Chapter 27

#Chapter 27 (Arina) – Photography in Silverside

Silverside was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. It was a city of silver concrete skyscraping buildings that practically touched the clouds. The roads were made from freshly paved cement and were filled with tons of rush-hour traffic.

I had never seen this many cars in my life; I’ve lived in the countryside my whole life that I almost forgot that cars existed. Except for Jonathan’s, but we don’t use it that often. Just as there were many cars on the roads, there were probably more people swarming the streets.

Looking over at Jonathan, he seemed to be just as amazed as I was.

Rolling down the window I was hit with the scent of street food from a nearby vendor. They seemed to be selling hot dogs and fried dough. I’ve never tasted fried dough before, but I knew Natalie at the bakery in Sabrebite, has been bragging about her fried dough recipe for a long time.