7. Promise or threat ?

Ananya's pov

I woke up to a massive headache, and found it hard to even open my eyes. Standing in the front of the mirror I took in my appearance, my eyes were puffy, cheeks were stain with dry tears and skin was pale. I looked horrible, as if I had just lost the love of my life.

But technically my situation was like that only, Ma wanted me to find the love of my life so that I could live a happy life, which was far from what I wanted. As I took the medicines, the moments from last day came rushing down in my mind. And I realized how rude I was to Mrs. Oberoi.

Yes she pushed me to my limit, but still it didn't justify my behavior towards her. I shouldn't have been disrespectful towards her. I made a mental note to apologize to her later. I got ready to leave for the office, not my office, I could do my work from home. I was going to meet Shori at his office. It had been quite a time since I had a chat with my brother.