Chapter 26

#Chapter 26 (Arina) – Ronnie’s Mate

They mated.

Erick mated with my 16-year-old half-sister, Ronnie. This was not something I wanted sprung on me right now. The fact that one of Jonathan’s best friends mated with someone in my family that I don’t trust whatsoever. Now he’s all defending her and telling me I need to give her a chance.

Like hell, I’d do that.

“Arina?” Jonathan said, trying to calm me down.

I’ve been fuming and walking back and forth for the whole hour after they all left. I’m not even sure what to say at this point. This is all too much for me, and on top of that, I’m PREGNANT.

“Arina!” Jonathan said again, this time louder.

I stopped pacing to look at him.

“You are getting so worked up over this,” he said.

“He mated with Ronnie, Jonathan. Ronnie!” I yelled.

“I get that. I do. But maybe he’s right. Did you ever actually speak to Ronnie?” He asked.