5. Get married in 10 days.

Veer's pov

We got ready to join the function at Ananya's place and Nani was very muc excited to go there. According to her she was going to convince Ana for this marriage and soon when we would get married she would be able to see her great grand children. I neevr wanted to get married and Nani's constant nagging was getting on my nerves. Even Rudra said that his ship was sailing, he was so excited and he could already see his both best friends in the wedding hall, sharing the sacremental vows. We arrived at the mansion and I was greeted with Mr' Bajaj and his eldest son Shorya Bajaj. We had signed the deal with their company, not because I was interested in his sister, because I had seen his proposal, it was realy great and Shorya Bajaj was a renowed businessman in the industry. He had taken over his father a few years back and had expanded the empire in almost the entire Asia.

We entered the house and unknowingly my eyes wandered over the hall to and then my gaze stuck to one person. I didn't know why. There she was standing in her long light green kurta, her hair braided in a fish tail, as usual her makeup light as she talked to her younger brother animatedly. As if feeling my gaze at her back, she turned her head into my direction and our eyes locked. It wasn't the accident eye contact that was going to turn awkward, it was as if we acknowledged each other's presence.

A bright smile adorned her lips, and her face lit up and she made her way towards me and I could swore my heart stopped beating for a millisecond. There was just something in that woman that you just can't stop admiring her once you see her.

"Rudy." She voiced to her best friend who shouted her name with an equal zeal and then pulled her into his chest and twirled her around as she laughed loud.

For a moment I thought she opened her arms to me, how wrong I was. Her lavender and vanilla smell was hitting my nostrils when she backed away from her best friend and looked at me.

"Mr. Oberoi."

"Ms. Bajaj."

"Wow, how sweet is your greeting guys You almost made me cry." Came Rudra's sarcastic reply. Ananya rolled her eyes and then before she could talk someone called her name as she walked away, excusing herself.

"I know she looks beautiful, but stop ogling at her." He whispered in ear and I almost punched him in the face.

was I attracted towards her ? Yes.

Did Rudra need to know that? No.

"I wasn't ogling at her." I scoffed.

"Liar liar, pants on fire." He said in sing song voice that I conveniently ignored.

Rudra cursed under his breath and I looked at him quizzed. Her made a motion with his head and I followed his line of vision that he was pointing at an old woman who was talking to Mrs. Bajaj. I remember her, she was Mr. Bajaj's mother and that meant she was Ananya and Shorya's gradmother.

"What about her?" I asked curiously.

"That lady is another name for trouble. Especially for Ana."

"She blames Ana for her son's death and believes that Ana is my mistress." He said his tone angered full of distaste.


"When Ana came here after Anahita aunty's death, she never liked her. She is one of the reasons Ana left India."

"Who's Anahita?"

"Ana's mother." My eyebrows rose in surprise as he nodded.

" Anahita aunty was Anand Uncle's sister. So when she died Anand uncle brought Ana to Mumbai. Everyone in the family accepted her, especially Shorya, but this oldie didn't. You know she never misses any chance to humiliate Ana."

It took me a while to digest the information given by Rudra, because I would have never guessed that Ananya wasn't their real daughter. Some of her facial features are same as Anand Bajaj. And the way she carries herself I wouldn't have guessed that she even knows the pain of losing a loved one. Guess I was wrong.

Also since that dinner we haven't had any argument between in fact I have grown respect to that woman.

"You are a curse. You killed my son. You are not worthy of being loved. You can never lead a family or a happy life." A screaming voice interrupted my chit chat with Rudra and we both looked at the direction of voice.

There the oldie was screaming at Ananya and Ananya was simply standing mute, but from what I could see, I knew she was holding back, she wasn't going to insult her grandmother in the house full of people.

"I have had enough of your nonsense. Just because I am respecting you that does not give you any fucking right to say anything about my daughter. And my daughter is capable of love. She is worth it. And she will get married. to the man who will love her immensely, who will accept her with all her flaws and perfections." Mrs. Bajaj said defending Ananya. Rudra was trying hard to control and the only thing holding him back was my iron grip on his arm.

"Rudra, Mrs. Bajaj will handle it. Stay out of it." I hissed. As much as I too wanted to break her nose for saying such mean things to Ananya, I knew that wasn't my place to speak. Neither was Rudra's.

"She can't marry anybody, and no one will love her." The woman laughed maniacly as she demeaned Ananya more. Mr. Bajaj and Shorya also jumped to her defense. They didn't want to create more ruckus but the woman was having none of it.

I guess this was the end of Mrs. Bajaj when she shouted and the whole hall went complete silent. But what was more shocking was the color that drained from Ananya's face. From my view she was standing just in front of me and I saw her eyes glistening woth tears. Her eyes full of pain.

"MY ANA WOULD GET MARRIED and WITHIN TEN DAYS". This time no one spoke, all the guests left and the only people that stayed in the hall were Bajaj family, Rudra, Nani and I.

Mrs. Bajaj turned to her pale daughter and said, "I know how you feel about marriage but I meant every word that I said. I want to you to get married but if you still deny it, I will not force you."

Her voice full of mother's affection, something that I always missed ever since my parents died. Ananya was lucky, though she didn't have her real mother, she had a new mother. She forced a smile, trying to mask her pain as she voiced herself.

"I know what are you saying Ma, but if this is something that you want I will agree. I will marry within 10 days."

I could see that she was holding back her tears . I saw hurt , pain , agony in her eyes as if she is broken. Before anyone could say anything she wished everyone good night and stormed towards her room, knowing if she stayed there even for a minute, she would burst into tears.