"You don't have to decide right away," he said nervously afraid to keep eye contact.

She gazed up on his face that floated high above her in amazed. She was surprised at the sudden whisper of his question. That was a question that snuck up on her, one that got her frozen in thoughts, one that she wanted to answer right away.

“Why?” she asked. Out of all the questions in her mind she had to ask that one, after all she knew only a little of herself so what exactly caught his eyes that drove him to the edge of asking her out. Was she that inviting, that friendly, that approachable? She wanted to know his motive, she wanted to know what grabbed his attention, what thing or part of her got him needing more of her.

He shyly turned his head and replied, "Because I like you."

"Dr. Adam's, what's your full name?" she asked as she looked down at his ID with an intriguing look.