and a brief eye contact with me that was enough to tell me that we would be talking about it.

We reached Rudra's place and Nani went to her room since she tired but I knew she was sad since Ana denied her, but I couldn't blame her as well. I knew Nani was forcing her, so technically she wasn't at fault. But still somewhere her insisting hit my ego, since I had never faced rejection so this was new to me.

But before Rudra could talk to me I held my hand and bid him goodnight, he took the hint and simply nodded, much to his reluctance he let it go.

It was the next morning when I got ready to meet the chief programmer of the Haynes corporartion and I wanted to get this deal and start this project as soon as possible. I got ready and was waiting in the conference room for the the lady to arrive. She wasn't late I was just early on time. I am always a punctual man and tardiness is something that I hate in people.

The door clicked and then I heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor. I was sitting with my secretary who stood up to greet the person.

"Good morning, Ms. Bajaj." And then the familiar voice greeted back had my brain freeze for a moment.

There she was standing in her formal dark blue navy dress, her hair tied my in an open pony tail, her makeup natural and light brown shade covering her lips with a formal smile as her hand came out to shake in greeting. Shit, how come I didn't connect the dots.

She is Ananya A. Bajaj, the girl who rejected me and the girl who I would be signing the deal with. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Ana was the short for Ananya, though I am a smart businessman for the first time in my life I felt like a complete fool.

We talked about the project and I had to agree the woman was intelligent and smart. Especially when she was giving her presentation, and tilting her head with a smile when someone would ask a silly or stupid question. Her behavior was completely professional, never once she showed that she was bothered was by our last encounter. She was great at what she did, now I knew.

The meeting ended at a good note and we would be having the project plan in the next month. This was the first project that was based on network security and I knew Haynes co-operation was great in tele sector. With the presentation I was very much impressed and I knew that my money was in good hands. 500 million dollars was a big deal, so I had to be double sure.


"How did the meeting go?" Rudra asked taking a sip of his whiskey as he handed me a glass of the same.

"I didn't know her name was Ananya." I said as he smiled.

"Ana is her pet name. Only her loved ones are allowed to say it. For others it's Ananya."

"I see you are impressed."

"She is good at her job. Never once she bought the topic of last night or showed any anger or bitterness towards me."

I looked at my best friend smiling softly at me that looked creepy a the moment. I knew this look and I knew what was coming.

"What?" I barked.

"You like her."

"No, I don't. I am just impressed by her professionalism." I stated seriously, but he chuckled. If someone would hand me a gun, I don't mind shooting him in the balls.

I was regretting praising Ananya in front of him.

"Of course you are." He said, the creepy look not leaving his face.

"Hey, by the way are you free tomorrow ?"


"Great so you are coming with us." A new voice interrupted us. There was standing my Nani at the hall with a look as if she had just won an award.

"And where are we going ?" I stated clearly anticipating that I wasn't going to like the answer.

"Ana's house. They are having a puja at their house at noon. And we are invited." She almost shrieked.

"Nani, I know what you are doing, but trust me it's not going to happen. I am not going to marry her."

"We'll see about that." Her voice was too excited and it sent creeps down my body, and then I knew I was fucked and my friend cum asshole framed me.

Why did I ever said that I was free tomorrow. I almost cried. Now I would have to make sure that I am at my best behavior since she's my business partner.
