6. I am broken.

Ananya's pov

I closed the door behind me with a soft bang, and was about to dwell myself in the agony when someone knocked. I knew it who it was, at least that's what I thought but to my utter surprise there stood the person I was least expecting to come to me.

"Mrs. Oberoi." I acknowledged my tone curt yet polite, seriously I was in no mood for any of this marriage shit and the last thing I wanted to do was to snap at the old woman.

"How are you dear?" Her voice held one thing that I hated.

Pity, sympathy.

"I am fine. Just need some rest." My tone was firm, a clear disguised statement telling her to back off so that I could spend some time alone, but fate had other plans.

"I heard what your grandmother said." Tone laced with pity and I controlled the urge to snap.

"Mrs. Oberoi, I appreciate your concern but the last thing I want is pity from you or anyone for that matter. So I suggest you give me space and respect my privacy."