Elven Cambion

The body was breaking down…

He needed to do something before she melted into a puddle of flesh, and he needed to do it fast.

But there didn't seem to be any way to do so.

From what he could tell, there was someone who was trying to completely remake her vessel itself.

Starting from the ground up.

Her pulse was a mess. The muscles weren't in the best shape after Fire Ether was injected into them.

Though he could tell the purpose of the usage.

Whoever did this to her was apparently trying to alter her 'vitality' rather than stamina. Yang Energy.

Unlike the 'True Breath', a person's Yang Energy related to the physical strength and overall limits.

Rather than rejuvenation and stamina.

The stupid bastards who had tried altering the girl accidentally caused her to use up her calories.

She was practically starving.

Thus, Adam took a 'Forbidden Apple' from the trees in Eden and brought it into reality for her.

He imbued two Divinities into it.

'Sever' from the Sword Goddess and 'Birth' from Goddess Gaia was retrofitted into a new power.

Which happened to be 'Rebirth'.

The 'Forbidden Apple of Divine Wisdom' created from his Blood Essence had a particular power to it.

Able to bring the person who ate it back to life and reform them. On the condition they were still alive.

Adam brought the fruit closer to her mouth…

'Fuck…' Then cursed on the inside. He realised she couldn't chew anything in her current condition.

He put it above her opened her mouth, then crushed the blood-like apple with his bare hand.

The juice flowed into her mouth and assimilated.

Her body had convulsed. Red lines of blood appearing on her skin as the fire was being lit.

But this wasn't enough…

['Adam' is passing his wisdom.]

Even while being blind, Adam was able to see the blue screen. He forgot his Imaginary Attribute.

['Eve' has revealed her True Name and presence.]

Even though he couldn't see her personally, the miracle gamer felt a presence that was behind him.

He grabbed onto it as knowledge flowed into him.

"This is going to hurt…" Adam didn't want to do this to himself, but his desire to save her was too deep.

["I'm… real…"]

He couldn't forget those words. They would haunt him even in his nightmares even in the future.

He touched his ribs, and one of the bones protecting his organs appeared in his hand.

The gamer fell into a world of pain…

The was no describing the feeling of suddenly missing a bone, especially without his immortality.

The glowing human rib filled with Pure Mana hovered above his hand, then planted into her.

Increasing the strength of his 'Rebirth' Divinity.

The myth of Eve being born from Adam's rib was being applied. It changed her on a deep level.

But this still wasn't enough…

"Uh… AAA-!" He stopped her screams before she woke everyone else. Demonic energy had arose.

This power the antithesis of Eve.

Maybe it would've been better if Lilith was the one being reborn, but Eve wasn't a good match for her.

Regardless, he'd already started healing.

All he needed to do now was follow through.

Adam took out five more Forbidden Apples and placed them on her body, then had a thought.

He used his 'Bond' Divinity from Urania.

The gamer could that she was starting to awaken not any Spell Slots, but what's called 'Magic Traits'.

The symbol of a Beast.

Unlike how Spell Slots acted, Magic Traits were passive abilities that were like appendages.

They could make her so much more stronger.

But what was the point in strength?

Maybe someone else might have let the demonic Magic Traits affect her, but Adam wasn't having it.

He fused the 'Bond' and 'Sever' Divinities together.

Thus, creating the 'Extract' Divinity.

Using this new rule that could be applied to the world using Eden, he extracted the fruit she'd ate.

The bloody apple from before reformed above her.

A total of six fruits hovered above her body.

Each of them radiating a different Attribute.

The five elements was the first four and the Forbidden Apple that had reformed above her,

And the last had the powers of Light and Time.

This one was the only one worth returning to her body, but the 'Fire Apple' couldn't be severed.

It looked like that one was too connected with her.

Since he had no choice, the best he could do was confiscate four of the elemental apples from her.

Leaving ones of fire and light.

Adam needed to create a deeper connection with her, so he was willing to sacrifice something of his.

His fractured Mk1 SDCC appeared in his hand.

Stabbing into the red apple filled with Light and Time energy, then assimilating into the fruit.

He crushed the two Forbidden Apples of Divine Wisdom and restarted the process of 'Rebirth'.

Finally letting out a sigh of relief…

Her condition finally seemed stable enough, but it would probably take some time for her to wake up.

The powers of the two apples affected her body.

He could feel the weapon containing his Sword Talent (Special), Slash Sharpening (Special), Basic Shaping (Special). Deity Rank Wood Immortality (Legendary), the Warrior Class White Sword material, and the connection to his territory's Ether.

A near endless amount of external magical energy was reforming her body, turning her into a beacon.

Adam sighed in relief while leaning back…

He wasn't sure how she'd turn out, but now didn't seem to be the time to worry about the small stuff.

It was better to find out her origins first…

She will turn either into a demon or something else.

'Please not a Demon…' He was already having an awkward time trying to ignore Holy Progenitor.

If Simon found he was harbouring a demon, then…

It was better to not think about that stuff…

Adam analysed as the deeply-rooted Qarinah Spirit possessing her was suppressed by Light Mana.

He once again tasted her saliva with his finger, and was able to find out more details in regards to it.

[Detecting traces of an ancient Arabian Succubus Demonic Spirit, also known to many as Qarinah.]

[Spiritual type is 'Hell Realm'. Rather than a shadow of folklore, the possessing demon is a real entity.]

[Warning: Qarinah are known as a possessive and loyal type of Succubus. They are overly attached.]

[Even using any means for their lover's attention.]

'Did it just say loyal?' Adam ignored everything else and focused on that one word. It was good for him.

If he could become the focus of her affection, then wouldn't he be able to fill the holes 'they' had left?

He started to imagine it.

Even though he couldn't tell what she looked like whatsoever, a faceless mannequin appeared in his head… One which was giving his wolf-eared self a lap pillow and giving him endless amounts of love.

A strange feeling started to rise in his heart.

Perhaps thanks to his Pure Mana being added in, a strange transformation was occurring within her.

His senses that were attuned to magic could distinctly sense her form being mostly overwhelmed by the 'Deity Rank Wood Immortality' Skill. It seemed become a different race entirely.

Wood Mana seemed to dominate the Light Mana and Demonic Energy that was within the Qarinah.

He could hear the sound of his fractured Mk1 SDCC splitting in half. Her abilities had differed.

Not checking whether she was awaken or not, he put his hand in her mouth to take saliva again.

This had become a habit…

[Target has formed a 'Companion Gemstone' and 'Spirit Essence'. New race is 25% 'Human', 25% 'Demon', and 50% 'Elf'. The most dominant gene takes priority in the creation of a new life form.]

[You have created a new and unique life form.]

['Companion Gemstone' is the equivalent to a Human's 'Spirit Essence'. It grants the user the power to manifest their spiritual weapons into reality. Excess Mana is now turned into 'Crests'.]

[You have created a 'Cambion Elf' species.]

[Note: Cambions are offspring of Demon and Humans. Their potential exceeds pure-bloods.]

Adam didn't have time to see what a 'Companion Gemstone' was, as it seemed she was entranced.

Without being able to see her expression, a hand grabbed his wrist and brought him closer to her.

"Thank you… But what is your identity?" He heard a click sound of a revolver being put to his head.

But wasn't that supposed to have been fused into a bladed weapon? It didn't seem like his Mk1 SDCC.

He'd yet to digest enough of her body to understand her new abilities, so chose to glare.

Even if his eyes couldn't see her face.

He looked at the silhouette he could perceive using his immense calculative abilities and responded:

"Is this how you treat your saviour?"

"My… saviour…?" It seemed she didn't know what was going on. The grip on her weapon loosened.

Adam lifted her gun to point away from his head and wrapped his arms around her waist, only to realise that she was naked. He wasn't sure if it was because of before, but she definitely felt cold.

The light cyan wolf boy sat her down and explained what had happened from his own point of view.

"I… see…" She kept on speaking slowly.

When he heard this reply, the gamer decided to give her some time to process a few things.

He could sense her body becoming more eased.

Maybe because of his heightened primal nature as a Wolf Beastkin, he became much more focused.

He was about to speak take advantage of her:

"…I-" But he stopped himself from talking midway.

Normally, it shouldn't be that hard for him to bend his morals for a purpose. He'd always done that.

Like when he stopped Lucia when she was a runaway trying to find a place to stay, or when he acted prickly towards his first 'tenants' when they'd first arrived. There was nothing he wouldn't do.

Everything was a mean to an end.

But now… He had to ask if he really wanted to do this. Take advantage of her nature and weakness.

Perhaps this was silly for him to think at this point.

Isn't it normal to do everything you could to achieve an end? What was so bad in doing that?

But lately, he'd seen the repercussions of doing so.

Solaris and Lumina were the result of his extreme actions only bringing him further depths of despair.

Rather than thoughtlessly doing things without thinking of the future, it was better to mature.

Take some responsibility that he could actually do.

Not the type of 'responsibility' where he'd apathetically wait to get caught, but a sense of duty that acted as a conscience. One that would curb his insatiable desire and make him act mature.

Not a scoundrel only pretending to be thoughtful.

Adam wasn't able to read her expression, and he himself hid his face by turning away from her.

It was then he realised she had approached him.

"Weren't you curious about me?" After putting everything in order, she hugged his back joyfully.

Though her intimacy wasn't appreciated.

He pried her hands wrapping his chest off of him with a frown, and heard her disappointed sigh.

He spoke before she could get another word in:

"Why were you telling others the obvious?" His first inquiry didn't really click with her thoughts initially.

"What do you mean…?"

"That you were real." If it wasn't for his blindness, it would have been easy to see her heart melting.

He'd unknowingly made her feel deeply touched.

"Some didn't accept that." She held back from letting her emotions show in her voice, which was enough to make him ignorant of those feelings. He continued without much change in expression:

"They're blind. What kind of nonsense is telling someone they don't exist?" He spoke with irony.

A literal blind man had called them blind.

This time, she couldn't hold back her feelings any longer. She bit her lip, and gazed with great desire.

Accidentally causing one of her abilities to activate.

[You are inflicted with the 'Charmed' ailment.]

Adam felt his body feel a little sluggish, but he had already grown accustomed to resisting debuffs.

His only concern was getting out of it unscathed.

"Release me." The gamer spoke dangerously with clearly provoked eyes. He traumas were triggered.

This always happens to him.

The moment after creating a new connection, the person in question would force themselves on him.

Their ideals… Their emotions…

He was sick and tired with going along with such craziness. Never would he be a pushover again.

SS06 also realised she'd made a mistake.

"Sorry… That was a mistake." She truly wasn't able to control her newfound abilities. It WAS a mistake.

But Adam also couldn't see her regret.

The only thing that registered in his mind was that she was an ungrateful pig. How dare she do this?!

['Charmed' state has been released by originator.]

The miracle gamer felt his body was in his control again, but he'd be a fool to trust her for this.

SS06 realised he was already in a combat stance at that moment. The 'Chintamani Dragon' basic form.

He held his hands together, as if grasping an orb…

'I should have done this from the beginning.' All negotiations had broken down, and she saw it.

The true nature of her life's saviour.

Adam was a man who sincerely distrusted others on a base level, but that emotion had grown too.

Becoming an omnipresent animosity…

Even with his blindness, SS06 could see that he was wary of her. Distrusting. Even hating her a bit.

These complicated emotions made her realise that he had no ulterior motives when he was saving her.

Since you couldn't get hurt without giving trust.

Perhaps it was thanks to her Succubus bloodline's influence, but she realised what she needed to do.

How to disarm him…

"Ah…!" Even without him stepping toward, she made a pained and fearful gasp while falling down.

Adam's orb of Pure Mana vanished at that moment.

A genuine concern arose from hearing such a pitiful voice. This emotion was her opportunity.

SS06 had understood something.

Even though he looked prickly on the outside, there was at least a part of him that worried for others.

"What happened? Let me have a look." He reached out to see how bad her injury was… despite his earlier determination. Even the gamer wasn't the type to attack someone who seemed so pitiful.

"It's fine. Thank you for helping me." She didn't get to say it before, but she was able to speak it now.

SS06's intent was to keep him from noticing this act. Keeping him in the dark about her thoughts.

She was worried he wouldn't accept her desires.

Thus, she put on an act of an innocent maiden.

"…I wasn't actually feeling concerned. Don't you get me wrong." He had suddenly backed away.

Noticing he'd perhaps put his guard too down.

The former test subject noticed his retreat, and decided she wouldn't let go of him so easily.

Her eyes glowing like a hungry wolf…

"I'm so sorry about before." She threw herself to his knees, then acted submissively to tantalise him.

"You're forgiven. So get off of me." Adam still had animosities, so he was still guarded towards her.

Ready to manifest an orb at any time.

SS06 didn't continue to 'push'.

She knew he wasn't the type to exchange sexual favours with someone he was untrusting towards.

And her beauty was useless to appeal to him.

After all, he couldn't see her looks.

But the Cambion Elf wasn't going to give up. She had the spirit of a Qarinah now part of her soul.

A true Demon from the Hell Realm.

If 'push' didn't work, and she couldn't 'pull' using subtle gestures… then she'd straddle the line.

SS06 could sense that he was a person who desired affection. All lust demons could sense that.

Thus, she just needed to 'persuade' him personally.

She put her life in danger and out her head where he would manifest an magic orb. Her hands grabbed his wrists to bring them to her neck. She spoke while trying to sound miserable to him:

"Kill me… It's my fault for this. My carelessness hurt you so…" She squeezed out some teardrops.

"T-that's fine. I'm not angry over it." The way she seemed driven into a corner made him panic a bit.

He wasn't prepared for her to act suicidal.

Adam made sure to be as gentle and soft-toned as possible to deal with the pitiful woman before him.

The gamer felt a great responsibility towards her.

She could use the position she had in his mind to take advantage of him without his knowledge.

But such a position wasn't what she wanted.


"Yeah. I'm-" The only recently graduated virgin felt her chest on his own. How she grovelled to him.

Awakening his sadistic sexual desires…

But he was able to stay firm and keep her away from him. Making sure there was distance.

The former test subject knew she had failed, but her endless desires allowed her to find a solution.

She remembered how he kept on tasting her saliva.


"Don't call me Sir."

"Then what should I call you?"

"Adam… Call me 'Adam Graham'.

"Well… then call me 'Eva Graham'. Anyway, I have a way to make you feel more at ease towards me."

"This better not be any sexual favours." Adam had yet to forget how she used magic on him earlier.

"You need more 'samples' to figure me out. Like saliva and blood, right?" She spoke with purpose.

"…Yeah. And?"

"Let me volunteer my 'samples' to you."

"Oh great, then that could probably work." The gamer had yet to realise the implications of that.

He'd already drawn a line between them earlier.

One that SS06 'accidentally' crossed…

She pressed her lips on his and coiled their tongues together. This making him step back.

Unwittingly finding that she used her body weight to bring him to the ground… after taking his breath.

His mind was growing numb from the stimulation and massive amounts of data flowing into his brain.

When she stopped kissing, he took heavy breaths.

Trying to regain his composure.

But this moment of weakness was all she needed to 'push' harder on the inner sadism kept locked in.

"Hah… Sorry, I didn't know you were a beginner at this." She pretended to be a slut with experience.

Grating on his pride and rubbing his wounds.

Her voice seemingly disappointed.

Then, SS06 acted like she'd just noticed her disrespectful tone and hugged him again:

"I'm sorry… I didn't mean to speak like that." Her hand then 'accidentally' touched on his manhood.

As if she was just trying to leverage something.

Pretending she couldn't sense that he was growing a hard-on the more she was tantalising his senses.

The string of his rationality finally snapped…